From the PA Attorney General's Office |

From the PA Attorney General's Office

That article by Wetzel is a piece of garbage. Why are the national guys afraid to "go there" and instead give him the benefit of the doubt because of who he is? How about not focus on what he should or shouldn't have done when the GA told him what had happened and instead ask how Paterno couldn't have known something was fishy for 8 years prior? Any logical thinking parent of a player in his program would get the hell out of dodge.
Just amazing to me.

What could these people have been thinking?

I can't believe that the GA did not indicate to Paterno - anal sex.

How difficult would that have been? How could the GA not describe what he had seen?
Just amazing to me.

What could these people have been thinking?

I can't believe that the GA did not indicate to Paterno - anal sex.

How difficult would that have been? How could the GA not describe what he had seen?

Do you truly believe that he didnt tell him what he saw? And if he didn't come out and say it at first, one would think that Paterno may have inquired further and asked him exactly what he saw. It's all so fishy. I don't buy for a sec that Paterno didn't know specifics.
ABolsutely disgusting, this is what it will take for Joe Pa to finally step down, or he should be canned.. What a mess
Do you truly believe that he didnt tell him what he saw? And if he didn't come out and say it at first, one would think that Paterno may have inquired further and asked him exactly what he saw. It's all so fishy. I don't buy for a sec that Paterno didn't know specifics.

I agree. I have no doubt that Mike McCleary told Paterno exactly what he saw.

The Grand Jury Report is absolutely astounding - how this vile human being could be granted access to the athletic department after 1998 is beyond belief.

That he was not prosecuted back then is even more unfathomable.

How an adult could do such things to kids - unbelievable.
I really question Mike McQueary's judgement in this whole thing. He literally SAW a child being raped and did NOTHING to stop it. Then he silently sat by knowing that Sandusky still had access to facilities and kids and did/said nothing. Other than accept some promotions. IMO he let his own career ambitions get in the way. I get that he's a home town boy, graduate of State College high, etc,. but he's just as guilty as the rest from my view.
I really question Mike McQueary's judgement in this whole thing. He literally SAW a child being raped and did NOTHING to stop it. Then he silently sat by knowing that Sandusky still had access to facilities and kids and did/said nothing. Other than accept some promotions. IMO he let his own career ambitions get in the way. I get that he's a home town boy, graduate of State College high, etc,. but he's just as guilty as the rest from my view.

True and true. If he witnessed the rape of a 10 year old, he should have done what had to be done to stop it -- on the spot. He has his own conscience to deal with on that issue. The rest is a mess, and heads should roll.
I read on the Uconn board that the orginal investigator in 98 when they did not persue charges dissappeared and has been declared dead.

This is a big mess. How these people do not all go to jail is beyond me.

Penn State is a public institution and should stop all football operations right now IMO, but all running the show who could do that are involved in the cover up more than likely.
The kid told his Father 1st? Were is his responsability in all this? What he didn't believe his Kid? Oh I now see that this was no Kid and very capable of making a decision with or without his fathers help His rise on the PSU Coaching ladder should be scrutinized.
Everyone who knew about this, including JoePa, needs to burn. The grand jury report is one of the most disgusting things I've ever read. I can't even comprehend why the Penn State Athletic department chose to cover this up. Just vile. All of them.
True and true. If he witnessed the rape of a 10 year old, he should have done what had to be done to stop it -- on the spot. He has his own conscience to deal with on that issue. The rest is a mess, and heads should roll.
I don't care if it was the president of my company, my minister or my best friend. I would've stopped it and gone to the police myself. Not to my boss or his boss or anyone other than the local or state police if I thought there was potential that one of those entities would've protected the guy. The team is fortunate they're home this Saturday because I've got a pretty good idea of the reception they will get next week in Columbus. Rightly or wrongly the team is the symbol of the university and they will be subjected to a lot a crap they don't deserve, especially if Joe Pa is still their coach. If the necessary changes do not occur the team will pay the price for these despicable old men. The BOT owes it to the players to shield them from that.
I really question Mike McQueary's judgement in this whole thing. He literally SAW a child being raped and did NOTHING to stop it. Then he silently sat by knowing that Sandusky still had access to facilities and kids and did/said nothing. Other than accept some promotions. IMO he let his own career ambitions get in the way. I get that he's a home town boy, graduate of State College high, etc,. but he's just as guilty as the rest from my view. He sure went up the Ladder fast enough
The kid told his Father 1st? Were is his responsability in all this? What he didn't believe his Kid? Oh I now see that this was no Kid and very capable of making a decision with or without his fathers help His rise on the PSU Coaching ladder should be scrutinized.

It wasn't a kid. Mike McQueary was a 27 year old MAN when this happened- when he saw an actual KID, a 10 year old, being raped in a shower. And did nothing. That's what bothers me. If it were- God forbid- my kid, McQueary would be as high on my hit list as Sandusky.
I saw the original PDA Findings Statement but I can't get it again? Is the site overwhelmed or did they just remove the findings? Either way I can't retrieve it, anybody copy it.

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