Greensboro vs MSG is going to be night and day... |

Greensboro vs MSG is going to be night and day...


2nd String
Nov 1, 2011
In the BET we normally had a nice crowd advantage. We will most likely open with NC State and if we win we will get Duke. UNC, Duke and NC State will probably have the most fans in Greensboro. Going to be a big change from what we are used to
Agree, the crowds will be "totally" against us in probably every game. However, it's great to win in such an environment :)
cant be any worse than it has been lately, unless the refs are even worse
We will have the crowds in our favor. If we play NC State, both Duke and Tarheel fans will be rooting for us. If we win and so does Duke, Carolina fans will be rooting for us. Virginia fans despise tobacco road and will most likely be rooting for us in any game we play against teams from North Carolina.
Do you really think NC St and UNC fans will cheer for Duke against Syracuse. Much less other schools? People may not like us at all, but I can see them going for Duke either. Can people boo both teams?

What would Syracuse fans do when Georgetown/Pitt/UConn played each other in the BET. Pick a side to cheer for? Boo both? Cry for the death of basketball?

I think there may be less hatred overall for UNC (could be wrong), but I think they will have enough haters as well.
We will have the crowds in our favor. If we play NC State, both Duke and Tarheel fans will be rooting for us. If we win and so does Duke, Carolina fans will be rooting for us. Virginia fans despise tobacco road and will most likely be rooting for us in any game we play against teams from North Carolina.

The problem is there aren't enough uva fans, and I don't think Unc or Duke fans care enough to root that hard against nc state. We are going to be playing in front of some hostile crowds this week.
We will have the crowds in our favor. If we play NC State, both Duke and Tarheel fans will be rooting for us. If we win and so does Duke, Carolina fans will be rooting for us. Virginia fans despise tobacco road and will most likely be rooting for us in any game we play against teams from North Carolina.
Not against NC State. Duke fans will be pulling hard for NC State since they would much rather play them than us. That opening game against State will feel like a road game with 2 of the 3 biggest fan bases there pulling against us. If we get by State, then yes, the UNC fans will pull for us against Duke
Still not going to be MSG.

Cannot wait until the ACC gets a trial tourney in MSG and decides to never leave.
I think UVa is going to travel well.
Greensboro isn't that far from Charlottesville... and their fans are excited like it's 1982.
A good bunch too.

At the end of the day though - and I hope I'm proven right - I think one of the storylines from the tournament is going to be how much Syracuse fan support there is, and how much of it showed up in Greensboro.

Don't underestimate how well our fans have been traveling, and more or less coming out of the woodwork. We are everywhere. I think the only arena all season in which we didn't have a "great" showing was Virginia Tech - but nobody went to that game at all because of the weather.

We were thousands strong in Miami, Boston, Charlottesville, Winston-Salem, College Park... and had decent numbers too at Pitt and even Duke, two notoriously tough tickets. Somehow we even had enough in Tallahassee for a LGO chant. Incredible.

I think we have a traveling fan base right now that rivals Kentucky. I can't wait to be part of it, again, this week.
Be loud, be proud, LGO!!!
We will have the crowds in our favor. If we play NC State, both Duke and Tarheel fans will be rooting for us. If we win and so does Duke, Carolina fans will be rooting for us. Virginia fans despise tobacco road and will most likely be rooting for us in any game we play against teams from North Carolina.

The old "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" theory, eh? I'm not so sure SU isn't thee enemy everyone agrees on. Could be a lot of fun.
In the BET we normally had a nice crowd advantage. We will most likely open with NC State and if we win we will get Duke. UNC, Duke and NC State will probably have the most fans in Greensboro. Going to be a big change from what we are used to

I think Syracuse was given uncommon courtesy for a newbie, at least as far as the number of tickets it was allocated, which is up in the top 4 along with local schools Duke, UNC and NC State. Quantity good, quality, not so good. By the time the tournament moves to NYC in 2017 though, we should be in good shape.

You want to see evidence of a bad fan base, check out the allotments for BC. Even Miami and VT have bigger allotments. Some things never change; the Superfans couldn't find their way to MSG either.

so your neighbors will be NC St. and Clemson. Don't envy you folks on the right edge who have to deal with the NCSU dickbags
Survive and Advance. That's all that we have to do.
so your neighbors will be NC St. and Clemson. Don't envy you folks on the right edge who have to deal with the NCSU dickbags

That's ok, they will lose to Miami anyway, so they won't be there on Friday.
The regionals will be 100x better than the BET is we get placed in the east. I cant even imagine the atmosphere for an elite 8 game with Syracuse in it.

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