Class of 2015 - Dirt bombs? |

Class of 2015 Dirt bombs?


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
Did anyone see this article?

I can't link for some reason.

Scott Shafer says Syracuse football won't throw 'dirt bombs' in recruiting: How long can the Orange stay clean?
Did anyone see this article?

I can't link for some reason.

Scott Shafer says Syracuse football won't throw 'dirt bombs' in recruiting: How long can the Orange stay clean?

I don't know if you saw it but there was a tweet from Eric White about positive recruiting being greater than negative recruiting. Let's just say that Shafers' comment had to do with a couple of coaches at other schools antics in attempting to flip some of our commits.
I'm guessing it's on the heals of and in relation to the ESPN article regarding dirty recruiting.
For some reason it didn't paste this part of the article.

"I think it's extremely disrespectful to the kids that are getting recruited when you start throwing dirt bombs at each other," Shafer said. "We won't do that. We'll try to stay above the bar on those things."

"We had instances of that here at the end (of the recruiting cycle) where people were throwing dirt at us," Shafer said. "I felt horrible for the kids. Just horrible."

Any guesses to the above schools ?

Shafer told a story about how Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh, whom Shafer worked with at Stanford, was interested in Syracuse defensive end commitment Jake Pickard and convinced him to take a visit to Ann Arbor.

"When Jake came back home and decided he was going to stay with the 'Cuse, Jim (Harbaugh) wrote him a very nice text saying, 'Good luck. Best of luck with Coach Shafer.'

"That's how it should be done," Shafer said. "It's a doggone shame. It really is."
I'm guessing WF, Clark's didn't say that Florida talked bad of us that I saw?
My uneducated guess would be NC State and McDonald. I'm not sure who else would have motive and/or dirt to throw around.
bcubs - Every fanbase has dbags, ours included. It's a shame but when you live on a planet with 7+ billion people, not everyone is going to be nice haha.
Honestly, no. At least not while his mom and I were around. Steven never mentioned anyone going negative in private, either.

Fans, though? Some were d-bags.

I can't imagine being 17 or 18 and receiving that type of attention if I was a national level recruit. When I look back on my teenage years I often think of some of the DBag ness I portrayed, magnify that like these young men deal with and it's a tough situation.

You've got to develop humility and thick skin at the same time, and quickly. Not easily done for a guy in his teens.
Rutgers was my guess as well. Maybe Franklin and PSU? Didn't they come at Steven late as well as others?
Florida never went dirty, at least while myself and Steven's mom were around. They were very professional.
Don't know if I mentioned it in response to my earlier inquiry along this line, but we have a recent (10-15 year) recruiting history with a close regional school, whose coach was a grade-A doucehbag and bad person, and whose M.O. in recruiting was to offer all our recruits after we had done the work identifying them, and then bad-mouth and denigrate our program to them. Said vermin no longer troubles us, but the memory lingers. I am glad to see that someone out there is taking the high road.

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