Food for Thought - US News National University Rankings |

Food for Thought - US News National University Rankings


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
ACC School Rankings (US News)
8. Duke University
17. University of Notre Dame*
24. University of Virginia
27. Wake Forest University
30. UNC – Chapel Hill
31. Boston College
36. Georgia Tech
44. University of Miami
58. Syracuse University
58. University of Pittsburgh
68. Clemson University
72. Virginia Tech
97. Florida St.
106. NC State - Raleigh

Rumored expansion candidates:
63. University of Connecticut
139. University of Cincinnati
160. University of Louisville (Big Conference schools ranking around Louisville – Ole Miss – #151, Miss State - #160, Texas Tech - #165, West Virginia - #165, South Florida - #170)

The ACC has more top 40 schools (7) than any other conference. The Pac 12 has 4 top 40 schools (Stanford, Cal-Berkley, UCLA, USC), the B1G 3 (Northwestern, Michigan, and the University of Chicago), and The SEC 1 (Vanderbilt). The Big 12 and Big East (Football schools only) have ZERO.

Louisville would pretty much be bottom of the barrel of the big conference schools academically, although Miss State is just as bad and in the SEC.

The B1G's recent additions were Rutgers (tied for #68, along with Clemson) and Maryland (tied for #58, along with SU and Pitt).

I have to think that if the ACC is going the Louisville route, that UCONN is coming along for the ride. There's such a huge gap academically between Louisville and the rest of the ACC that there has to be some sort of balancing affect for the schools that emphasize academics. Even the ACC's current worst school is 54 spots ahead of L'ville, and that school, NC State, is almost 100 spots behind Duke.
As as aside... how the heck does one determine what makes a school 97th and another 160th?!

I mean I get that you can bucket schools and differentiate between a top 15 school and something 125-150.

But how much worse is the education someone gets a Louisville vs. NC State?
As as aside... how the heck does one determine what makes a school 97th and another 160th?!

I mean I get that you can bucket schools and differentiate between a top 15 school and something 125-150.

But how much worse is the education someone gets a Louisville vs. NC State?

I get what you're saying - is WVU any better or worse than NC St. or is it just splitting hairs? I think the bigger point is that the majority of the conference is somewhere between 10 and 70, and 2 of the 3 mentioned expansion candidates fall pretty far outside that.

Here's how US News does their rankings:
I know Vandy would never want to lose all their SEC Money, but they are an ACC school. They do not fit in the SEC at all. That would be the ideal replacement for Maryland IMO. Take Vandy and UCONN and the ACC maintains its identity... however that would probably break up the conference. Vandy and UCONN don't draw people to TVs and they don't sell tickets (well maybe basketball)
I know Vandy would never want to lose all their SEC Money, but they are an ACC school. They do not fit in the SEC at all. That would be the ideal replacement for Maryland IMO. Take Vandy and UCONN and the ACC maintains its identity... however that would probably break up the conference. Vandy and UCONN don't draw people to TVs and they don't sell tickets (well maybe basketball)

Completely agree, if ever a school had an ACC profile, it's Vandy. UT owns that state as far as fan following/viewership, and although improved I wouldn't really consider them a football school (similar to UCONN) so bringing along Vandy only makes sense if it's to maintain/improve the academic profile of the conference, and my guess is that wouldn't appease FSU.
As as aside... how the heck does one determine what makes a school 97th and another 160th?!

I mean I get that you can bucket schools and differentiate between a top 15 school and something 125-150.

But how much worse is the education someone gets a Louisville vs. NC State?

Exactly. They are teaching the same information. It is the breadth and depth that differs, how much of a curve used.

I have taken now 45 credits at #136 University of Cincinnati, and aside from the 100 level Gen Psych and History (wherein any idiot should have gotten an A in), the courses were just as challenging as I remember my time as a Stumpy taking SU courses. Some were much harder (Inorganic Chem)

For UC, there is some additional difficulty. You cannot get ANY degree from UC without proving base competency in a second language (of paying for 15 semester hours and passing).

The ranking of Universities seem to be based mostly on the criteria for getting in, but after that, there really is not a whole lot of difference in equivalent courses.

The term "splitting hairs" comes to mind. This also doesn't look at individual Colleges within the Universities. A Louisville Law degree is "ranked" higher than a Syracuse Law degree.

A Civil Engineering degree out of Cincinnati is ranked the same as Syracuse, or UC-Santa Cruz or Oregon St. or UNC-Chapel Hill

Citing "academics" to me is elitism.
Miami was 50 and BC was around 44 when they joined the acc, and they have done nothing but go up in the rankings yearly. Syracuse is under ranked while others like yeshiva are over ranked.

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The ranking of Universities seem to be based mostly on the criteria for getting in, but after that, there really is not a whole lot of difference in equivalent courses.

Don't disagree at all. The quality of the education depends as much on the student as it does the school once the student is there. And certain schools can have exceptional individual programs.

This is just a measuring stick of certain criteria and it paints an interesting picture, that based on a certain set of criteria, the majority of the ACC is coupled very close together and actually exceeds the B1G and every other conference for that matter.
I guess this means that if Louisville gets an invite, Duke students will need to alter the lyrics to "If you can't go to school, go to Ville. If you can't go to Ville, go to jail."
Completely agree, if ever a school had an ACC profile, it's Vandy. UT owns that state as far as fan following/viewership, and although improved I wouldn't really consider them a football school (similar to UCONN) so bringing along Vandy only makes sense if it's to maintain/improve the academic profile of the conference, and my guess is that wouldn't appease FSU.

You think there is anyway that the ACC could get Vandy away from the SEC?
ACC School Rankings (US News)
8. Duke University
17. University of Notre Dame*
24. University of Virginia
27. Wake Forest University
30. UNC – Chapel Hill
31. Boston College
36. Georgia Tech
44. University of Miami
58. Syracuse University
58. University of Pittsburgh
68. Clemson University
72. Virginia Tech
97. Florida St.
106. NC State - Raleigh

Rumored expansion candidates:
63. University of Connecticut
139. University of Cincinnati
160. University of Louisville (Big Conference schools ranking around Louisville – Ole Miss – #151, Miss State - #160, Texas Tech - #165, West Virginia - #165, South Florida - #170)

The ACC has more top 40 schools (7) than any other conference. The Pac 12 has 4 top 40 schools (Stanford, Cal-Berkley, UCLA, USC), the B1G 3 (Northwestern, Michigan, and the University of Chicago), and The SEC 1 (Vanderbilt). The Big 12 and Big East (Football schools only) have ZERO.

Louisville would pretty much be bottom of the barrel of the big conference schools academically, although Miss State is just as bad and in the SEC.

The B1G's recent additions were Rutgers (tied for #68, along with Clemson) and Maryland (tied for #58, along with SU and Pitt).

I have to think that if the ACC is going the Louisville route, that UCONN is coming along for the ride. There's such a huge gap academically between Louisville and the rest of the ACC that there has to be some sort of balancing affect for the schools that emphasize academics. Even the ACC's current worst school is 54 spots ahead of L'ville, and that school, NC State, is almost 100 spots behind Duke.

When did the University of Chicago join the B1G?

I spent a year there. Great school. But no athletics to speak of.
You think there is anyway that the ACC could get Vandy away from the SEC?

The SEC is definitely more profitable. It would have to come down to Vandy choosing to be associated with schools of a similar profile as opposed to more revenue and it's history with the SEC (Vandy was a founding member). Then again, MD was a founding member of the ACC and we saw what happened there. If Vandy saw moving to the ACC as a better fit, it could happen. The are contiguous to the ACC, fit the ACC from an athletic and academic standpoint. And definitely have much more in common with the ACC being a private school.

I truly believe if the ACC had the opportunity to add Vandy, the conference would. Supposedly the SEC doesn't have an exit fee, so there's always that as well.
When did the University of Chicago join the B1G?

I spent a year there. Great school. But no athletics to speak of.

They were a founding member of the Big 10, left the conference for athletics in 1946 but still maintain academic affiliation.
As as aside... how the heck does one determine what makes a school 97th and another 160th?!

I mean I get that you can bucket schools and differentiate between a top 15 school and something 125-150.

But how much worse is the education someone gets a Louisville vs. NC State?

The very fact that you asked that question indicates you were educated at a school ranked somewhere between 43 and 59 (+/- 1).
As as aside... how the heck does one determine what makes a school 97th and another 160th?!

I mean I get that you can bucket schools and differentiate between a top 15 school and something 125-150.

But how much worse is the education someone gets a Louisville vs. NC State?

the same way these jagoffs determine recruit rankings. it's easy determining the difference between the 97th ranked linebacker versus the 160th ranked linebacker.
Whether it's BB or FB, if I'm channel surfing and I see Vandy playing - I always watch at least for a little while.

I know Vandy would never want to lose all their SEC Money, but they are an ACC school. They do not fit in the SEC at all. That would be the ideal replacement for Maryland IMO. Take Vandy and UCONN and the ACC maintains its identity... however that would probably break up the conference. Vandy and UCONN don't draw people to TVs and they don't sell tickets (well maybe basketball)
If Vandy felt like an outlier then I think they would give up the money, but IMO that is not the case. They do things differently there and I could see them not being all about the money. They did dissolve their athletics department after all. And going to the ACC would be taking a stand for academia. But would they want to give up their historic rivals? I highly doubt that. Although in the last 37 years they have only beaten Tenn 3 times. Like PSU they really belong more with the ACC but the chances of it happening are slim. The ACC should absolutely try but don't get their hopes up.
FWIW - Vandy has an endowment north of $3 billion.

If Vandy felt like an outlier then I think they would give up the money, but IMO that is not the case. They do things differently there and I could see them not being all about the money. They did dissolve their athletics department after all. And going to the ACC would be taking a stand for academia. But would they want to give up their historic rivals? I highly doubt that. Although in the last 37 years they have only beaten Tenn 3 times. Like PSU they really belong more with the ACC but the chances of it happening are slim. The ACC should absolutely try but don't get their hopes up.
ACC School Rankings (US News)
8. Duke University
17. University of Notre Dame*
24. University of Virginia
27. Wake Forest University
30. UNC – Chapel Hill
31. Boston College
36. Georgia Tech
44. University of Miami
58. Syracuse University
58. University of Pittsburgh
68. Clemson University
72. Virginia Tech
97. Florida St.
106. NC State - Raleigh

Rumored expansion candidates:
63. University of Connecticut
139. University of Cincinnati
160. University of Louisville (Big Conference schools ranking around Louisville – Ole Miss – #151, Miss State - #160, Texas Tech - #165, West Virginia - #165, South Florida - #170)

The ACC has more top 40 schools (7) than any other conference. The Pac 12 has 4 top 40 schools (Stanford, Cal-Berkley, UCLA, USC), the B1G 3 (Northwestern, Michigan, and the University of Chicago), and The SEC 1 (Vanderbilt). The Big 12 and Big East (Football schools only) have ZERO.

Louisville would pretty much be bottom of the barrel of the big conference schools academically, although Miss State is just as bad and in the SEC.

The B1G's recent additions were Rutgers (tied for #68, along with Clemson) and Maryland (tied for #58, along with SU and Pitt).

I have to think that if the ACC is going the Louisville route, that UCONN is coming along for the ride. There's such a huge gap academically between Louisville and the rest of the ACC that there has to be some sort of balancing affect for the schools that emphasize academics. Even the ACC's current worst school is 54 spots ahead of L'ville, and that school, NC State, is almost 100 spots behind Duke.

Kind of disappointing. I believe we used to rank higher. If so, what caused the drop?
As as aside... how the heck does one determine what makes a school 97th and another 160th?!

I mean I get that you can bucket schools and differentiate between a top 15 school and something 125-150.

But how much worse is the education someone gets a Louisville vs. NC State?

The same way they determine who's the 34th best outside linebacker and the 49th best linebacker. which is to say completely arbitrarily.

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