Duke and Coach K | Syracusefan.com

Duke and Coach K


Oct 25, 2011
I have been one of the biggest Duke haters for as long as I can remember. I always hated the spoiled. rich kids that Coach K seems to recruit every single year. But recently a few things have started to change my views on Duke.

First, During the whole Bernie Fine scandal, Coach K stood right by JB. He called him his closest friend in coaching and assured everyone he would be on his staff in the Olympics.

Secondly, He allowed Mike G. to transfer here even though he will have to play against him in two years when he is eligible. Most college coaches would never do that. That is a classy move.

I will never be a Duke fan, ever. But Coach K is a classy man who is a loyal friend to JB. I do respect him a ton. Now, if he would only stop recruiting such huge douches.
I hear what you are saying, but most of those douchebags are high character kids that are great for the program. They are incredibly annoying for opposing fans, but I sure wouldn't mind kids like that stay four years and provide a great foundation for the team. Sprinkle in the one and two year players and you become a consistent contender.
And Duke fans are way too classy. Their message board is wishing MG well...
And Duke fans are way too classy. Their message board is wishing MG well...

This is actually something I've noticed, too, while doing some research on Mike G. this week. Sometimes, the fanbase is unhappy with players who display a poor attitude, who are troublemakers, etc. It doesn't take much for a fanbase to turn on players who exhibit those characteristics.

The fact that there is virtually none of that sentiment being expressed hopefully bodes well for MG's character.
This is actually something I've noticed, too, while doing some research on Mike G. this week. Sometimes, the fanbase is unhappy with players who display a poor attitude, who are troublemakers, etc. It doesn't take much for a fanbase to turn on players who exhibit those characteristics.

The fact that there is virtually none of that sentiment being expressed hopefully bodes well for MG's character.

Whenever I peruse the other cbb message board, I am downright shocked at the level-headedness of Duke fans and alumni. It makes it harder for me to hate them sometimes :)
Funny thing is, my magnificent 90-year-old uncle and dynamic 83-year-0ld aunt are brilliant, vibrant, intelligent people who have hated Coach K and Duke with a passion for the simple fact my uncle taught at UNC and they live in Chapel Hill. The passion down there runs deep.
I've only grown to hate Duke due to the love affair the media has with them. I've always respected Coach K, and I've read alot about the class the fans have , especially the student body. I recall reading stories about how if a student (usually an underclassman) gets vulgar, the upperclassman scold them and explain the Duke way of doing things. I'll still root against them though.
Yow, some respect for Duke!? I am enjoying reading this (so far) because I am "from" Duke and have many friends and one brother who are huge fans. The upcoming merger is throwing all of us out of whack, since we have been able to support each others teams due to the convenience that Duke and SU rarely play each other. All that civility and good will is now being threatened, and it remains to be seen how it will all shake out. But I, too, respect Coach K, and Duke's fans are nowhere near as insufferable as they were in 91 - 92 after back to back championships. So, right now some of us are on the Peace Train, while others will throw stones from the tracks! :)
It's been a while since Duke really bothered me. The video K did for JB's 800th win was incredibly classy. Their board had like a 20 page thread after the 6OT game and were nearly universally pulling for Syracuse. They crushed Butler's dreams, which made me smile even though I didn't watch that game.

Also, they seem to be the only fan base in the ACC aside from BC that is actually happy to have us or at least not outright hostile.

When I was younger, I hated Duke because you were supposed to, but really since Reddick they haven't had anyone that I actively disliked. And K is so much more likable than Ol Roy.
Agree Coach K showed a lot of class in how he put MG's interest first and allowed the transfer. I have gained a different perspective on Duke fans too recently. Visit the Duke message board and compare it to UNC's forum. Most Duke fans seem intelligent and level headed in their analysis and comments especially about realignment and SU's athletic programs. Contrast that to the UNC fans' sense of entitlement, rejection of all things northern, and the blueblood view that the rest of the college basketball world is basically a bunch of peasants and they are the aristocracy.
Duke fans never bothered me, coach k neitherr...like somone else said its the media love affair with em
Have to Agree that Dicky V and ESPN has added to the hatred but guys like Reddick, Hurley and Laettner always bothered me.

Duke grads are extremely classy fans, people who are just fans are eh.
My problem with Duke has nothing to do with their coach, team or fans. It has to do with their extreme political correctness. Notice how students and faculty turned on their lacrosse team with a vengeance. Ditto for NC which required incoming students to read the Koran. Most schools are politically correct, but none more so than the elite liberal southern schools. Of course, this is a generalization, but it is generally accurate.
Just my opinion The big east was pure hatred with each other.
Oddly enough Seton Hall UVW and Nova were the 3 I could stand.
Ville tough to like because they molded themselves on our 2-3 zone, had our ex coach, added more pressing to it(mockery) and got the best of us. But, they were classy. I guess not beating them for 85% of the time they were in the Big East until the very end, made me not like them even more. And they got to the final four and we didn't ugh.

I came around to su basketball in 01-02.
Unlike the old days of the big east with VT, BC, and Miami, the New Big east to me seemed much different. All the schools started acted entitled.

St Johns was so close by tough to wish them well.
Rutgers built them selves as rivals just from football, Uconn was never liked always came off arrogant and ghetto despite being good. Providence always acted like they were entitled. Pitt was very hated for their style of play(especially against our 2-3,) but respectable sort of.

Gtown pissed me off because we didn't wish the best for each other. I understand hating each other on the court but fact is even enemies scratch each others backs. It would be like two programs sabatoging themselves to midmajor rivalries rather then being what Duke and UNC have. AO went down against gtown. There was always alot of hate.

Depaul, Marq (their coach is rude), and USF hadn't really be around long enough but I was building respect for them. Cincy I was starting to respect.

I guess my point is the level of big east play left many of the teams to act enttitled rather then just play ball even when they lost. Im sure the other schools felt that way about us. Every team wore beat this team or that team shirts. It was always like the Lakers Celts rather then
San Antonio vs Golden State. It was a strange sight to behold.

UNC and Duke have the history to not need to act entitled. They have the track record it doesn't really matter who they lose to.
I hope we can develop the same thing and JB has us nearly there. Being one of the 2 best teams in the country 2 of the last 3 years should help that cause.
I imagine its also in the wise schools of the ACC's best interests.
Despite the sweet 16 thing we are no longer a underated darkhorse. Like the Kansas' and OSU's and Floridas, we are the real deal.
My problem with Duke has nothing to do with their coach, team or fans. It has to do with their extreme political correctness. Notice how students and faculty turned on their lacrosse team with a vengeance. Ditto for NC which required incoming students to read the Koran. Most schools are politically correct, but none more so than the elite liberal southern schools. Of course, this is a generalization, but it is generally accurate.

Could not be more false. Small contingent of teachers, yes.
I hear what you are saying, but most of those douchebags are high character kids that are great for the program. They are incredibly annoying for opposing fans, but I sure wouldn't mind kids like that stay four years and provide a great foundation for the team. Sprinkle in the one and two year players and you become a consistent contender.

Remember this: most non SU fans detested Gerry McNamara (after his freshman year) the way we detest Dookies like Hurley, Redick, etc. They thought he was a cocky little SOB. Everything we loved about Gerry, his fire, his passion, his ability to hit clutch shots, all that drove other fan bases crazy. I couldn't stand JJ Redick while he was a Dookie, and he had many of the very same traits that I loved in Gerry. Except that Gerry always seemed more blue collar, and JJ was seen as the preppie kid with a chip on his shoulder. It's all relative.

I too have taken pot shots at K over the years, mostly out of jealousy, but I also have a deep respect for him as a coach. I think it took his masterful job with the US Men's National Team to really open my eyes and see him as more than just Duke's coach. There is no denying his place in the pantheon of the game. I think it also helps to see a man like JB have such a deep respect for K, and vice versa. When these guys finally hang em up, the game will never quite be the same.

Back to point, I think I detest Duke mostly because of the obnoxious Cameron Crazies. They are spoiled rotten. I honestly don't think any of them have a real grasp of just how special they have it.

And I can't stand Christian Laettner, WoJo, etc. And I'm jealous of the 4 trophies. ;)
Funny thing is, my magnificent 90-year-old uncle and dynamic 83-year-0ld aunt are brilliant, vibrant, intelligent people who have hated Coach K and Duke with a passion for the simple fact my uncle taught at UNC and they live in Chapel Hill. The passion down there runs deep.
As I've mentioned...you've got to tell your aunt & uncle that they are on the wrong side of that rivalry.
And we're coming soon to make them feel real pain.
Remember this: most non SU fans detested Gerry McNamara (after his freshman year) the way we detest Dookies like Hurley, Redick, etc. They thought he was a cocky little SOB. Everything we loved about Gerry, his fire, his passion, his ability to hit clutch shots, all that drove other fan bases crazy. I couldn't stand JJ Redick while he was a Dookie, and he had many of the very same traits that I loved in Gerry. Except that Gerry always seemed more blue collar, and JJ was seen as the preppie kid with a chip on his shoulder. It's all relative.

I too have taken pot shots at K over the years, mostly out of jealousy, but I also have a deep respect for him as a coach. I think it took his masterful job with the US Men's National Team to really open my eyes and see him as more than just Duke's coach. There is no denying his place in the pantheon of the game. I think it also helps to see a man like JB have such a deep respect for K, and vice versa. When these guys finally hang em up, the game will never quite be the same.

Back to point, I think I detest Duke mostly because of the obnoxious Cameron Crazies. They are spoiled rotten. I honestly don't think any of them have a real grasp of just how special they have it.

And I can't stand Christian Laettner, WoJo, etc. And I'm jealous of the 4 trophies. ;)
I have to say that Cameron is the best place I have ever seen a basketball game.
Sometimes, you can hear the coaches talking during timeouts.
And say what you will about Duke fans, they are the most creative hecklers around.
Although the Orange get credit for developing the giant Boeheim head.
How soon we forget, or is it because in the past couple of years we have found JB and Coach K to be good friends? He may be a good a guy and a great friend to JB but that doesn't change the other things he is. Not many coaches drop the F bomb on players and refs like K. Not many programs found ways to allow their players to have expensive cars and parents to get jobs. Maybe some things have changed, but don't forget just how sneaky dirty that program was and who was in charge. Duke and K can't lose enough. You guys and girls are getting soft. Next we'll be having a lovefest with JT and GTown.
I have been one of the biggest Duke haters for as long as I can remember. I always hated the spoiled. rich kids that Coach K seems to recruit every single year...

Secondly, He allowed Mike G. to transfer here even though he will have to play against him in two years when he is eligible. Most college coaches would never do that. That is a classy move.

I will never be a Duke fan, ever. But Coach K is a classy man who is a loyal friend to JB. I do respect him a ton. Now, if he would only stop recruiting such huge douches.

K recruits the same players we recruit, or wish we could recruit. Do they become douches only once they register at Duke?

What, in your mind, constitutes "spoiled" and "rich" where basketball recruits are concerned? Which Duke player outside of Rivers could be considered "rich?"

There are plenty of reasons to 'hate' Duke. Shirley, you could have listed some better ones.
K recruits the same players we recruit, or wish we could recruit. Do they become douches only once they register at Duke?

What, in your mind, constitutes "spoiled" and "rich" where basketball recruits are concerned? Which Duke player outside of Rivers could be considered "rich?"

There are plenty of reasons to 'hate' Duke. Shirley, you could have listed some better ones.

Dunleavy Jr., Battier, Scheyer, Chris Collins, Grant Hill.
How soon we forget, or is it because in the past couple of years we have found JB and Coach K to be good friends? He may be a good a guy and a great friend to JB but that doesn't change the other things he is. Not many coaches drop the F bomb on players and refs like K. Not many programs found ways to allow their players to have expensive cars and parents to get jobs. Maybe some things have changed, but don't forget just how sneaky dirty that program was and who was in charge. Duke and K can't lose enough. You guys and girls are getting soft. Next we'll be having a lovefest with JT and GTown.
Amen. I respect K in the same way I respected players I hated like Bird, Montana, Rose. I may think they are all POS but it is hard not to have some begrudging respect for their success. But I will never like them or wish them to win. I'd even cheer for UK or GT against Duke. Yes allowing the transfer was a classy move, but that still doesn't mean K has any class. I bet even Stalin was nice to his friends (until he had them killed!).
Coach K is a great coach and by all reputable accounts, a good man. He gets it...and he wins.
I've always hated Duke because like Lebron, you can acknowledge the greatness but why does the media constantly shove it down our throats!?!
Here in Carolina, Duke is the exclusive private, "carpetbagger-like" school, while UNC is the local Townie fav. If Duke was an 80's teen movie they'd be the snarky rich kid with a sweater tied around his shoulders, bullying the poor local kid who likes his hot gf!
All that being said...Duck Fuke! ;)
How soon we forget, or is it because in the past couple of years we have found JB and Coach K to be good friends? He may be a good a guy and a great friend to JB but that doesn't change the other things he is. Not many coaches drop the F bomb on players and refs like K. Not many programs found ways to allow their players to have expensive cars and parents to get jobs. Maybe some things have changed, but don't forget just how sneaky dirty that program was and who was in charge. Duke and K can't lose enough. You guys and girls are getting soft. Next we'll be having a lovefest with JT and GTown.

Amazingly enough I just wrote JT a long, slobbering letter saying that he was the greatest coach the BE ever had, how he shouldn't be the villain of all SU fans since he merely stated a fact that Manley Field House was actually closing, etc. Of course I signed the letter Rick Bees and gave him your address. I hope he sends you an autographed photo and a sweaty towel. ;)

Just to be clear...I DO NOT love Duke. I still detest them as much as I ever have. I hope we kick the crap out of them every single season. I simply said I respect K's coaching ability. The shady recruiting, not so much. He'll still get plenty of pot shots from me. ;)

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