Good on Good |

Good on Good


Living Legend
Aug 17, 2011
very little worry about their qb running. Opportunity for our corners to test their “quality” , expect a lot of man outside. Maybe they just match up with their two best and travel. Lots of opportunities if they are going to put up 50 or 60 passes.
Duce and Garrett better load up on the Gatorade. They’re gonna need it Saturday with how much they’re gonna be giving it their all with this passing game. That said; I expect them to give it their best and I am confident in them to succeed. They are amazing ball players; we should all take comfort that we’ve got them in our defensive backfield covering their top two guys.
It's only one WR on their team that worries me - Jones. Can we cover him well enough that he doesn't go off like he did against Nebraska.

If you look at their stats, no WR has over 59 yards total receiving in so far, other than him. He has almost 300 yards receiving on 21 catches. That tells me 1) he knows how to get open and 2) the QB is looking for him.

As I said pre season, I was more worried about Malik Cunningham than I was of Aidan O’Connell not because Malik is a better QB but because of Malik’s athleticism and creating something out of nothing. O’Connell is clearly a better passer but he needs other skill players and is not mobile. Mobile QB’s have killed us in the past compared to true pocket passers that are not mobile. Time will tell this Saturday though.
It's only one WR on their team that worries me - Jones. Can we cover him well enough that he doesn't go off like he did against Nebraska.

If you look at their stats, no WR has over 59 yards total receiving in so far, other than him. He has almost 300 yards receiving on 21 catches. That tells me 1) he knows how to get open and 2) the QB is looking for him.

Sounds like tight inside coverage with LB rolling underneath and/or Safety rolling over top for picks. Just don't allow him inside release in coverage and force throws elsewhere
They're going to look at other receivers early on in the game since they know we will be keying on him
Leading up to Louisville so many people were saying that MC and company were the type of scheme that would give us fits and would be hard for us to contain. That wasn’t the case, now let’s see how we do against a lights out passer.
I really think Steve Linton will have a great game. My reason is his speed. They have no one in practice that has his get off plus reach. I know their guy said they will push us around. Great, prove it. If they do, ok, if not we got em
I think we will see a lot more exotic blitz packages to confuse the QB. Not sure our front 3-4 will be able to get pressure without some blitzing help. That will be a key. If we can create some pressure, we should win. If we can’t, we might need to outscore them.
Cuse by 2 scores. Better running game, better LBs, better DBs, better playmaking QB, better pizza, better salt potatoes and better coaching.
Legit GIF
very little worry about their qb running. Opportunity for our corners to test their “quality” , expect a lot of man outside. Maybe they just match up with their two best and travel. Lots of opportunities if they are going to put up 50 or 60 passes.
I think Garrett and Duce both said in preseason that they expected to play a lot more man this season.

This should be one of those games where we take the Purdue WRs on and play really tight coverage.

It is nice we have 4 CBs who we can rotate in. Guessing Purdue will go to 3 and 4 WR sets a lot once it becomes clear they can't run against the Syracuse defense.
Wonder if they play with 3 primary cb to have tighter man coverage? Start Garrett, Duce, and Johnson. Go with two safeties Clark and Carter.
Leading up to Louisville so many people were saying that MC and company were the type of scheme that would give us fits and would be hard for us to contain. That wasn’t the case, now let’s see how we do against a lights out passer.
Louisville torched us last year and we learned from that. We don’t have that experience with Purdue, but hopefully we can learn from other game films.
I think they try to attack the middle of the field with their TE's and WR crossing routes. Our safeties and LB's better be ready.
I think they try to attack the middle of the field with their TE's and WR crossing routes. Our safeties and LB's better be ready.

I am (naively/foolishly) of the sense they will look to run a bit more. Not a lot, but if they can do ANYTHING on the ground, play/action becomes far more effective for a good pocket QB.
O'Connell doesn't strike me as a QB who will be easily confused...he sees the field very well and delivers the ball where it needs to go.

He went 30 of 59!!! against State Penn.
1 TD, 0 INT. 2 sacks.

We need to stick to his favorite target Charlie Jones like glue.
Make his other receivers and RB beat us.
I think they try to attack the middle of the field with their TE's and WR crossing routes. Our safeties and LB's better be ready.
BINGO... 8-12 yard slants over the middle because O'Connell knows a) he won't have much time to sit in the pocket and b) Duce and Garrett may not be good match ups.Safeties need to prepared and be at proper depths.

Would love to see White dial up a DB blitz from whoever is covering a slot receiver.
BINGO... 8-12 yard slants over the middle because O'Connell knows a) he won't have much time to sit in the pocket and b) Duce and Garrett may not be good match ups.Safeties need to prepared and be at proper depths.

Would love to see White dial up a DB blitz from whoever is covering a slot receiver.

While we (thank GOD) aren't State Penn - we can certainly look at their film to see what they did to force O'Connell into only hitting ~50% of his pass attempts.

I've gotta imagine our DB's are as good as theirs, if not better.
Our LB's stack up against anybodys, anywhere.
Granted they probably have a larger/more experienced DL, but our guys have crazy in their eyes! ;)

I'm sure Tony White has been working on ideas for this game for weeks now.
(since he didn't need to do anything too exotic to kick UCann't in their respective - our LB's almost scored TWICE against them!)

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