college football guru... |

college football guru...


Living Legend
Nov 17, 2011
for those really into college football I would highly recommend On Campus with Bill King on Sirius XM 91. This guy knows more about college football than any ten talking heads on espn. He is on in the morning drive time. Has a lot of great guests and when it comes to recruiting he is off the charts amazing. King is based down in Nashville so much of the focus is on the south but his knowledge is off the charts. He is pretty solid on college hoops too.
bpo57 said:
for those really into college football I would highly recommend On Campus with Bill King on Sirius XM 91. This guy knows more about college football than any ten talking heads on espn. He is on in the morning drive time. Has a lot of great guests and when it comes to recruiting he is off the charts amazing. King is based down in Nashville so much of the focus is on the south but his knowledge is off the charts. He is pretty solid on college hoops too.
he says off the charts a million times during his show... I will say love channel 91 when it's all Cfb talk which is pretty much April to January
Not a huge King Fan...too much shilling stupid products he has an interest in.
Show is ok but is 90% SEC talk and that bothers me. Show in the afternoon featuring Mark Packard is much better.
How much is he paying you?

Yeah I've posted on this site over 800 times yet I'm shilling for a radio show on XM. That said, posts like yours remind me why I don't post here more often.
Not a huge King Fan...too much shilling stupid products he has an interest in.

You're not interested in weight loss, buying tickets to an event, donating to student athletes who've suffered an injury, or buying a camera or other electronics? Seriously, have you ever been to the 615 and the baby space needle?! Geez, some people! :rolleyes:
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Show is ok but is 90% SEC talk and that bothers me. Show in the afternoon featuring Mark Packard is much better.
Show is ok but is 90% SEC talk and that bothers me. Show in the afternoon featuring Mark Packard is much better.

It's Mark Packer not Packard. That would be Billy's son.
for those really into college football I would highly recommend On Campus with Bill King on Sirius XM 91. This guy knows more about college football than any ten talking heads on espn. He is on in the morning drive time. Has a lot of great guests and when it comes to recruiting he is off the charts amazing. King is based down in Nashville so much of the focus is on the south but his knowledge is off the charts. He is pretty solid on college hoops too.

Good stuff thanks for the info! Keep posting please most people here just like messing around. Everyone is here for the same reasons. Look forward to reading more posts
How much is he paying you?
Yeah bpo is a regular on our site. But maybe Rocco was saying it as a joke. Maybe just forgot the sarcastic emoji?
You're not interested in weight loss, buying tickets to an event, donating to student athletes who've suffered an injury, or buying a camera or other electronics? Seriously, have you ever been to the 615 and the baby space needle?! Geez, some people! :rolleyes:

Don't forget his buddy shilling NorthCoast Gambling products and the 24/7 gang obsessing over SEC/Texas/tOSU/Michigan recruits.
2 things:

1. Completely missed my joke.
2. Post more often.

Sorry the post came off as snarky. 100% was not the intention.

No problem. I understand.

Others have made some good points about the product selling and too much SEC talk on his show but in a way both are understandable. The bills have to be paid somehow-every show has commercials. As for the SEC well its easily the best conference in the country and the passionate fan base would seem to dictate more interest from listeners. But King has plenty of talk about Texas, Clemson, FSU, Penn State, Ohio State, Michigan, Oklahoma, several in the PAC-12 etc. Admittedly you're not going to hear much about teams in the northeast like SU.

What amazes me is that King can talk depth chart at all of these schools and then tell you each of their top ten signees for 2014. I also like that he is civil to the callers and let's them make their point unlike some on radio like Mike Francesa, a pompous know-it-all jerk that is wrong a whole lot more than he is right.
No problem. I understand.

Others have made some good points about the product selling and too much SEC talk on his show but in a way both are understandable. The bills have to be paid somehow-every show has commercials. As for the SEC well its easily the best conference in the country and the passionate fan base would seem to dictate more interest from listeners. But King has plenty of talk about Texas, Clemson, FSU, Penn State, Ohio State, Michigan, Oklahoma, several in the PAC-12 etc. Admittedly you're not going to hear much about teams in the northeast like SU.

What amazes me is that King can talk depth chart at all of these schools and then tell you each of their top ten signees for 2014. I also like that he is civil to the callers and let's them make their point unlike some on radio like Mike Francesa, a pompous know-it-all jerk that is wrong a whole lot more than he is right.

That's impressive he can remember that stuff. I'm sure he has a few interns in there pulling info up on his computers, too.

It makes perfect sense that there is more interest with the southern schools (SEC) as well as the other large state schools (Ohio St, Michigan, Penn St, FSU, etc). Football is life, especially in the South. Syracuse is a basketball school right now; in the past it was a football school. I'd like to see things start to balance out more, so I'm hoping Shafer works out.
Believe me, I'd much rather listen to him than Francesa (if he was morning drive). Still, with all the SEC talk, I usually find myself listening to Stern instead.
SUFaninNJ said:
Believe me, I'd much rather listen to him than Francesa (if he was morning drive). Still, with all the SEC talk, I usually find myself listening to Stern instead.
when I first found him maybe like 4 years ago when was with rivals was a better listen used to like have more energy and just be like college football is life. If this makes sense maybe texanmark can allude to what in talking about.
That's when I discovered him. He's not a bad listen, it's just tough getting any info that interests me between the SEC schools and the commercials. It's even worse when you finally hear a caller from the Northeast and they want to talk about UM or UT.
Believe me, I'd much rather listen to him than Francesa (if he was morning drive). Still, with all the SEC talk, I usually find myself listening to Stern instead.

My morning commute...I put it on quickly...usually within 2 mins he is waxing poetically about various wonder elixirs and I move down the dial for some music. If music with a DJ on Sirius can have only a few minutes of commercials per hour why does King's show have essentially 20 mins of commercials and 10 more minutes of infomercials featuring guys shilling (24/7, north-coast, Athlon?). I understand bills have to be paid but Sirius subscribers are paying already to avoid commercials.
My morning commute...I put it on quickly...usually within 2 mins he is waxing poetically about various wonder elixirs and I move down the dial for some music. If music with a DJ on Sirius can have only a few minutes of commercials per hour why does King's show have essentially 20 mins of commercials and 10 more minutes of infomercials featuring guys shilling (24/7, north-coast, Athlon?). I understand bills have to be paid but Sirius subscribers are paying already to avoid commercials.

Fair point but the "content" shows always have more commercials than the "music" channels. Listen to any of the other sports talk shows (Mike and Mike, MLB, NFL, etc.) and it's the same deal. Plenty of commercials with them too. No doubt it would be a better show if they had less commercials.
This morning He was talking about lville entering Atlantic for this coming year and ran down teams and I quote from him "Syracuse is pretty good". Almost lost my cookies
Wow!! That's a first for King never says one word about Cuse football...

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