Giving more credit to HCSS! |

Giving more credit to HCSS!


All Conference
Sep 11, 2011
Watching the bball board implode like the bball team has imploded of late led me to think about how good our football coaches were able to get the team "ready" for the next game - especially after blowout losses to Clemson, FSU & GT.

As some of you may know, I bumped into HCSS at the Duke game at Cameron before I went way up to my seat but in the brief talk I had with him you walk away feeling all warm and fuzzy knowing there is a of class coupled with passion in that guy! You want to play for this guy all in about a 3-5 minute discussion!

If you remember, HCSS didn't throw anyone under any bus in his pressers and he took all the blame - completely opposite of HCJB. HCSS understands that the buck stops with him - that's what you pay him for. I know fball is completely different than bball from a team sport perspective - but I give HCSS a lot of character points in how he goes about his business. He didn't pout, but simply went back to work and got his coaches and players ready for the next game and went on to have a very decent season in my opinion given what happened this past year with the head coaching changes.

My hope for the team and for HCSS was to get to a bowl game to set the stage moving forward - mission accomplished! I did predict a 6-6 season (but not in the way we did it) and although we all wanted more wins, how HCSS, coaches & players responded to adversity especially after blowout losses is admirable.

I am very encouraged about HCSS and the future of SU fball - my gut tells me better things are yet to come! Can't wait for next season! Nuff said...
"Watching the bball board implode like the bball team has imploded of late..."

You forgot to mention the lacrosse board as well. Those two boards sound like this one did after we got that ugly dose of whoop-asz laid on us by Ga Tech. I can certainly empathize with them as I am sure many of them did with us during those dark days, especially since many of the posters are seen on multiple boards. Peaks and valleys; high points and low points, that's the name of the game (really that should be games) when it comes to SU sports. Just gotta keep the faith...
"Watching the bball board implode like the bball team has imploded of late..."

You forgot to mention the lacrosse board as well. Those two boards sound like this one did after we got that ugly dose of whoop-asz laid on us by Ga Tech. I can certainly empathize with them as I am sure many of them did with us during those dark days, especially since many of the posters are seen on multiple boards. Peaks and valleys; high points and low points, that's the name of the game (really that should be games) when it comes to SU sports. Just gotta keep the faith...

I think the column over at Nunes Magician sums this up neatly: "Syracuse Sports Makes Me Drink."
I don't think Boeheim is saying anything wrong. He pointed out that no one is shooting particular Cooney. He's right. It ain't rocket science.
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The Basketball board is a dumpster fire right now. Won't read it

And the basketball team is unwatchable right now. Hard to believe with only 4 losses on the season with two of them to Duke and UVA as good as they are, but the other two losses to lowly BC and Ga Tech show that this team is flat out dead tired and I don't know how it gets better before ACC and NCAA tourneys. I know, I know, this is the football forum and I'll shut up now.
Thats why I do not journey over to that board. Amazing how many people over their I have never seen on this board.

It has been easy over the years to be an SU BB fan.

Many, if not most, have never really experienced tough BB times - like the ones some of us experienced in 1968 and 1969.

And many are essentially front runners - casual fans who understandably so, are attracted to the success, rather than the game or the program.
Thats why I do not journey over to that board. Amazing how many people over their I have never seen on this board.

Sorry, northern neighbor, but there a many names that you would recognize here that also frequently post on the bb board. Go over and take a looks see.
Board dynamics aside, I will never understand someone being a basketball-only SU fan.

I understand that some people are simply not football fans, so I can understand those types that only follow SU hoops. What I fail to comprehend is how some people, who live & grew up in CNY, who are huge fans of the game of football, either don't care about college football as a whole, or root for another college team besides Syracuse. I have a handful of friends that this applies to, and it definitely bothers me.
It has been easy over the years to be an SU BB fan.

Many, if not most, have never really experienced tough BB times - like the ones some of us experienced in 1968 and 1969.

And many are essentially front runners - casual fans who understandably so, are attracted to the success, rather than the game or the program.

And there it is.

I have a friend who turned down free sidelines seats to the Clemson game back in October because "He's more of a basketball game."
And there it is.

I have a friend who turned down free sidelines seats to the Clemson game back in October because "He's more of a basketball game."

That's not a friend; that's an "aquaintance"! ;)
CanadianSU said:
Thats why I do not journey over to that board. Amazing how many people over their I have never seen on this board.

Probably 80% of the posters are the same. And this board was just as bad last year. Neither board owns the market on firestorms.
rrlbees said:
Probably 80% of the posters are the same. And this board was just as bad last year. Neither board owns the market on firestorms.
Seriously. How we soon forget the beating marrone took when he left the program. I wont even bring up the robinson years.

Jesus christ. I hate posts like this. We are all syracuse fans yet its basketball vs football for many people. Some things never change on this board.
Rocco said:
I love it when the basketball-only's say the football board is unreadable at times... Oh really?

What kills me is fans of both programs dont differentiate between basketball and football. We are fans of both sports. Yet football onlys have to pound their chest and state how they are the real fans because its easy to root for the hoops team because of their successes.

Oh really?
What kills me is fans of both programs dont differentiate between basketball and football. We are fans of both sports. Yet football onlys have to pound their chest and state how they are the real fans because its easy to root for the hoops team because of their successes.

Oh really?

I find it easy to root for all Orange teams. I grew up in the area and love you the school and teams in spite of not being able to attend. My niece attended ESF, so I got that going for me.
HtownOrange said:
I find it easy to root for all Orange teams. I grew up in the area and love you the school and teams in spite of not being able to attend. My niece attended ESF, so I got that going for me.

To me its pretty easy. Fan of all programs. Hell tomorrow i will probably watch the womens game at my desk.
"Watching the bball board implode like the bball team has imploded of late..."

You forgot to mention the lacrosse board as well. Those two boards sound like this one did after we got that ugly dose of whoop-asz laid on us by Ga Tech. I can certainly empathize with them as I am sure many of them did with us during those dark days, especially since many of the posters are seen on multiple boards. Peaks and valleys; high points and low points, that's the name of the game (really that should be games) when it comes to SU sports. Just gotta keep the faith...

In fairness to the lacrosse board, most of the criticism revolves around faceoffs. It has been a problem for several seasons now. I'm not on the "fire Desko" train, but the frustrations of the fan base are reasonable.
I dont know much about Basketball but I follow the team and watch most games. Thing is I went over for a gamethread and I just did not recognize like anyone.

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