Exactly my thoughts | Syracusefan.com

Exactly my thoughts


I Know OE posted this, but this sums up my feelings for that call
This quote troubles me:

"My philosophy as a football coach is to never take the game away from the players," Marrone said.

Play to not lose mentality there.

Players respond if you send the message that we are going to win this game right now. I'm not a fan of dugging up the grave of Greg Robinson, but this sure sounds Robinesque to me:

"There, I just wanted to make sure I got the points knowing that they're (Rutgers) going to take the field and a lot of things could happen," Marrone said. "They could fumble the snap. They could fumble the football, which we ended up doing in overtime. So I wanted to make sure I took the points and moved on and got to the next overtime period."
I had no problem with the call. In fact, I agreed with it and still do.

1. The offense has not converted a 4th and inches all season. If they couldn't do it against Rhode Island, they likely weren't going to do it against a good Rutgers front 7 that had dominated them all day, this time with the game on the line.

2. The defense had dominated Rutgers pretty much all game. No reason to think they couldn't keep Rutgers out of the endzone.

3. In the 2nd OT, we have the slight advantage having the ball second.

In hindsight, it was the wrong call because we lost. But considering the above factors, I have no problem with it.

There were so many other bad coaching decisions during the game, and this one isn't on the list imo.
I had no problem with the call. In fact, I agreed with it and still do.

1. The offense has not converted a 4th and inches all season. If they couldn't do it against Rhode Island, they likely weren't going to do it against a good Rutgers front 7 that had dominated them all day, this time with the game on the line.

2. The defense had dominated Rutgers pretty much all game. No reason to think they couldn't keep Rutgers out of the endzone.

3. In the 2nd OT, we have the slight advantage having the ball second.

In hindsight, it was the wrong call because we lost. But considering the above factors, I have no problem with it.

There were so many other bad coaching decisions during the game, and this one isn't on the list imo.

I don't have a problem with the call in a vacuum. BUT, I think there are some oddities here. For one, going for it on 4th and 10 with 30 seconds or so on the clock from the RU 37. To me, this shows Marrone wants to play aggressive and try to win the game. The conservative play here is to punt the football. Yes it's no-man's land, yes it's entirely possible you gain 17 yards with a touchback, but even picking up 15-20 yards of real estate and taking 5 or 6 seconds off the clock while mitigating the risk of an RU interception would be preferable (in many fb coaches' minds) to risking a pick and the exact scenario that played out.

Then, on 3rd and 1 in OT, they ran to the right from the right hash to set up an awkward kick for a right-footed kicker who had been blocked twice on the day. Yes, I realize they're trying to get the first down, not set up a kick, but it seemed like a pretty tough kick from where they were on the field.

And finally, if you don't want to take the game out of the hands of the players, what better scenario is there to let the players decide the game than on a 4th-and-1 or half-a-yard? I get that we haven't been successful much in these scenarios, but I think it still sets up -- in terms of 0dds -- as about as good a chance as you're EVER going to have to win a football game.

Listen, I'm not entirely against the call. IF Te misses a long FG (and he was bad Sat. as well) and/or the cuse drives down and scores a TD in the second OT, we're not even talking about this. I just think Marrone is still trying to figure out if he's conservative or aggressive when it comes to play-calling and in-game decisions.
Marrone is clearly scared to death of his offense. That is understandable, because the offense is truly awful.

But at some point he's gotta suck it up and trust them to do something, even if they fail.
1. The offense has not converted a 4th and inches all season.
Look, we might as well just pack it in now if that's the rationale for not going for the throat.
This quote troubles me:

"There, I just wanted to make sure I got the points knowing that they're (Rutgers) going to take the field and a lot of things could happen," Marrone said. "They could fumble the snap. They could fumble the football, which we ended up doing in overtime. So I wanted to make sure I took the points and moved on and got to the next overtime period."

Yes a lot of things can happen. One of those is an RU TD. Kicking a FG does not ensure a 2nd OT.
I had no problem with the call. In fact, I agreed with it and still do.

1. The offense has not converted a 4th and inches all season. If they couldn't do it against Rhode Island, they likely weren't going to do it against a good Rutgers front 7 that had dominated them all day, this time with the game on the line.

2. The defense had dominated Rutgers pretty much all game. No reason to think they couldn't keep Rutgers out of the endzone.

3. In the 2nd OT, we have the slight advantage having the ball second.

In hindsight, it was the wrong call because we lost. But considering the above factors, I have no problem with it.

There were so many other bad coaching decisions during the game, and this one isn't on the list imo.

1. We are zero for zero on 4th and inches this year

2. RU had a long field all day. How many times did we give RU the ball from our 25 and not give up a TD? Not to mention RU's last two drives went as follows: 35 yards and a FG, and 46 yards and a TD. They had just put up 10 points on us to end the game.
I don't have a problem with the call in a vacuum. BUT, I think there are some oddities here. For one, going for it on 4th and 10 with 30 seconds or so on the clock from the RU 37. To me, this shows Marrone wants to play aggressive and try to win the game. The conservative play here is to punt the football.

I just think Marrone is still trying to figure out if he's conservative or aggressive when it comes to play-calling and in-game decisions.

That is the odd thing. It seems like the times he should go for it on 4th down he doesn't. Then he has times where it is questionable to go for it, and he does go for it. There isn't consistency.

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