Does anybody know why the refs awarded 3 pts for a 2 pt shot? | Page 2 |

Does anybody know why the refs awarded 3 pts for a 2 pt shot?

I will add that Billy D is a hell of a coach. I just don't think they are that great this year. Some good players in Wilbekin , Prather and Young but mainly just good college players. All 3 are no guarantee to do much or make it at the next level.
If anyone wants to take a look its at the 15:22 mark on the espn3 broadcast. it was much closer than I thought

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It was not reviewed. The announcers said as we went to break, "its going to be reviewed" but you could clearly see all 3 refs walking AWAY from the scorers table as we went to commercial. They never took a look at it and thats why the announcers never gave us an outcome.
It was not reviewed. The announcers said as we went to break, "its going to be reviewed" but you could clearly see all 3 refs walking AWAY from the scorers table as we went to commercial. They never took a look at it and thats why the announcers never gave us an outcome.

Further adding to how one sided the refs were
I took the time to go back and look on DVR. My girlfriend and I were sure he was well inside the line but upon review it was much closer than we had thought. His left foot was behind and his right foot appeared to be on the line. Only trouble is that they would have needed a closer view to tell definitively whether he was on the line. If they didn't have a different view aside from the traditional broadcast view it would have been difficult to overturn.
I never did know what happened until after the game. The refs in the first half of the game were relatively decent. The only I remember blowing was the ball they thought went off Rak's head. Then things unraveled bad in the second half of the second half. It was like the Hanson brothers (who did play for nearby Johnstown IRL), came over the boards.
Grant was like the WWE "face" that is over in the corner getting pummelled by 3 heels. I was expecting CJ to get cracked over the head with a chair.
I have zero doubt he is on the line from that shot.
And that t*rd in stripes is staring right at it. I am amazed at the amount of bad calls that come from someone 5 ft away staring at the play.
There's no way for anyone to state definitively with a grainy view like that whether or not the foot was on the line. If that play wasn't reviewed...well that would be incredible.
Notice under the basket...3 SU guys and 1 Pitt guy and guess who has the inside rebounding position?
Not just that but one of those three should have been out on the shooter. Not a good sequence.
Notice under the basket...3 SU guys and 1 Pitt guy and guess who has the inside rebounding position?

But in fairness, CJ did get a body on Rak in that play.
I remember watching it live and seeing the toe over the line. Does anyone have the names of the refs last night?

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