Does anybody know why the refs awarded 3 pts for a 2 pt shot? |

Does anybody know why the refs awarded 3 pts for a 2 pt shot?

Broadcast duo claimed the shot would be reviewed at the next TV timeout. I don't recall them following up on it, though.
Holy crud.. yeah can you imagine if we lost by a point and... that is horrible. I recall them just moving forward as pitt hit 1 of 2 fts to make it 14-10 instead of 13-10 after adjusting it to a 2 pointer.
Anybod check it on the DVR? Honestly that should make it to the NCAA.. no joke.
I took the time to go back and look on DVR. My girlfriend and I were sure he was well inside the line but upon review it was much closer than we had thought. His left foot was behind and his right foot appeared to be on the line. Only trouble is that they would have needed a closer view to tell definitively whether he was on the line. If they didn't have a different view aside from the traditional broadcast view it would have been difficult to overturn.
I took the time to go back and look on DVR. My girlfriend and I were sure he was well inside the line but upon review it was much closer than we had thought. His left foot was behind and his right foot appeared to be on the line. Only trouble is that they would have needed a closer view to tell definitively whether he was on the line. If they didn't have a different view aside from the traditional broadcast view it would have been difficult to overturn.
based on the camera angles on the endline they used to show the cuse bench at times they should have had the closeup view and been able to make the call no problem.
I took the time to go back and look on DVR. My girlfriend and I were sure he was well inside the line but upon review it was much closer than we had thought. His left foot was behind and his right foot appeared to be on the line. Only trouble is that they would have needed a closer view to tell definitively whether he was on the line. If they didn't have a different view aside from the traditional broadcast view it would have been difficult to overturn.

interesting. I thought the right foot was on the line to the point his toe was inside it. that said it does come down to the camera angle.. would think they could zoom as well..
interesting. I thought the right foot was on the line to the point his toe was inside it. that said it does come down to the camera angle.. would think they could zoom as well..
It was clear as day, and if it was reviewed why didn't o'brien at least say it was reviewed? I'd have no problem if they said "no clear evidence play stands". They could have easily zoomed in and saw what most everybody saw.
ESPN as a whole is just unbelievable with how giddy they seem to be with the thought of us losing and equally giddy over wichita st not losing. Its getting old watching them find new ways to doubt us and claim how we are going to lose here or there etc or they go back to the legal block at duke.
It was clear as day, and if it was reviewed why didn't o'brien at least say it was reviewed? I'd have no problem if they said "no clear evidence play stands". They could have easily zoomed in and saw what most everybody saw.

It was so bogus that the broadcast failed to even mention the outcome. Typical shoddy work by ESPN. Sometimes it's almost like they truly think people are tuning into the game to hear their rambling incoherent anecdotes over the game action.
ESPN as a whole is just unbelievable with how giddy they seem to be with the thought of us losing and equally giddy over wichita st not losing. Its getting old watching them find new ways to doubt us and claim how we are going to lose here or there etc or they go back to the legal block at duke.
You know what's even funnier the headlines that will be after the . Florida Uk game. It will be either "Florida becoming best team in the country" or " Kentucky finally turning the corner". That games going to suck, can't root for either.
You know what's even funnier the headlines that will be after the . Florida Uk game. It will be either "Florida becoming best team in the country" or " Kentucky finally turning the corner". That games going to suck, can't root for either.

Florida is a good team. Yet they aren't the top team in the country. Put them in a bracket thats not busted and boom.. adios gators. The SEC is weak sauce. Really only 2 teams and then the drop off is monumental.
Florida is a good team. Yet they aren't the top team in the country. Put them in a bracket thats not busted and boom.. adios gators. The SEC is weak sauce. Really only 2 teams and then the drop off is monumental.
I would love to play them!

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