First in season prognostication update | Page 2 |

First in season prognostication update

been on this board for years and gotta admit the dude is rarely wrong over the years (which sucks since he has us at 5-7). Was there a board "tussle" flameathon I may have missed?

Yes, a bit. Not a big deal at all. But when you get a chance to throw out a board meme, you do it.
bump goes the update!

You might want to take a look at that, I know I have 5 right (USC, SBU, Minny, Pitt, and Uconn), and I think a couple of other folks have 5 as well.
You might want to take a look at that, I know I have 5 right (USC, SBU, Minny, Pitt, and Uconn), and I think a couple of other folks have 5 as well.

His first ranking category is who had the team's record correct as of today. So the people who had us 4-4 after the first 8 games weigh the highest. Don't shoot the messenger, shoot the dictator.
His first ranking category is who had the team's record correct as of today. So the people who had us 4-4 after the first 8 games weigh the highest. Don't shoot the messenger, shoot the dictator.

Missed the 4-4 part. That's just goofy.
His first ranking category is who had the team's record correct as of today. So the people who had us 4-4 after the first 8 games weigh the highest. Don't shoot the messenger, shoot the dictator.
yep there's a bunch (way too many to list) of people like Go right behind at 5-3. That's why this is gonna get interesting as we come down to the wire.
Figured I'd resurrect this thread with every update (admins feel free to nuke the word "first"in title).

Some major shake ups this week at the 3/4 mark in the season which will be explained below.

Anyway, here's how the numbers worked out with posters seasons predictions (if you don't see your name next to your predicted season record or if it's incorrectly listed drop me a PM or a line here):

12-0 1 person CuseisGodsteam (loved the fantasy)

11-1 2 fans Tank19 and Orangesox44 (sorry thanks for playing)

10-2 7 lead by Cali, Cusefanatl, Boog7, Bornorange,Imperialorange, ToddnTx (who was one of the leaders from last year) and upperdeck. (Kool aid must have been laced)

9-3 10 lead by such luminaries as Borzak, IthacaBarrel, nralecuse, orangezoo, sdpenny32, Shanexon, Steve C, SWFlcuse,the legendary Retro, and VaSaltine (We applaud your optomism gents but reality intrudes)

8-4 23 fans incl. ALL4, Bayonneorange, Blazeorange, Crusty, cuse2010, cusecrew08, edowd26, Elwood Blues (another leader from last year), Francuse, kcsu, Hoov50, Mattyl, maxwellcuse, Orangecrush, Orangenirvana, Orangepace, Pearl309, Sandiegocuse, smilinbob, STO, SUFan44, Texascpa, and the man, the myth, the legend...Texanmark (you gents are done, thanks for playing)

7-5 16 of us incl. Bees, Chip, Chris02m, cuseclappy, cuseregular, cuseman78, Dnabb, Faegan, GOSU96,Kaiser, oldpinepoint, RF2044, SUFaninAz, SUTomcat, TDTOrange, Tep624 and TrickySU (I'm in this group and lets face it we're about to be done)

6-6 14 incl. 72Orange, Alsacs, Blackknight, Cusedog321, Djcon57, DSYR440, Frozen, Garnermike, martycuse, Mason, Orange79, Orangeblood, and Upstate. (think we're hoping this is worst case now).

5-7 6 with Ghost, Kingottoiii, kirbivore, Orangello, SoBristol, and SUintheville (these folks r doing well and are the only ones currently on the leader board)

4-8 5 fans with GuyFawkes, Millhouse, Orangetradition, OttoinGrotto, and Scooch. (these folks are mostly out of the running at this point)

3-9 2 with king of Jack Daniels OrangeOnions, and Orangepack in this (damn pessimists/realists may be right!, edit: thank God you're wrong!!!)

so that works out to 86 posters participating and an average record predicted of 7.35-4.65

There was again some serious movin and shakin going on this week with quite a few falling off the leader board with no one entering or reentering as we take this this to the home stretch.

Leaders who nailed the now depressing 4-5 record are the following 4 only, listed below from #1 to #4. No one has accurately predicted the exact wins vs. losses of each individual games within their 4-5 predictions however, most of the leaders have correctly predicted the outcome of 7 of the 9 games thus far. Details below.

And as this is the Cuseregular seasons prog competition the rankings are determined by me with the following criteria used to determine rankings. First #1 the record predicted to this point (and of course at seasons end when that point is reached) needs be correct and exactly spot on, second the most number of correctly predicted SU's wins/losses determines the next hierachy of rankings and lastly within those parameters to differentiate (if needed), the point differentials listed in the 9 games closest to actual difference which was/is 83 points through 9 games is how the final ranking were figured (last week I goofed up this number with the point differential calculation and that is corrected this week, sorry).

Here we go:

#1 KingOttoiii (someone on the board said I've started a "meme" with regard to the King knowing his stuff, well whatdyaknow I must not be as dumb as I look as he takes on the #1 position by storm, up 3 from last week having nearly nailed the exact score on the game in predicting the loss at Cincy, having correctly predicted 7 of the 9 games thus far, with only a 13 point difference in his predicted scores - 96 - from the actual difference thru 9 games which is 83)

#2 Kirbiviore (also up 3 this week, also nearly nailed the exact score of the game is his loss prediction, 7 of 9 right thus far, 30 point differential in his scores predicted vs the actual difference)

#3 Ghost (down 2 from the #1 perch, he nailed the EXACT margin of defeat in his accurate cincy loss prediction, has nailed 7 of the 9 games thus far accurately predicted, 33 point differential).

#4 SUintheVille (up 3 this week from #7, predicted 5 of 9 games right, 27 point differntial)

Quite a few posters predicted the Cincy loss correctly, while the following fell off the leader board this week (Pearl309, SoBristol, and Upstate) and as noted above no one entered or reentered the leader board this week.

So congrats to the King, Kirb, Ghost and SUVille for their predicting prowess. We're coming near and around the 3/4 poll gents/ladies and it's gotten interesting. Lets hope for a big upset this week (which I think can happen) and, of course, GO ORANGE!
bumperooskee...we're getting down to the wire folks.
Figured I'd resurrect this thread with every update (admins feel free to nuke the word "first"in title).

Seismic changes this week as we pass the 3/4 mark the likes of which we haven't seen yet with 12 first timers entering the leader board and a wholesale shake up at the top with nearly every single leader now off the board.

Anyway, here's how the numbers worked out with posters seasons predictions for the season as a whole (if you don't see your name next to your predicted season record or if it's incorrectly listed drop me a PM or a line here):

12-0 1 person CuseisGodsteam (loved the fantasy)

11-1 2 fans Tank19 and Orangesox44 (sorry thanks for playing)

10-2 7 lead by Cali, Cusefanatl, Boog7, Bornorange,Imperialorange, ToddnTx (who was one of the leaders from last year) and upperdeck. (Kool aid must have been laced)

9-3 10 lead by such luminaries as Borzak, IthacaBarrel, nralecuse, orangezoo, sdpenny32, Shanexon, Steve C, SWFlcuse,the legendary Retro, and VaSaltine (We applaud your optomism gents but reality intrudes)

8-4 23 fans incl. ALL4, Bayonneorange, Blazeorange, Crusty, cuse2010, cusecrew08, edowd26, Elwood Blues (another leader from last year), Francuse, kcsu, Hoov50, Mattyl, maxwellcuse, Orangecrush, Orangenirvana, Orangepace, Pearl309, Sandiegocuse, smilinbob, STO, SUFan44, Texascpa, and the man, the myth, the legend...Texanmark (you gents are done, thanks for playing)

7-5 16 of us incl. Bees, Chip, Chris02m, cuseclappy, cuseregular, cuseman78, Dnabb, Faegan, GOSU96,Kaiser, oldpinepoint, RF2044, SUFaninAz, SUTomcat, TDTOrange, Tep624 and TrickySU (This group is not dead yet)

6-6 14 incl. 72Orange, Alsacs, Blackknight, Cusedog321, Djcon57, DSYR440, Frozen, Garnermike, martycuse, Mason, Orange79, Orangeblood, and Upstate. (think we're hoping this is worst case now, most of the new leaders come from this group)

5-7 6 with Ghost, Kingottoiii, kirbivore, Orangello, SoBristol, and SUintheville (these folks r we're doing well, and 3 still are, here's hoping they're wrong).

4-8 5 fans with GuyFawkes, Millhouse, Orangetradition, OttoinGrotto, and Scooch. (these folks are mostly out of the running at this point)

3-9 2 with king of Jack Daniels OrangeOnions, and Orangepack in this (damn pessimists/realists may be right!, edit: thank God you're wrong!!!)

so that works out to 86 posters participating and an average record predicted of 7.35-4.65

There was again changes in the leader board but this week it's the biggest and craziest yet with a wholesale shake up. 5-5 wins the day and there were only 3 (3!) posters who predicted this upset preseason but NONE of them are current leaders. Those who accurately predicted the upset W this past weekend would be Tep624, GOSU96, and TrickySU whom are leading the 6-4ers and are right behind.

3 of the 4 from last weeks leader board are off this week (Kingottoiii, Kirbivoire, and Ghost with only SUintheVille hanging in). 2 are back in while an incredible 12 posters have come onto the leader board for the first time this season including yours truly (in fact I'm the only one of the 86 prognosticators to predict an upset W this weekend over Missou so I'm crossing my fingers pulling for an upset for multiple reasons).

But the Leaders who nailed the now all of a sudden hopeful 5-5 record are the following 15 listed below from #1 to #14 as there was one tie. No one has accurately predicted the exact wins vs. losses of each of the individual games within their 5-5 predictions, however, a pattern is emerging with the top leaders correctly predicting 6 of the 10 games thus far. Details below.

And as this is the Cuseregular seasons prog competition the rankings are determined by me with the following criteria used to determine rankings. First #1 the record predicted to this point (and of course at seasons end when that point is reached) needs be correct and exactly spot on, second the most number of correctly predicted SU's wins/losses determines the next hierachy of rankings and lastly within those parameters to differentiate (if needed), the point differentials listed in the 10 games closest to actual difference which was/is 102 points through 10 games is how the final ranking were figured.

Here we go:

#1 SoBristol (the long time early season leader is back making a triumphant return not only on the board but on top having correctly predicted the outcomes of 6 of 10 games with a point differential predicted in those 10 games of 100 pts. off only 2 pts from the actual 102 point difference in the games this year - well done So!)

#2 72Orange (first time to the leader board makes his presence know with authority, 6 correct predictions, 99 point differential predicted only 3 point off the the actual 102).

#3 Orangeblood, first time on, 6 and 13 pts off

#4 tie between Orangeblood and Orangello, both first timers who gave no scores, 6 correct predictions

#5 SUinTheVille, only holdover from last weeks leaders, down one spot, 5, 25)

#6 Alsacs, another first timer, 4 correctly predicted games, and an amazing only 1 pt off the total score differential

#7 Upstate, back in after a few weeks off, 4, only 2 pts off

#8 Mason, first time on, 4, 5

#9 BlackNight, first time, 4, 9

#10 Martycuse, first time, 4, 18

#11 Cuseregular, yours truly, first time, 4, 22

#12 DSYR440, first time, 4, 39

#13 Frozen, first time, 4, but no scores given on Cincy game

#14 GarnerMike, first time, 4, no scores given at all.

So congrats to the SoBristol for retaking the leader board by storm, 72Orange for his prodigious entry as well for the first time and to all the newbies to the leader board for their predicting prowess. We're around the 3/4 poll gents/ladies and it's gotten interesting, both on the field and off here with this contest. Lets hope for another big upset this week (which I think can happen) and, of course, GO ORANGE!
holy shake up weekend Batman. Go Orange beat the Tigers!!
Hoping like crazy for two big SU wins to put me out of the running.

We are in better shape entering the next two games (healthy at most spots, with just enough depth) than most teams. Finish strong!
Hoping like crazy for two big SU wins to put me out of the running.

We are in better shape entering the next two games (healthy at most spots, with just enough depth) than most teams. Finish strong!
'you're mouth to Gods ears! BTW was Nostradamus a relative of yours, holy cow...:)

And something to take the attention off the re-alignment insanity....

Figured I'd resurrect this thread with every update (admins feel free to nuke the word "first"in title).

Seismic changes again this week as we're nearing the home stretch with 15 first timers entering the leader board led by TrickySU and GOSU96 with a wholesale shake up at the top with nearly every single leader now off the board.

Anyway, here's how the numbers worked out with posters seasons predictions for the season as a whole (if you don't see your name next to your predicted season record or if it's incorrectly listed drop me a PM or a line here):

12-0 1 person CuseisGodsteam (loved the fantasy)

11-1 2 fans Tank19 and Orangesox44 (sorry thanks for playing)

10-2 7 lead by Cali, Cusefanatl, Boog7, Bornorange,Imperialorange, ToddnTx (who was one of the leaders from last year) and upperdeck. (Kool aid must have been laced)

9-3 10 lead by such luminaries as Borzak, IthacaBarrel, nralecuse, orangezoo, sdpenny32, Shanexon, Steve C, SWFlcuse,the legendary Retro, and VaSaltine (We applaud your optomism gents but reality intrudes)

8-4 23 fans incl. ALL4, Bayonneorange, Blazeorange, Crusty, cuse2010, cusecrew08, edowd26, Elwood Blues (another leader from last year), Francuse, kcsu, Hoov50, Mattyl, maxwellcuse, Orangecrush, Orangenirvana, Orangepace, Pearl309, Sandiegocuse, smilinbob, STO, SUFan44, Texascpa, and the man, the myth, the legend...Texanmark (you gents are done, thanks for playing)

7-5 16 of us incl. Bees, Chip, Chris02m, cuseclappy, cuseregular, cuseman78, Dnabb, Faegan, GOSU96,Kaiser, oldpinepoint, RF2044, SUFaninAz, SUTomcat, TDTOrange, Tep624 and TrickySU (This group is looking great right now lead by GO and Tricky)

6-6 14 incl. 72Orange, Alsacs, Blackknight, Cusedog321, Djcon57, DSYR440, Frozen, Garnermike, martycuse, Mason, Orange79, Orangeblood, and Upstate. (lets hope these guys are wrong).

5-7 6 with Ghost, Kingottoiii, kirbivore, Orangello, SoBristol, and SUintheville (happy say these guys are done)

4-8 5 fans with GuyFawkes, Millhouse, Orangetradition, OttoinGrotto, and Scooch. (too pessimistic gents, there's more than stats to consider)

3-9 2 with king of Jack Daniels OrangeOnions, and Orangepack in this (damn pessimists/realists may be right!, edit: thank God you're wrong!!!)

so that works out to 86 posters participating and an average record predicted of 7.35-4.65

There was again huge changes in the leader board this week with craziest wholesale shake up too date. 6-5 wins the day and there were only 1 poster from last weeks leaders (Cuseregular) who predicted this upset preseason while as outlined in an early post nearly 10 others not on the leader board last week (some entering this week though) predicted the upset with CuseisGodsteam predicting the closest with his 31-28 predicted score.

15 of the 16 leaders from last weeks leader board fell off this week (Oblood, Upstate, garner, marty, O79, So, SUville, orgello,72or, Alsac, BK, Dsyr,and Frozen), again with Cuseregular the lone hold out. 2 are back in (TrickySU and Cuseman78) while an incredible 16 new posters have come onto the leader board.

So the Leaders who nailed the now all of a sudden desired 6-5 record are the following 18 listed below from #1 to #15 as there was 3 tied at the #11 spot. No one has accurately predicted the exact wins vs. losses of each of the individual games within their 6-5 predictions, however the top 2 new leaders (TrickySU and GOSU96) have taken board by storm with 7 out of 11 games correctly predicted likely giving one of them an insurmountable lead in the event of an SU win fri.

Details below.

And as this is the Cuseregular seasons prog competition the rankings are determined by me with the following criteria used to determine rankings. First #1 the record predicted to this point (and of course at seasons end when that point is reached) needs be correct and exactly spot on, second the most number of correctly predicted SU's wins/losses determines the next hierachy of rankings and lastly within those parameters to differentiate (if needed), the point differentials listed in the 11 games closest to actual difference which was/is 106 points through 11 games is how the final ranking were figured.

Here we go with the following leaders who have correctly nailed the 6-5 record to date:

#1 TickySU, back on the board after a long absence taking the leader board by storm along with GO, has correctly
predicted 7 of the 11 games with a point differential of 44 off the actual point difference which was 106

#2 GOSU96, making a bold move almost to the top spot, first time on the board I believe, 7 correct predictions,
67 point spread differential off

#3 rrlbees, first time on right next to his bud Steve, 5 correct predictions, only 15 points off

#4 RF2044, first time on, 5, 16

#5 SUTomcat, first time which is not surprising our board genius would be on toward the end, 5, 19

#6 Cuseregular, up 5 from last week, 5, 27

#7 Oldpinepoint, first time, 5, 35

#8 Cuseclappy , first time (I think), 5, 41

#9 Cusedog321, first time, 5, 47

#10 Tep624, back in, 5, 73

#11 three way tie as no scores were given between Chip, Kaiser, an SUFaninAz (all had 5 games right)

#12 Chris02, first time on, 3, 6 points off

#13 Faegan, first time on, 3, 29

#14 DNabb, first time on, 3, 38

#15 TDTOrange, first time, 3, 42

So there you have it as we come down to the wire and all bets are off. If the 'Cuse wins friday then the top of the leader board will be tough to move, if, GOD FORBID, we lose then most of last weeks leaders who fell off the board are on back in the mix and its anyones ball game.

Congrats especially to Tricky and GO for moving to the top of the leader board with a vengeance and to the rest of the leaders. How about this last week huh where to steal GO's other accurate prediction, we've turned the corner folks. GO ORANGE take care of business this fri. and I"ll see you all at the bowl game!
getting down to the wire folks and it's getting interesting!
So record gets more points than games correct? I have 7 of 11 correct yet am behind people with 3 games correct?
getting down to the wire folks and it's getting interesting!
I forgot to enter, but I predicted 7-5 as part of my "trajectory" from Marrone's first record. Expected +1 win per year, so this was our 7-5 year. I think we get to 8-4 as a baseline, with occasional 10-2 type seasons in the ACC. We should be in the top 25 or at least getting votes every year.
So record gets more points than games correct? I have 7 of 11 correct yet am behind people with 3 games correct?
yes, as the rules listed suggest. Think overall record is the best way. Let me know if you have a better way for next year without getting too complicated. Usually with that many right that would be in the mix. Sorry best I could do.
I forgot to enter, but I predicted 7-5 as part of my "trajectory" from Marrone's first record. Expected +1 win per year, so this was our 7-5 year. I think we get to 8-4 as a baseline, with occasional 10-2 type seasons in the ACC. We should be in the top 25 or at least getting votes every year.
then next year get off your lazy a$$ :)-)) and get a prediction in. You could have been the recepient of the first grand prize award and now you're gonna be left saying...I coulda been a contenda......:)
then next year get off your lazy a$$ :)-)) and get a prediction in. You could have been the recepient of the first grand prize award and now you're gonna be left saying...I coulda been a contenda......:)
'Sokay, I got to see a home game and we're going bowling. It's all good. :D

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