Conspiracy theory of the day, overheard at the boozer before the game |

Conspiracy theory of the day, overheard at the boozer before the game


Living Legend
Nov 28, 2011
Clemson owns the color orange because they've been a member of the ACC longer than us. They don't like that SU's orange is similar in color/hue so we've been told to change it. It's already started with the color of the orange on the basketball court and also that's why the football team has been wearing blue uni's.

Yup, that's the thinking out there folks. It's been my pleasure to pass it along :eek:
Clemson owns the color orange because they've been a member of the ACC longer than us. They don't like that SU's orange is similar in color/hue so we've been told to change it. It's already started with the color of the orange on the basketball court and also that's why the football team has been wearing blue uni's.

Yup, that's the thinking out there folks. It's been my pleasure to pass it along :eek:

Oh Lord

That's bad even for conspiracy theorists.

Clemson - We don't like you using our Orange, change it Syracuse.

Syracuse - Yes mister Clemson, we will.

I can't see that exchange happening...I just can't.
Oh Lord

That's bad even for conspiracy theorists.


Dude was convinced about it. His buddies were enthralled with the idea that SU is getting the shaft and going right along with it. I was thinking that April Fools came early this year
Clemson owns the color orange because they've been a member of the ACC longer than us. They don't like that SU's orange is similar in color/hue so we've been told to change it. It's already started with the color of the orange on the basketball court and also that's why the football team has been wearing blue uni's.

Yup, that's the thinking out there folks. It's been my pleasure to pass it along :eek:

After seeing the helmuts we wore in the Texas bowl with the god awful reddish shiny orangish color - I'm open to believing this.
Tell Clemson/ACC to Eat stuff that there is no exclusivity on colors. Syracuse trademarked the use of the word Orange and they were fought by colleges like Clemson. So they now can play the same game with colors. What are they going to kick out SU? Can Pitt use the yellow because it might look like WF or GT? Sounds crazy if so!
we were the first orange -so by default we are the true orange-
texas tenn unkleclem and the rest can go take a dump in a hat imho
I love conspiracy theories, the more ridiculous the better.

Room 237 is an awesome movie about random people coming up with crazy theories from The Shining. I think it's on Netflix, you guys should give it a watch.
Clemson must have some kind of deal with UVA then to let them wear orange fball unis ...
KellySyracuse said:
Clemson owns the color orange because they've been a member of the ACC longer than us. They don't like that SU's orange is similar in color/hue so we've been told to change it. It's already started with the color of the orange on the basketball court and also that's why the football team has been wearing blue uni's. Yup, that's the thinking out there folks. It's been my pleasure to pass it along :eek:
The Dude has started propagating at live games now?
Follow the money. What may be driving this is the TV networks. If they have a reason to have the unis differentiated, they will see that it is done. Perhaps it makes for better TV viewing to have starkly different colors on the opposing teams (IMO, it does).

An added element to this is the Nike factor. They pay the schools megabucks to be the uni supplier. The more differentiation there is in the unis, the better for them.
Maybe dasher was right when he said we have one of the dumbest fan bases in the country...
Can't wait 'til Clemson tells Miami to eliminate Orange from their unis too.

And I can only assume UVA & VA Tech will each have to find a new secondary color as Clemson won't want orange on them either.

Dumbest. Theory. Ever.

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