Dont be so quick to judge Joseph |

Dont be so quick to judge Joseph


Dion Waiters
Aug 15, 2011
Kid was thrown into the fire when he thought he was coming to learn and play back up as we all know. His biggest issue right now imo is he stops his dribble first without his next move in mind which creates havoc and bad decisions.

His mid range game is pretty good for a freshman whos flaws have been exposed. Hes shown flashes of being very athletic and agressive which is pretty damn great. Hes not even close to reaching his ceiling and that means a better more efficient pg for the future who can score.

Hes still learning his defensive positioning and his space in the zone. Hes improved and is getting better. This is how typical freshman pg play but we have been spoiled with top notch pgs the last few years.
albanycuse said:
Kid was thrown into the fire when he thought he was coming to learn and play back up as we all know. His biggest issue right now imo is he stops his dribble first without his next move in mind which creates havoc and bad decisions. His mid range game is pretty good for a freshman whos flaws have been exposed. Hes shown flashes of being very athletic and agressive which is pretty damn great. Hes not even close to reaching his ceiling and that means a better more efficient pg for the future who can score. Hes still learning his defensive positioning and his space in the zone. Hes improved and is getting better. This is how typical freshman pg play but we have been spoiled with top notch pgs the last few years.

He isn't a quarter as bad as people make him out to be here. I feel bad for all the flack he gets here.
Kid was thrown into the fire when he thought he was coming to learn and play back up as we all know. His biggest issue right now imo is he stops his dribble first without his next move in mind which creates havoc and bad decisions.

His mid range game is pretty good for a freshman whos flaws have been exposed. Hes shown flashes of being very athletic and agressive which is pretty damn great. Hes not even close to reaching his ceiling and that means a better more efficient pg for the future who can score.

Hes still learning his defensive positioning and his space in the zone. Hes improved and is getting better. This is how typical freshman pg play but we have been spoiled with top notch pgs the last few years.
He's shown some good in the past 2 games and like you said, his mid range game is fire, but for a Top 50 recruit he doesn't measure up...yet.
He isn't a quarter as bad as people make him out to be here. I feel bad for all the flack he gets here.

Too bad ANY player would have to take flack from SU fans - these all seem like good kids who have played hard, been good citizens and are still learning...
He has been horrible. That is the truth. He is clueless on defense and no, he isn't getting better. That will come. All of it will, I believe. But not having a first rate pt guard doomed our season from the start. albany is correct. He shouldn't be out there. But to pretend that it hasn't been what it has been, is only fooling ourseleves.
He was put into a situation that he wasn't ready for, but I haven't seen a whole lot of progress over the course of the year.
Here's the problem as I see it.

The zone, as JB teaches it, requires all five players to covers space as a team. If Joseph doesn't cover the wing when he needs to, or goes behind a screen, or allows his man to drive past him too often, it puts a lot of undue pressure on the rest of the zone. For the zone to work really well, all five players need to be some what synced. This is where Joseph has been thrown into the fire. I'm not sure how may freshmen can come in and execute JB's zone the way it needs to be executed - its a tough assignment.

The problem is, that, when Joseph (and this can be applied to Cooney or our young forwards as well) fails to cover, it becomes all too obvious - you can't hide a missed slide or cover in this zone very well. Joseph just doesn't have the experience yet and JB needs a guard that can execute for the team to excel. Its not fair but it is what is expected at this position in the Syracuse zone defense.

I think folks need to understanding the difficulty a freshmen may have in playing the nuances of the zone, let along developing the physical tools to execute it well. The kid will figure it out. I have said this before, but Joseph, with all the tongue-lashing he gets from JB still listens and gives JB eye-contact (!!!) when JB is chewing him out. Joseph wants to learn and become better and I expect him to. I think we'll all be happy that he's one of our experienced guards come next season.
Joseph is hard to evaluate. He's a bit like Cooney. He needs to be more than what he's capable of on this team. Which is completely unfair - but they're often evaluated on that.

Joseph is not a good point guard. At all at this point. I still have doubts about whether he will ever be a good one. I know some disagree, but I think he has horrible vision. Especially when he's heading toward the rim. He goes and has no idea where anyone is on the court. It almost always results in a turnover if he doesn't end up with an open lane to the rim. He seems like he has potential to be a good shooting guard though. His mid-range game looks very well-developed though. The last two games have been encouraging for me.

I think he looks like a fine player, but at this point we're trying to squeeze a square part into a round hole with the PG thing. Maybe he gets there, everyone says he has an amazing work ethic, so it could definitely happen. I'm just struggling to envision it at the moment. Again, anyone can PLAY PG (Patterson, Cooney, G, Joseph), but can they excel at it? At this point I still don't get why we don't spell Cooney a couple minutes per half (Rak too) and give Joseph a couple minutes here or there playing off the ball. Just let him play and have some freedom working off the ball.

Kid is god-awful in the zone though. Which is why if we're playing to WIN, I wouldn't play him at all. We are a far better team with Patterson on the court for the defense alone.

He's certainly one of the worst we've had in awhile. Why he won't put a hand up in the shooter's face is beyond me. He refuses to challenge shots. JB almost lost his mind the first time he did it last night. Although in his defense I did see him do it a couple times yesterday.

All that being said - he's a frosh. He'll get better, and I don't think I've seen him pout or appear to be difficult. He just goes out and does what he does. He'll be fine.
He isn't a quarter as bad as people make him out to be here. I feel bad for all the flack he gets here.

That's part of the issue right there - using the word "bad". For some, even in this thread, to call him bad or horrible (in his play) is crap. His play, obviously, is not as developed as we hoped on this level BUT that is the case with MOST freshman point guards in all of college basketball. He has shown signs, particularly offensively, that he can and will be a weapon but just needs time to get it together (especially his confidence and not fearing a quick yank from Boeheim).

Man... give the guy a break. He seems like a young man with a great attitude that only wants to help the team win. It's nice to see a guy who isn't all about themselves - from what I've learned, Kaleb isn't that kind of guy. Before his career is over, I believe that we will be very happy that he represented 'Cuse.
Joseph is hard to evaluate. He's a bit like Cooney. He needs to be more than what he's capable of on this team. Which is completely unfair - but they're often evaluated on that.

Joseph is not a good point guard. At all at this point. I still have doubts about whether he will ever be a good one. I know some disagree, but I think he has horrible vision. Especially when he's heading toward the rim. He goes and has no idea where anyone is on the court. It almost always results in a turnover if he doesn't end up with an open lane to the rim. He seems like he has potential to be a good shooting guard though. His mid-range game looks very well-developed though. The last two games have been encouraging for me.

I think he looks like a fine player, but at this point we're trying to squeeze a square part into a round hole with the PG thing. Maybe he gets there, everyone says he has an amazing work ethic, so it could definitely happen. I'm just struggling to envision it at the moment. Again, anyone can PLAY PG (Patterson, Cooney, G, Joseph), but can they excel at it? At this point I still don't get why we don't spell Cooney a couple minutes per half (Rak too) and give Joseph a couple minutes here or there playing off the ball. Just let him play and have some freedom working off the ball.

Kid is god-awful in the zone though. Which is why if we're playing to WIN, I wouldn't play him at all. We are a far better team with Patterson on the court for the defense alone.

He's certainly one of the worst we've had in awhile. Why he won't put a hand up in the shooter's face is beyond me. He refuses to challenge shots. JB almost lost his mind the first time he did it last night. Although in his defense I did see him do it a couple times yesterday.

All that being said - he's a frosh. He'll get better, and I don't think I've seen him pout or appear to be difficult. He just goes out and does what he does. He'll be fine.
Well said on Joseph... you said exsctly what I think about him... His vision is iffy and his playmaking ability leaves a little to be desired, as well as defensively, shooting, and handling the ball... He has to improve A LOT in my opinion and I am in no way harshly criticizing him... He has all the tools to develope and that's the beauty of playing at a school like SYRACUSE with great facilities and a great coaching staff who has a stellar record of developing players
Well said on Joseph... you said exsctly what I think about him... His vision is iffy and his playmaking ability leaves a little to be desired, as well as defensively, shooting, and handling the ball... He has to improve A LOT in my opinion and I am in no way harshly criticizing him... He has all the tools to develope and that's the beauty of playing at a school like SYRACUSE with great facilities and a great coaching staff who has a stellar record of developing players

Yeah, I don't mean it to be harsh either - but I do see him needing to improve a lot. Which isn't a bad thing - he wasn't expected to take on a huge role right away, but his role it is what it is so that's where we are.

Just evaluating the kid as a Frosh, not sure that needs to be qualified, but I suppose people seem to take offense so maybe there should be more disclaimers at times. I think we're all going to be pleasantly surprised by how much better he looks next year - still not sure he'll be a fantastic PG, but regardless, he's going to be a much better player for having gone through the gauntlet this year. And if he ends up being a great PG, I'll be thrilled to eat crow! THRILLED!!!
Anyone who says Kj isn't a Syracuse calibre talent, either A has no knowledge of the sport, or B is blind.

Kids young and wasn't recruited to start this year, I'm happy with him.
The biggest issue I have with Joseph is that he has no left hand. I understand defensive positioning and his offensive game will come with time. But if you're a high caliber D1 point guard I would expect him to be able to have good handle with both hands. I just don't see that from him right now.
Anyone who says Kj isn't a Syracuse calibre talent, either A has no knowledge of the sport, or B is blind.

Kids young and wasn't recruited to start this year, I'm happy with him.
He was recruited as a pg and has shown no pg skills. Nice mid-range game but no vision, ability to run an offense or play defense. He's a freshman so he gets a pass but maybe I should re-phrase.. Syracuse talent maybe, but hasn't proven to definitively forecast as a starting pg at Syracuse type talent.
There are several valid complaints about his game at this point but to me he possesses the size and athleticism to be a great PG. He looks like a player that would have benefited greatly from a year to adjust as a backup. Many players when going from HS to College struggle with the speed of the game. Once he adjusts to the speed I think you will see less times where he stops his dribble or goes airborne to pass.
This may be the last year you see Joesph as our starting point guard....if it's gonna take until his junior year for him to develop it probably won't be at Syracuse....not as a starting PG
Question regarding Joseph and JB. There was a moment in the game on Saturday when the forwards, I think it was Roberson and G, both ended up on the same side off the floor guarding the same spot. Joseph came down and saw the Duke player open in the low corner and rotated down. Duke then threw a short pass to the guard on the wing - joseph rotated up, but before he got there the guard reversed the pass back to the forward who stuck the 3. There was a TO and JB looked like he was lighting Kaleb up.

My question is why? Wasn't he making the best of a bad situation, wasn't the fault really with whichever of the forwards decided to camp out on the wrong side of the floor?
Question regarding Joseph and JB. There was a moment in the game on Saturday when the forwards, I think it was Roberson and G, both ended up on the same side off the floor guarding the same spot. Joseph came down and saw the Duke player open in the low corner and rotated down. Duke then threw a short pass to the guard on the wing - joseph rotated up, but before he got there the guard reversed the pass back to the forward who stuck the 3. There was a TO and JB looked like he was lighting Kaleb up.

My question is why? Wasn't he making the best of a bad situation, wasn't the fault really with whichever of the forwards decided to camp out on the wrong side of the floor?
If my memory serves me correct, I think Joseph messed up getting back/his rotation on the Duke possession before that, so I think he was lighting him up for that?
If my memory serves me correct, I think Joseph messed up getting back/his rotation on the Duke possession before that, so I think he was lighting him up for that?

So how did he choose Joseph for his mistake on the possession before over the forwards that were standing next to each other on the opposite side of the court from where the ball was on that possession?
So how did he choose Joseph for his mistake on the possession before over the forwards that were standing next to each other on the opposite side of the court from where the ball was on that possession?
Haha, I have no clue, i'm just trying to think of how JB's tirade at Kaleb made sense.
For a player with his kind of quickness, he isn't disruptive on the defensive end at all. He doesn't get steals or rebounds. At times, he totally forgets about getting back. Our horrible transition defense is the only reason Duke stayed in the game in the first half. It was the only way they were scoring.

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