Guard Minutes |

Guard Minutes

John Syracuse

Walk On
Sep 2, 2011
Over on orange fizz a poster did the usual prediction of minutes for our guards...funny, his totaled 120 minutes...did the rules change, or are the games still 40 mins. ?

Anyway, fwiw, my prediction is Dion gets the most mins ( im talking big east games here, not the cal-LA game) , a close second Scoop, and a close 3rd Brandon. As good as MCW is, his time will come in the next 3 yrs. These three are just too darn good...and experienced. Go orange !
Only the 3 returnees will see significant PT in BE play
I am pretty interested to see how JB handles the guards and their imnutes as well. Like miost I expect Scoop and Brandon to start and play a lot of minutes. I also expect Dion to be the 3rd guard and get more minutes than he did last season. While I may be as high on MCW as I have been on an SU freshman guard I just have a hard time seeing JB go with a 4 guard rotation regularly and I don't see a lot of minutes for him although I do see him pushing those three infront of him and making them better.

I wonder if we see JB basically play a 3 man platoon at guard where the hot hand in any given game gets more of the minutes or if we see JB use Dion as the 3rd guard period with Brandon and Scoop both seeing around 30min a peice.
Once BE play starts

Scoop - 30
Brandon - 30
Dion - 15
MCW - 5 (maybe a bit more IF we were to go small for 5 mpg)
Jones - 0
Cooney - RS
Once BE play starts

Scoop - 30
Brandon - 30
Dion - 15
MCW - 5 (maybe a bit more IF we were to go small for 5 mpg)
Jones - 0
Cooney - RS

Yeah, can't argue with those numbers. While I think Dion should play more, if he is playing well, JB does like to work his starters no less than 30 minutes per game.
When it comes to BE play probably no question that BT and Scoop will get the lion's share of the minutes based on experience and seniority. Waiters, like last year will rotate between BT and Scoop needing a rest or if one is having a bad game and gets pulled. MCW will pick up a lot of minutes in OOC games b/c he will need the experience especially for next year. He will also pick up minutes in our lesser BE games - DePaul, Rutgers, etc ... I think JB knows he has to get MCW experience going into the NCAAs...

or, how about this. He rotates in Dion and MCW to replace Scoop and BT at times ... that would work especially in lesser OOC and BE games (i.e. DePaul, Rutgers, USF, etc)
I would love to believe that JB will play Triche and Scoop for 25 each and split the rest of the time between MCW and Waiters. That would keep them all fresh and learning and we could press more and run teams off the court...but I don't think he breaks his typical substitution pattern. This isn't aimed at your post Skan, sorry. Just a general thought.
Boy its so hard to venture a guess. This is like going out to the fair and seeing talent compete in a talent competition for the first time. Loosing Rick alone caused that :)

All I can say is There are 5 positions you can build a mismatch at. There are 5 positions other teams can structure there defensive sets around.

JB knows that and Hes going to pull more tricks out of the bag this year possibly then last. But as always hes going to play to win.

1. Offense starts inside out at the top 50 level, because it is inside out that causes teams to pack the paint or spread the defense.

2. will Keita, Fab and Rak have a low post game because if its high post that will effect CJ and Kris driving.

3. Will scoop play without a high post guy on the right elbow. If yes then MCW could steal 10 of his minutes if hes the better penetrator. hes already taller.

4. Our outside shooters. We have KJO, Southerland, Fair, Triche, Dion, Scoop, MCW, Cooney, and Mookie. Atleast 7 of them are already 6th men. Thats 7 outside shooters. There are some teams that only go 7 deep.:confused:

5. Of those 7-9 shooters who are 6th men where do we have the mismatch to shoot over that night. That could be the difference for Southerland being on the floor instead of Fair. Or Cooney being on the floor instead of Triche or Dion at SG. Or MCW being on the floor because we need a tall lengthy big step guard who slides into open space with his long stride to accompany a shooter.

6.Our offense with the loss of Rick right now has virtually no consistant flow. Its like starting from scratch with veterens and 10(at the least) to 12 6th men.

7. Once again its like going to the Fair. I wouldn't be surprised if outside of KJO and Scoop (with the seniority as well) if JB goes to play the mismatches all year and takes advantage of them.

8. I wouldn't be upset if one player got 30 minutes a game and the starter got only 10 if it means a better chance to win. In terms its not about how good they are with this team its about what each individual can exploit. Like memories of the 02-03 GT game or the game where we won by 50 in the dome last year.
I would love to believe that JB will play Triche and Scoop for 25 each and split the rest of the time between MCW and Waiters. That would keep them all fresh and learning and we could press more and run teams off the court...but I don't think he breaks his typical substitution pattern. This isn't aimed at your post Skan, sorry. Just a general thought.
That's OK ... I just think that MCW has to get on the court and pick up minutes and that won't be easy with JB' pattern of play and having BT, Scoop, and Dion in front of him. On the other hand we may have surprises coming at us. It really is harder with the guards than with the front court (until you get to the #4 spot). But even there Rak has to get minutes to get experience ...that is why I believe that while he may not "start" he will pick up the lion's share of the minutes at the 4 ... at least until the BE starts.
Triche: 30
Scoop: 28
MCW and Cooney and Mookie: the rest: 5 minutes
Once BE play starts

Scoop - 30
Brandon - 30
Dion - 15
MCW - 5 (maybe a bit more IF we were to go small for 5 mpg)
Jones - 0
Cooney - RS
I think this looks right.
Once BE play starts

Scoop - 30
Brandon - 30
Dion - 15
MCW - 5 (maybe a bit more IF we were to go small for 5 mpg)
Jones - 0
Cooney - RS

Looks good, but take 5 from Brandon and give it to Dion (30, 25, 20, 5)
That would make sense moving Mook to the SF position ... backing up KJo and CJ. That leaves Rak and Southerland at the PF ... and should CJ need to be shifted to the 4 then Mook backs up KJo. If he were left at the 2 he would never get playing time with the logjam of guards we have right now.
Does anyone really think Mookie will play? I know I don't.
No ... but I thought I gave a plausible scenario as to how he could get minutes other than in absolute blowouts. And it would explain why he is working with the SF group ... they gotta figure a place for him sometime, somehow, someway
No ... but I thought I gave a plausible scenario as to how he could get minutes other than in absolute blowouts. And it would explain why he is working with the SF group ... they gotta figure a place for him sometime, somehow, someway

Plausible but I have a hard time seeing JB play Mookie anywhere until its complete blowout. The reason being that I think JB will be more interested in getting Rak and James as many decent minutes as possible early on since he already has a good idea of what he will get out of CJ and James and that they will be plying the most meaningful minutes at the forward spots this season.
No ... but I thought I gave a plausible scenario as to how he could get minutes other than in absolute blowouts. And it would explain why he is working with the SF group ... they gotta figure a place for him sometime, somehow, someway

no they don't, nothing change from last year besides adding 2 new guards, aka mookie will not play just like last year

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