Every year a group puts this event together. It's a captain & crew format. In the past Tom & I have had the pleasure of playing golf with the following coaches, Greg Adkins, Tyrone Wheatley and Clark Lea. In addition we sat with or next to Rob Moore
This is last years event information
Don't miss this opportunity to interact with the coaching staff, it's truly a blast.
Just to reiterate what OE is saying, I don't believe this event was designed to make big bucks for the football program. It was meant to provide an opportunity for fans to talk to the staff, get a feel for what they are all about in a relaxed, low pressure setting.
The cost is not high, you get a nice lunch and a wonderful dinner, a round of golf at a nice course and a chance to talk to the coaches and fellow SU fans. It is really nice to have a day in the early summer dedicated to SU football. If you are a big fan of the program, I am sure you will enjoy it.
Don't worry if you aren't a good golfer, most of the people that play also aren't very good, including the coaches. And it is a captain and crew format, so you shouldn't feel much pressure.
Also. if you don't have 3 buddies to play with, don't let that stop you. If know from talking to people on the board and from IMs I receive that there are a lot of people that are interested in playing but don't have a foursome. Throw your hat in the ring, express interest in playing by responding to this thread and we can start getting people paired up that way. If that doesn't work, no worries. I know the tournament organizers will pair you up with other fans as well (they are very nice and accommodating folks).
Lastly, if you go, you might have a chance to see one of the famous Seneca Lake ospreys. We saw one playing in this tournament two years ago. Magnificent birds. University of Miami, it is not too late to get cool and change your nickname to a good bird.