Hey, I managed to predict that Dungey wouldn’t make it out of the FSU game and he didn’t. I’m done arguing at this point since the season is history, but I still say that our offense was very inefficient in spite of all the points we scored. Our defense needs to get a ton of credit for 10-3. I’m really excited for future seasons where both defense and offense will bring it.First paragraph of this thread did not age well. I think our run game was pretty decent this year, and other than the Notre Dame game (which I still can't figure out that injury), Dungey was a warrior.
I have a ton of respect for Dungey... not the best throwing qb out there, but he sacrificed himself for the team and he is a great runner and amazing athlete. I hope for his sake he can find a backup qb position or hangs up his cleats... with the head shots he has taken and his playing style I fear for his health in the NFL.