Orangeyes Daily Articles for Tuesday - for Football |

Orangeyes Daily Articles for Tuesday for Football


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011

to Election Day!

Election Day is a day set aside in the United States for the general election of federal public officials, which include the president, vice president, and members of Congress. It takes place on "the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November," which translates to the first Tuesday after November 1, which falls sometime between November 2 and November 8. The presidential election is held every four years, during years that are divisible by four. Elections for members of the US House of Representatives and US Senate are held every two years: all Representatives are up for election each election, as they serve two-year terms, while the elections of Senators are staggered, with only a third of them being up at a time for election to their six-year terms. The elections that take place halfway between a president's term are called midterm elections.

SU News

Pat Narduzzi Press Conference: Previewing Syracuse - Pitt Panthers #H2P (

Not a fun day in the office on Sunday after getting beat by a really good Florida State team. But the one thing, I look at the tape, and I thought this after the game and you feel better, is just the effort that our kids played with.

I think they played with a lot of passion, a lot of effort, and you kind of go back and watch the way they play, how hard they play. Did we do everything right? Not as coaches or players.

But they played hard. There was not one loaf on special teams, and we were at 98 percent effort on both offense and defense, 97.9 I believe to be exact. Not many loafs. The kids are playing their tails off. I think we had 32 guys with over 18-mile-an-hour GPSes so that tells you we had 28 the week before, and 28 was pretty good.

Not that the speed will tell you what's going on in the game, but as always, there's things that we need to fix, and we're continually trying to fix them and plug in the holes. It's a team loss. It's everybody. It starts with me. As I tell you every week, you're probably sick of hearing it, but it does.

Panther-lair - Narduzzi wraps up FSU and looks ahead to Syracuse (r1vals; Peak)

Pat Narduzzi held his weekly press conference on Monday and talked about Pitt's loss to Florida State, this week's game against Syracuse at Yankee Stadium and a lot more. Here's video and a full transcript of his press conference.

Narduzzi: Not a fun day in the office on Sunday after getting beat by a really good Florida State team. But the one thing, I look at the tape, and I thought this after the game and you feel better, is just the effort that our kids played with.

I think they played with a lot of passion, a lot of effort, and you kind of go back and watch the way they play, how hard they play. Did we do everything right? Not as coaches or players.
But they played hard. There was not one loaf on special teams, and we were at 98 percent effort on both offense and defense, 97.9 I believe to be exact. Not many loafs. The kids are playing their tails off. I think we had 32 guys with over 18-mile-an-hour GPSes so that tells you we had 28 the week before, and 28 was pretty good.

Not that the speed will tell you what's going on in the game, but as always, there's things that we need to fix, and we're continually trying to fix them and plug in the holes. It's a team loss. It's everybody. It starts with me. As I tell you every week, you're probably sick of hearing it, but it does.

I look at one of the critical errors I made late in the game -- I shouldn't say late in the game, but end of the third quarter, fourth quarter, just to give you an example of things, you want to always save your time-outs in a close game, and it was a close game at the time, and you want to save those time-outs, and it was stupid where I saved a time-out and I could have called -- on the one touchdown pass they threw to the tight end, they had asked me kind of late, they knew what it was and they didn't see our guys covering it properly because it was a trick play. We call it a fight song play, where the tight end is lined up at offensive tackle. I don't know if you guys saw it or didn't even notice it, but they kind of knew it. I didn't know why they wanted a time-out, but I was like, we can't just use time-outs for defense to get lined up. Then it ends up being a touchdown.

So regret. I should have called a time-out there.

But there's those things all over the place coaching-wise, and it really gets you when it's a good football team. I think offensively they did a great job with some of their unbalanced stuff and the motions and some of the things to get what they wanted. Our defensive coaches did a good job adjusting as the game went on, but it's just like you're one step behind someone that's doing something you've never seen them do before on tape.

As I told our guys, it's a game of inches. We talked about it last week; we've got to win the inches. It is a game of inches. You just look, we watched special teams in here last night, and you watch, Biles got his hand on another punt, right. Official gives you one of those (block signal with hands).

But he gets a little bit more of an inch on that ball, it's a block in the end zone; it may be six points, seven points. They muff a punt, we're running down on the punt, we've got great coverage, Gandy makes a big hit, the ball comes out, but the ball happens to just roll right out of bounds, right on the sideline. Can't the ball bounce into the middle of the field so we can get it?

Then you look at the offensive side of the ball. When we do fumble, we don't fumble out of bounds, we fumble inbounds so they can recover it twice.
It's just little things like that.

Then the big run in the second half, and we gave up just two big plays in the second half. You look at defensively, played a pretty unbelievable first half, and then the second half was pretty good except for two plays. That one I should have called a time-out and bagged a time-out and one big run where we just lose a gap. There's 77 plays where you're trying not to lose a gap, and we did a pretty solid job versus the run except for that one big run, but it cost you, and that's why it takes 11 guys and someone hopefully would have been able to cover it, but we just didn't get it done.

With that, we're moving on to New York City and Yankee Stadium and Syracuse which is always a close game, and Dino Babers, good friend of mine that we always look forward to playing each other, and again, a good football team. They started off 4-0 and they've had straight losses here in the ACC and it's not easy.

It'll be a battle, period. It'll be a battle. I think it'll be a heck of a game in New York City.

What are some things that you can attribute the offensive struggles to?
: It's a little bit of everything. There's times -- we spent three hours yesterday watching the tape with the offense and just looking at little detail things, but it's the details. It's some young guys.
Again, we talk about it's a little bit of everything. There's things we could do better coaching-wise and there's things we could do better as far as just fundamentally and structurally. There's some 3rd downs, I can look at the 3rd down and analyze the heck out of every 3rd down and sometimes they got a good call, sometimes we don't execute.
We've got to get the ball to the right guy at the right time, and again, it's always something you can do better. When you watch the tape, you look back, hindsight, man, I wish we would have tried that. You don't get a second chance.
How did you feel Christian dealt with pressure, especially on 3rd downs?
: I don't know which one you want me to tell you. You wish he would throw great under pressure, but he's a young guy, he's got to figure it out. He's got to read the progression -- he's got to get through his progression and make the throw.
But I would say 3rd down was probably no different than 1st or 2nd down. We've just got to get the ball to the right guy and look to the right side and know where you're going, and I think it's just being young.
Having had a chance to watch the game back and see all the penalties and everything, what do you think is the issue with some of the penalties like the false starts on offense and just those self-imposed -- why do you think those are happening so late in the season?
: You know, it's beyond me. We had three defensive penalties. The targeting at the end, we had two -- really all three were aggressive penalties on defense. The rest were on offense and one on special teams where we had No. 5 on there. It got declined anyway. A late, late adjustment to putting a guy on the field, so I don't even count that one.
But we have a delay of game early, substitution error on the sideline where it's a delay of game but the guy not hearing it and him getting out on the sideline late. Making sure those guys are right behind you when you call that personnel grouping they're in.
We had four false starts, and two of them were on C'Bo, Captain C'Bo, which you don't expect to see that in your senior tailback. Defense looks like he's blitzing and he just kind of gets anxious, and sometimes it happens. You hope it doesn't happen ever, and you especially don't want it to happen in a big game. You wish those kinks would be out early.
You've got another one on Zubovic. It looks like two of them are on Zubovic, but one is on Zubovic, one is on Terrence Moore because Terrence doesn't snap the ball. It looks like it's Blake, but it's not. Visually -- I don't know who the officials might have called it on Blake, but they're not right there, either, because they don't know when the ball was supposed to be snapped. We do.
That sideline penalty, I can't tell you about that one. Then Branson had two holding penalties. Those two defensive ends are about as athletic as you get. One he grabs and pulls the guy down, and again, it doesn't look like a holding, but it is. You can't throw a guy down; it looks like you're grabbing him. But their tight end on one of their screens grabs and throws a guy down, and there's no call. Just want it to be consistent.
But it had no factor in the play. But we've got to clean it up. It's a penalty, and we've got to clean them up, and that's pretty much the gist of what those are. They've got to get cleaned up. We were good a week ago, I believe, and you go up and down.
On Gavin's penalty, do you know what they were reviewing after the call?
: I don't know. I have no idea. I have no idea.
Just looking at the last couple of weeks, 3rd down has obviously been rough. Do you feel like you're putting your guys in the best situation possible on 3rd down?
: You never do. That's why I say it's coaches and players. Obviously if we're not converting on 3rd down, we're not putting them in position. Again, whether it's making us think too much and the quarterback has got too many options, whatever it is, we've got to do a better job as coaches, and then they've got to do a better job executing. It's a team deal.
Again, it's coaches and players, just like everything is. So yeah, we've got to do a better job putting them in position.
Rodney took the majority of the carries on Saturday. What did you like about what he did?
: Rodney was running -- it's kind of one of those things. We've got two starting tailbacks; that's why they both get announced. Love Rodney, love C'Bo. Rodney was hitting it hard. Not that C'Bo wasn't, it was just we felt good with C'Bo and we ran with it.
Another good game for Bub. Over the last five games, he has four touchdowns. Seems to be productive. Is he getting more consistent, though, or do you feel like there's still plays that he's leaving out there?
: No, I think Bub is being real consistent. I really do. He may have started off a little bit inconsistent with the season, but he's been pretty detailed. He's catching the ball well. You wish he would have finished that last one; who knows, maybe would have had another touchdown in that last drive. You can't score when you don't have the ball. But I think there was 3:50 to go in the game.
But he's doing a great job catching the ball. He's doing a great job running routes, and we're real happy with Bub right now.
Brandon George is playing very well. Are there different situations that he might play more? Opponents he’s best suited for?
: Yeah, maybe, but I think he's suited for everything. It's like the last couple weeks he's started to come on, and Coach Manalac has done a good job with just continuing to develop him and talk to him about what he needs to do, and Brandon has done it.
We went into that game saying, based on the last two weeks, practice-wise, you're playing physical. He's just getting downhill. He's not thinking too much. I think he's thinking too much sometimes, so we've gotten the thinking out of it, and he's started to use his physical ability.
We're not worried about his mind right now. Read your keys; it ain't that hard. Get downhill and smack someone in the mouth. That's what we want to do, and that's what he's been doing, and I think with his 10 tackles and two and a half TFLs and all that stuff, I think it's starting to pay off for him where he's going, hey, it's working. Just play football; it ain't that hard.

Keeping Up With The 315 11-6-23 (; radio; The 315)

Brian opened things talking about Friday's Syracuse football loss to BC and talked about the team as a whole. Next, Brian went over the weekends sports bets from the Sacco Six Pack and #TMWSK. Finally, Brian wrapped up by previewing SUMBB's matchup tonight against New Hampshire.

Adam Terry "The 315" 11-6-23 (ESPN; radio; the 315)

Syracuse University Football Color Analyst Adam Terry joined Brian for his weekly Monday chat. The guys talked about last weeks matchup and discussed the team and it’s future

Newhouse after Noon 11-6-23 (ESPN; radio; Newhouse After Noon)

Shane Holcombe and Jacob Charnow start the show talking college basketball with ESPN Bracketologist Joe Lunardi with the Syracuse men’s basketball regular season starting tonight. Then, Michael Ostrowski and Jacob Kaye revisit some postgame and Monday morning comments from Syracuse football head coach Dino Babers and discuss how they’ve seen him change over the years while the product on the field has largely remained the same.

Boston College vs. Syracuse Full Game Replay | 2023 ACC Football (youtube; video; ACC DN)

Boston College QB Thomas Castellanos led his team to a 17-10 victory over Syracuse on the road as BC became bowl eligible with the victory. Castellanos threw the ball 37 times, completed 20 passes, picked up 165 yards through the air, a team-high 87 yards on the ground, and two total TDs. The Eagles held the Syracuse passing attack in check, grabbing 4 INTs and allowing only 37 yards. For the Orange, RB LeQuint Allen was the biggest factor on offense, as he picked up 142 yards on 18 carries. (SI; podcast; The Bleav)

Bleav in Syracuse podcast episode 88, presented by Bet Online, is out! We discuss the Orange's loss to Boston College, performance of quarterback Carlos Del Rio-Wilson, the state of the program and where Syracuse goes from here. You can subscribe and listen on your favorite podcasting platforms as linked below.

For SU football, “I don’t think a coaching change will have any effect” (mailbag) (PS; $; Axe)

Axe me your questions and I’ll tell you no lies.

The mailbag and voicemail were overflowing with Syracuse football fans looking for answers for a team that has lost five straight and has a head coach unable to find a seat with a comfortable temperature these days.

Let’s get to it. Emails were edited for length and brevity.

Send along your questions, commentary and recipes to or leave a voicemail at 315-552-1964.

Hey Brent,

Unfortunately I don’t think changing the coach will have any effect. It’s all about the money. The boosters with the most money now control college football. Look at Deion Sanders bringing in 50 players out of the transfer portal and Colorado has the same record as Syracuse at 4-5. Like it or not, rather than bringing in a new coach Syracuse would be better off building a financial management staff that finds a way to incentivize possible recruits with financial rewards. You may cringe at the idea but I believe it is the reality all football colleges and universities have to deal with.

Joe Russo, Syracuse

Joe brings up two interesting points.

On the possibility of a coaching change, which feels inevitable at this point, it’s fair to say that’s not a cure all for SU football. We’ve seen plenty of them here in the last 20 years and seem to end up in the same place. The issues for Syracuse football go beyond Dino Babers, but heavy wears the crown of the head coach.

As for the financial rewards, NIL money is the closest thing we have to what you are proposing. But offering financial rewards just for being on the team? I think that’s the bridge too far.

Syracuse football: Orange open as one-point underdogs against Pittsburgh (TNIAAM; Chiappone)

As the weather up here in Syracuse begins to get cold, Coach Dino Babers and the Syracuse Orange (4-5, 0-5) are experiencing a cold stretch of their own in the ACC heading into this weekend’s “home” game... at Yankee Stadium.

Rather than playing again at the JMA Wireless Dome, Syracuse will travel downstate to New York City in a Saturday afternoon matchup against the Pittsburgh Panthers (2-7, 1-4). The pattern of not entering as the Vegas favorite will (unfortunately) continue for the Orange, who begin the week as one-point underdogs in Yankee Stadium, per DraftKings .

The Orange have gone six weeks without a win after starting off 4-0 to begin the year — most recently falling short in a 17-10 Dome loss to the Boston College Eagles.

Obviously, Syracuse has experienced a fall from grace in the past month and a half, getting its last win so far this season against Army in September. With Babers’ tenure with the Orange clearly in jeopardy, Syracuse needs two wins in its final three games to reach six games and earn a bowl game bid.

Pitt will enter as the ever so slight favorites amid a troubling season of their own. The Panthers will travel to NYC coming off three-straight losses — including a 58-7 annihilation versus Notre Dame two weeks ago and a 24-7 loss at home to Florida State. Overshadowed behind Pitt’s underwhelming season includes some recent comments from Panthers head coach Pat Narduzzi where he called out his current players.

While the Orange will indeed face off against the Pitt of Misery, the outlook for Syracuse isn’t any better. Syracuse is already locked into an under-.500 conference record, and they need this victory to stay alive in the bowl conversation. A sixth-straight loss, however, might speed up the clock on how long Babers will last as coach.

Dino Babers: Health status of both quarterbacks up in the air entering Week 11 (PS; $; Leiker)

The health statuses of Syracuse football’s No. 1 and 2 quarterbacks were still up in the air as of Monday morning.

Garrett Shrader missed the Boston College game with an undisclosed injury the team said he suffered against Virginia Tech. Carlos Del Rio-Wilson, who started the BC game in lieu of Shrader, suffered at least one in-game injury.

“The health status of both quarterbacks I won’t know until after the doctors see ‘em,” SU coach Dino Babers said during his Monday press conference. “Standard stuff. They don’t see ‘em until later on today, so I won’t be able to get back to you guys on that stuff.”

Shrader and Del Rio-Wilson had an “or” between their names on the Orange’s Week 11 depth chart. Syracuse travels to New York City this weekend to play Pittsburgh at Yankee Stadium.

Babers said Friday night he does not know if Shrader will be available again this season.

Syracuse football depth chart for Week 11 vs. Pittsburgh in NYC.

Quarterbacks Garrett Shrader and Carlos Del Rio-Wilson listed with an “or” between their names.
— emily leiker (@emleiker) November 6, 2023

Del Rio-Wilson finished Friday’s game with seven completions on 17 attempts for 37 yards. He was picked off four times and sacked once.

Babers said postgame he did not know until Thursday that Shrader would be unavailable for the game despite the fact he did not practice all week. He said Del Rio-Wilson took all the first-team reps entering the game.

“My biggest thing was when [Del Rio-Wilson’s] out there, there was some things that happened that were out of his control, and I just feel bad for him,” Babers said. “‘Cause I thought if we made some of those plays, we might’ve had a different opinion. Don’t judge him by one outing. It’s his first time out this year. I think there’s a lot of good in him, we just need to be able to help him.”

Jackets Return to Primetime for ACC Finale vs. Syracuse (

Georgia Tech football’s 2023 Atlantic Coast Conference finale versus Syracuse on Saturday, Nov. 18 will kick off at 8 p.m. at Bobby Dodd Stadium at Hyundai Field and be televised nationally on ACC Network, the ACC and its television partners announced on Monday.

Like for its thrilling 46-42 win over No. 17 North Carolina on Oct. 28, the selection of Georgia Tech to host ACCN’s primetime game will also include live ACCN programming from Georgia Tech’s campus all weekend, including “ACC PM” on Friday afternoon and “ACC Huddle” throughout the day on Saturday.

Tickets are available for the Yellow Jackets’ two remaining home games versus Syracuse (Nov. 18) and archrival Georgia (Nov. 25). Click HERE to purchase tickets online.


Tech athletics also announced on Monday that multiplatinum rapper, songwriter and actor Yung Gravy will be the featured performer at Helluva Block Party Driven by Hyundai prior to the Yellow Jackets’ showdown with Syracuse on Nov. 18.
... (SI; McAllister)

Syracuse football faces rival Pittsburgh on Saturday in Yankee Stadium. With the Orange looking to snap a five game losing streak, it released its depth chart for the game. It is as follows.

Note: In Monday's press conference, head coach Dino Babers did not have an update on the injury status of Garrett Shrader.


QBGarrett Shrader ORCarlos Del Rio-Wilson
RBLeQuint AllenJuwaun Price
TEDan VillariMax Mang
WRDamien AlfordDarrell Gill
WRIsaiah JonesDonovan Brown
WRUmari HatcherD'Marcus Adams
LTEnrique CruzJoe Cruz
LGChris BleichJoe More
CJ'Onre ReedJosh Ilaoa
RGJakob BradfordJoe More
RTMark PetryJoe Cruz


DECaleb OkechukwuKevin Jobity
DTKevon DartonBraylen Ingraham
DETerry LockettChase Simmons
LBLeon LoweryStefon Thompson
LBMarlowe WaxAnwar Sparrow OR Austin Roon
LBDerek McDonaldKadin Bailey
CBIsaiah JohnsonQuan Peterson
BSAlijah ClarkJaeden Gould
ROVJustin BarronMyles Farmer
FSJason SimmonsAman Greenwood
CBJayden BellamyGreg Delaine


PKBrady DenaburgJadyn Oh
PJack StonehouseMax von Marburg
LSTom CallahanMike Midkiff
HoldJack StonehouseMike Midkiff
KRDeston HawkinsD'Marcus Adams
PRD'Marcus AdamsDonovan Brown


Jacksonville Jaguars safety Andre Cisco (5) takes the field during player introductions before an NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023, in Jacksonville, Fla.AP Photo/John Raoux

Syracuse alum perfect for Olympics flag football, SI writer says (SU, CNY in NFL) (PS; Herbert)

Could a former Syracuse football star be part of the Olympics when flag football makes its debut at the 2028 Los Angeles Games?

Sports Illustrated writer Dan Falkenheim says SU alum Andre Cisco would be perfect for the sport after the International Olympic Committee confirmed it would add flag football to its program. Baseball-softball, lacrosse, squash and cricket will also be part of LA28, the IOC said.

The Olympics are five years away, but NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and other league executives have already said they want active NFL players to participate. That would mean young, current (or future) stars, though team owners are more wary about the risk of injury to their players.

But Falkenheim is already imagining what an Olympics flag football “dream team” could look like. Teams will feature 12-player rosters in a 5-on-5 format; offenses would feature a quarterback and receivers/running backs, while defenses would consist of a rusher, two cornerbacks and two safeties.

Cisco, currently a safety with the Jacksonville Jaguars, could be an ideal candidate with his speed.

“The Jaguars’ safety reportedly ran a 4.33 40-yard dash and a 4.1 shuttle before tearing his ACL in 2020,” Falkenheim writes. “He has showcased legitimate ball-hawk tendencies while putting together a Pro Bowl–worthy season in Jacksonville, and only two players have more than his three interceptions. Cisco isn’t a household name yet, but he could be in the next four years.”

Cisco, 23, is a former ACC Defensive Rookie of the Year who was drafted by Jacksonville in the 2021 NFL Draft. He recorded 73 total tackles, three interceptions and a touchdown last year — and already has three interceptions halfway through the 2023 season.

But Cisco will need to stay healthy if 2028 is a possibility. He missed the Jags’ last game with a hamstring injury.

Other potential Olympic flag football players could include Patrick Mahomes, Tyreek Hill, Justin Jefferson, Minkah Fitzpatrick, and Micah Parsons, according to SI’s Falkenheim.

Jawhar Jordan's path to stardom for Louisville football: Patience is now paying off for RB (C-J; Cubit)

It was almost as if a lightning bolt had struck the Jordans’ household.

It sped from room to room and up and down the hallways of the Long Island, New York, home while wearing a New York Giants jersey. Jawhar and Rosaline Jordan knew at that point their son, 4-year-old Jawhar Jordan Jr., was going to either play football or run track when he got older.

After the family moved to Arizona in 2014, he competed in both sports at Hamilton High School but had always taken more to football. It wasn’t as common as lacrosse or basketball in New York, but the younger Jawhar, now a standout running back at Louisville, found a love for it after seeing older family members play the sport. And it loved him back.

Rosaline and Jawhar Jordan Sr. still have clips of their son making play after play as a 9-year-old in the Police Athletic League, a flag football league in New York. They remember receiving compliments about Jawhar’s performances.

“Coaches used to always tell us that he's amazing and he has natural talents,” Rosaline said, “and a lot of the things that he was doing, they would say that they couldn't be taught. You had to possess this gift.”

Though Jordan's speed makes him an asset on the field, his journey wasn't as quick. He experienced a few setbacks along the way. But with patience, faith and the support of his family and teammates, Jordan has emerged as one of the driving forces for Louisville’s offensive success this season.

Jordan has been battling a hamstring injury, but he has been a big part of U of L's success. The Cardinals (8-1, 5-1 ACC) are closing in on a trip to the 2023 ACC Championship Game and a 10-win season.

The running back leads the team in rushing yards (881), which ranks 17th nationally and second in the ACC. His 7.1 yards per carry is fifth most in the country and second most in the conference ahead of 11th-ranked Louisville’s ACC game against Virginia at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at L&N Stadium.

“All the adversity I've been through has shaped me to who I am today,” Jordan said. “I wouldn't be who I am today without the adversity.”

Staying patient

Louisville running back Jawhar Jordan (25) continues to add to his impressive rushing totals this season.

Jordan is helping Louisville light up opposing defenses now, but the Cardinals once were opponents. After high school, Jordan, who played on Hamilton's varsity as a freshman before becoming a three-star all-purpose back and Arizona's No. 9-ranked player, returned to his home state to play for Syracuse in 2019.

Louisville was Jordan's fourth and final game with Syracuse before he redshirted. He totaled 35 yards on seven carries, 87 yards on two catches and 101 yards on three kick returns. Despite the 56-34 loss to Louisville, Jordan left Kentucky with an appreciation for and intrigue about U of L.

ACC News

Links, News and Rumors 2023 Nov 7 (RX; HM)

Links, News and Rumors 2023 Nov 7

From Athlon Sports:

The 15 Biggest Remaining College Football Games Of 2023

9. Miami at Florida State - Nov. 11
Florida State dismantled Miami 45-3 last season in Tallahassee, so revenge will be on the mind for the 'Canes in this Sunshine State battle. In addition to the rivalry and bragging rights, this game (or the finale at Florida), is the toughest remaining obstacle in Florida State's hopes of a 12-0 mark before the ACC title game.
Other big-time games:
Florida State
at Florida (Nov. 25)
Louisville at Miami (Nov. 18)
North Carolina at Clemson (Nov. 18)
Also from Athlon Sports:

Greg McElroy Names Shocking College Football Playoff Contender After Week 10

The Cardinals now sit at 8-1 with two ranked wins over Notre Dame and Duke. Louisville's only loss was an upset loss to Pittsburgh on the road two weeks ago.

ESPN's Greg McElroy believes that the Cardinals give the ACC two College Football Playoff contenders this season, joining Florida State. McElroy made his case for the Cardinals on the most recent episode of Always College Football...
"The winner of the ACC, if they are 12-1 or better, should be in the College Football Playoff. I don't care if it's Louisville or if it's Florida State, that league is too good to be in a situation where they might be left out in favor of somebody else."

By the way, from FBSchedules...

Louisville adds Jacksonville State to 2024 football schedule

Louisville will host Jacksonville State at L&N Stadium in Louisville, Ky., on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024. The Cardinals will pay the Gamecocks a $1 million guarantee for the game, according to the copy of the contract.
The 2024 Louisville-Jacksonville State game will mark the first-ever meeting between the two schools on the gridiron...

While we're at it, also from FBSchedules...

Liberty to open 2027 season at Virginia Tech

The Liberty Flames will open the 2027 season on the road against the Virginia Tech Hokies, according to Tech’s official athletics website.

Virginia Tech and Liberty previously announced a total of six gridiron matchups, and two of those contests have already been played. The Flames defeated the Hokies 38-35 at Lane Stadium in Blacksburg, Va., in 2020, before the Hokies returned the favor during the 2022 season at Williams Stadium in Lynchburg, Va., by a score of 23-22.
The next three games of the series were slated to be played in Blacksburg in 2027 (Nov. 20), 2028 (Sept. 2), and 2029 (Sept. 1), with the final contest slated for Lynchburg on Sept. 7, 2030. Per Virginia Tech’s official website, the game in 2027 has been rescheduled from its original date of Nov. 20 and will now be contested on Sept. 4, which will be the season-opener for both schools...
Rendering shows what a redevelopment of the ShoppingTown mall site in DeWitt might look like. A team of four Central New York companies plans to redevelop the failed mall into multiple uses, including housing, entertainment, hospitality, restaurants, retail and office space. (Dalpos Architects)
Onondaga County sets public hearing, moving closer toward seizing last parts of ShoppingTown (PS; $; Moriarty)
The Onondaga County Industrial Development Agency is taking another step toward potentially using its eminent domain powers to help District East developers acquire full control of the former ShoppingTown Mall.

The agency has scheduled a public hearing for 2 p.m. Nov. 13 at DeWitt Town Court, 5400 Butternut Drive. The county agency is acting on the developers’ request to seize ownership of the former Macy’s and Sears stores at the dead mall.
Onondaga County selected OHB Redev more than two years ago to redevelop the mall into District East, a $400 million, 65-acre complex with housing, entertainment, restaurants, hospitality, retail and office space.

The county bought all of the mall except for the former Macy’s and Sears stores from Moonbeam Capital in 2020. It has agreed to sell the portion it owns to OHB Redev for $8 million, but it left it up to the development group to acquire the two former department stores from their owners.

The old Sears store is owned by Transformco, a company that holds what is left of the department store chain after it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2018 and closed nearly all its stores, including the one in ShoppingTown.

Macy’s closed its store at ShoppingTown in 2015. Later that year, it sold the store to Florida-based Benderson Development for $2 million. Benderson owns a shopping plaza near ShoppingTown.

Election 2023: Your guide to voting in Central New York (polls, times, candidates) (PS; Weiner)

Central New York voters will go to the polls Tuesday to cast ballots in the 2023 local elections for town, city and county government.

The top of the ballot includes countywide races for Onondaga County executive, district attorney, comptroller, clerk and Family Court judges.

In Syracuse, voters will elect members of the Syracuse Common Council and the city school board, as well as a city auditor and city court judge.

In towns across Central New York, voters will elect supervisors and town board members.

So far, 12,733 of the 307,081 registered voters in Onondaga County, about 4 percent of all voters, cast their ballots during the early voting period that ended Sunday.

Here’s what you need to know about Election Day, including when and where to vote, and who’s on the ballot where you live.

When can I vote?

Polling sites across New York are open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7.

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