When the men’s NCAA took over women’s basketball from the women’s AIAW organization back in 1982 they mandated that women use the smaller ball, hoping women could dunk with the smaller ball increasing male interest thus earning more money. Before their takeover women and men used the same size basketball. Women also had a 30 second shot clock before men ever did (1969) and NCAA men finally adopted their first shot clock (45 seconds) in 1985 following the women’s lead. I played before and after the transition to the smaller basketball, women were resistant to the change made by the men, which was very difficult at first but everyone eventually acclimated. Funny because when you played pickup with males, other than practicing dunking and taking a few shots with the new women sized basketball, none of them really wanted to even play a true game ‘that counted’ with the smaller ball. Tougher for them to get used to, to dribble and shoot from outside.
Kara Lawson’s complaint is nuts. She, her players never brought up the issue till after the game? Well conditions were equal - both teams were using the same ball throughout the game, no advantage was gained by either team. Whine and cry. I bet every woman on both teams has experience playing with the bigger basketball in pickup games with male family, friends.