Each case is unique, Scholarships are renewed annually, kids can transfer just as easily as teams can pull scholarships. You don't want to push too many out with a cold heart but players want to play and contribute and you can help them find other options down the ladder so the player plays and continues to further their education. Players don't want to be unwanted and knows they can't play college football forever. Fran Brown and staff have hundreds of connections each. Academically minded players can also connect with non fb schollies to fill out a semester or year for a few, but most players want to play and just not only go to school. Kids also want the truth no matter how hard it is. They want to know where they stand. Pushing players out right after you recruited them for a 'better' player not only shows you to be a shallow person and hypocritical but news will spread so no one wants to play for you, and is a major indictment on your skills as a talent identifier and a man of your word as a developer of players and young men. That will come crashing down on your program and reputation and ruin your program faster than you can say DART.
Fran Brown will be hard, fair and honest knowing he has to balance ethics with cold hard business.
It's tricky sometimes but when you hold firm to some basic truths about honesty and respect it all settles out in the end.