Toga, your commonsense sleuthing on this vital matter is Outstanding!
In fact, you are outstanding. Out standing in your field - literally. For all of us and we appreciate your loafers-on-the-ground sacrifice.
Your surefire methodology of teasing-out Coach Mullen's location is failsafe and capable of duping even the most sophisticated eluder.
If I were in the Tri-City area I would join you, shoulder to shoulder, with a lighted sign pointed heavenward reading: Flash Your Lights if Dan Mullen is Aboard. Acting in concert, our strategy would flush out any earthbound or airborne conveyance attempting to circumvent our impenetrable trip wire.
Now, to all my fellow Posters-in-Arms, we need back-up @the Hancock Aerodrome and NYS Thruway Toll Booths #s 34-37. Stat!
It's GO time baby. Put on your Orange face paint and get your Saltine Warrior a$$es out in the field. Reconnoiter with purpose. We need real time, actionable intelligence Now!
And remember, Coach Mullen must be brought in Alive. Dan is our friend and possibly our gridiron savior. He may appear normal, but at any moment he might transform into a football coaching God.
PS: If you do intercept him, try not to drive him by Mattydale. Debrief him at Joey's or the Gem Diner.