Guess who Notre Dame plays twice in first 3 years of ACC schedule | Page 2 |

Guess who Notre Dame plays twice in first 3 years of ACC schedule

Yeah, let's alienate the people who have stayed with the program after the disastrous Greg Robinson era and want to call out a s#itty deal. My god, sometimes people have a right to bitch jeez, complaining about everything is wrong, but if PhatOrange wants to vent he has a right and the fact people want to shut these people down is a joke. The ND series is A JOKE no IFs ANs or BUTs about it. If people are giving up their money to support the program they have a right to complain, if you think whining about this is exhausting pay for his tickets and then he can shut up. I expect Syracuse to play a good schedule I will always support Syracuse and buy season tickets but if we play a bunch of uninteresting games I won't be happy when a game that interests me gets moved 200 miles away AND it isn't part of my season ticket package and that game is suppose to be a "home" game. If people want to bitch about this they are entitled too people can either agree or disagree but the dog eat dog mentality of those don't have a problem with it is annoying and exhausting.

I have season tickets, drive up from Jersey for each and every home game (on top of the multiple road games a year I attend). Coming from that place, you should understand why I have zero, zip, zilch sympathy for those that have to travel down the road 3 1/2 hours one time each fall. And no, I don't deserve a cookie for doing so. That's the choice I make. I love syracuse football, and you won't ever here me complaining about where the game is or who its against.
I have season tickets, drive up from Jersey for each and every home game (on top of the multiple road games a year I attend). Coming from that place, you should understand why I have zero, zip, zilch sympathy for those that have to travel down the road 3 1/2 hours one time each fall. And no, I don't deserve a cookie for doing so. That's the choice I make. I love syracuse football, and you won't ever here me complaining about where the game is or who its against.
I'll be attending at least 5 games this year. It's 5 hours to the Dome from my house. Going to Clemson and BC. It's 3.5 hours from my house to NYC. Going to PSU. It's 9 hours from my house to MD. Going to MD. It's 20 hours to FSU. Going to FSU. The incessant whining pisses me off.
I have season tickets, drive up from Jersey for each and every home game (on top of the multiple road games a year I attend). Coming from that place, you should understand why I have zero, zip, zilch sympathy for those that have to travel down the road 3 1/2 hours one time each fall. And no, I don't deserve a cookie for doing so. That's the choice I make. I love syracuse football, and you won't ever here me complaining about where the game is or who its against.
Let me preface by saying I wasn't singling you out I am just upset right now and I was typing what I said out of frustration. I meant no disrespect to you personally I just hate it when others(not you) want to tell others how to act, and thanks for being part of that surviving GROB group.
Let me preface by saying I wasn't singling you out I am just upset right now and I was typing what I said out of frustration. I meant no disrespect to you personally I just hate it when others(not you) want to tell others how to act, and thanks for being part of that surviving GROB group.

No disrespect taken. Those grob days were especially dark, and often times I questioned my sanity for wasting my time coming up for those games. But it makes years like 2012 that much better knowing that we sat through horrendous football for almost a decade. The car rides don't seem quite as long anymore.
Mark your in my top 3 favorite people on this board, but you and I completely disagree on this one. We have played Ohio State, Michigan, Florida, Florida State, Texas in home and homes as well with our home game on campus.
No worries...I'd love to play ND home and home...but I also see some benefit with playing games at MetLife. Also, add in honoring contracts.

I really hope we can play some teams with 1-1-1's Schools like Michigan, Ohio State, and Rutgers. I only add Rutgers due to the ability to send 30k of their fans 40 mins north.
No worries...I'd love to play ND home and home...but I also see some benefit with playing games at MetLife. Also, add in honoring contracts.

I really hope we can play some teams with 1-1-1's Schools like Michigan, Ohio State, and Rutgers. I only add Rutgers due to the ability to send 30k of their fans 40 mins north.

Not to mention these contracts were made before we got an ACC invite and we were desperately looking to add revenue anyway possible. I hope in the future we do not settle for anything but a 1 -1 or 1-1-1.
That's not good news. Unless it is 1-1-1 it blows. 2 at Metlife isn't something to cheer about.

Sent using my Commodore 64
I really enjoy the MetLife experience. Just give me 6 Dome games on top of it and I'm a happy guy. When we played ND at home, it was not a sellout, i couldn't believe it! Seeing Walter Reyes run wild that game was awesome!
I think it's still undetermined if the 2016 game will be in NYC or the Dome.

The ACC release says that both the 2014 and 2016 games are "at Syracuse".
Unfortunately, here is part of a response from an email Dr. Gross responded to a source clearly states both games will be at Sun Life Stadium and the reason why:

From: Daryl J Gross []
Sent: 19 April 2013 16:17
Subject: Re: Question about the SU-ND games

When we signed the agreement we could not get ND to play at the Dome ... Instead of not playing them at all we decided and contracted with MetLife
We will honor our contract. Thanks for the note!

Note that I consider this positive as part of the ACC. It demonstrates that Notre Dame was not interested in coming to the Dome--seating only 50,000...but it also shows Notre Dame believes 'Cuse strong enough from a fan and NYC basis to play 2 of 3 years against. In so far as being part of the ACC, Syracuse is going to approximately triple its dollars generated from TV rights, provides a better conference to play in...and I am pleased we are in the ACC.
Unfortunately, here is part of a response from an email Dr. Gross responded to a source clearly states both games will be at Sun Life Stadium and the reason why:

From: Daryl J Gross []
Sent: 19 April 2013 16:17
Subject: Re: Question about the SU-ND games
When we signed the agreement we could not get ND to play at the Dome ... Instead of not playing them at all we decided and contracted with MetLife
We will honor our contract. Thanks for the note!

Note that I consider this positive as part of the ACC. It demonstrates that Notre Dame was not interested in coming to the Dome--seating only 50,000...but it also shows Notre Dame believes 'Cuse strong enough from a fan and NYC basis to play 2 of 3 years against. In so far as being part of the ACC, Syracuse is going to approximately triple its dollars generated from TV rights, provides a better conference to play in...and I am pleased we are in the ACC.

I'm not sure that they weren't interested in playing in the Dome because of seating capacity. Last year they played Wake at BB&T stadium that only holds 31,500 and were sold out. If they had moved the Wake-ND game to Charlotte the crowd size probably wouldn't have been much more. Simply a decision that they could make more money playing Syracuse in NYC.
so you care more about the team on the other side of the ball than the team we all support?

change your avatar to #softnosed

Nah it's about sacking up and getting these teams back in the dome instead of caring more about the $ at the meadowlands and having 10k SU fans rather 50k and a potential win.

And no it wouldn't be like 2008, that team was an embarrassment.

Look let's tell all our top recruits that you can play notre dame but were small time so we can't play them at the home. Well have them take an unofficial visit to the meadowlands instead of the dome.

Oh and Hey fans please chip in for an ipf but were going to play our premiere games off campus 4 hours away in new jersey
Unfortunately, here is part of a response from an email Dr. Gross responded to a source clearly states both games will be at Sun Life Stadium and the reason why:

From: Daryl J Gross []
Sent: 19 April 2013 16:17
Subject: Re: Question about the SU-ND games
When we signed the agreement we could not get ND to play at the Dome ... Instead of not playing them at all we decided and contracted with MetLife
We will honor our contract. Thanks for the note!

Note that I consider this positive as part of the ACC. It demonstrates that Notre Dame was not interested in coming to the Dome--seating only 50,000...but it also shows Notre Dame believes 'Cuse strong enough from a fan and NYC basis to play 2 of 3 years against. In so far as being part of the ACC, Syracuse is going to approximately triple its dollars generated from TV rights, provides a better conference to play in...and I am pleased we are in the ACC.

In other words, while ND will be visiting all the other ACC schools at one point or another, we're stuck because of our previous agreement with Met Life.
Unfortunately, here is part of a response from an email Dr. Gross responded to a source clearly states both games will be at Sun Life Stadium and the reason why:

From: Daryl J Gross []
Sent: 19 April 2013 16:17
Subject: Re: Question about the SU-ND games
When we signed the agreement we could not get ND to play at the Dome ... Instead of not playing them at all we decided and contracted with MetLife
We will honor our contract. Thanks for the note!

Note that I consider this positive as part of the ACC. It demonstrates that Notre Dame was not interested in coming to the Dome--seating only 50,000...but it also shows Notre Dame believes 'Cuse strong enough from a fan and NYC basis to play 2 of 3 years against. In so far as being part of the ACC, Syracuse is going to approximately triple its dollars generated from TV rights, provides a better conference to play in...and I am pleased we are in the ACC.

So since we are honoring contracts I guess we are headed to Wyoming soon?

The situation has changed since they have come to the ACC looking to park olympic sports. Per usual Gross is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the sheep. All ACC teams are scheduled to have a home game with the Irish with the exception of Syracuse. This is not a good thing no matter how it is spun frankly. I am in favor of NYC games by the way but this coming off the USC stuff is not going to sit well unless a dome game is announced on the future schedule.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Metlife games. I'm 18-20 mins away, front door to parking lot (L7). I just feel the Met-Life games should be leveraged for 1-1-1 agreements.
1-1-1s would be nice. As long as they can still get 6 home games it's not the worse thing. Of course, it would be better still if the return games to ND are also at MetLife. Make it a neutral site series for alums in the area and a weekend in the city for the locals.

Having 6-7 home games plus one at MetLife vs a premier program every few years could be a nice recruiting tool. For really big programs you might have to try for one at the Dome, one at MetLife, and two away due to travel concerns.
I, for one, am shocked that we got to keep both MetLife games.


Really? This is ND you're talking about, the institution's fabric is at the zenith of hypocracy. For obvious reasons, these two games, at this precise location, is purely in the best interest of ND and the proximal factor of its retention. Period!
Nah it's about sacking up and getting these teams back in the dome instead of caring more about the $ at the meadowlands and having 10k SU fans rather 50k and a potential win.

And no it wouldn't be like 2008, that team was an embarrassment.

Look let's tell all our top recruits that you can play notre dame but were small time so we can't play them at the home. Well have them take an unofficial visit to the meadowlands instead of the dome.

Oh and Hey fans please chip in for an ipf but were going to play our premiere games off campus 4 hours away in new jersey

It's the exact opposite, actually. They used the PSU game at the Meadowlands as a selling point to recruits. For a bunch of kids to play where the Giants and Jets play is a huge deal and helps recruiting
So since we are honoring contracts I guess we are headed to Wyoming soon?

The situation has changed since they have come to the ACC looking to park olympic sports. Per usual Gross is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the sheep. All ACC teams are scheduled to have a home game with the Irish with the exception of Syracuse. This is not a good thing no matter how it is spun frankly. I am in favor of NYC games by the way but this coming off the USC stuff is not going to sit well unless a dome game is announced on the future schedule.
We did honor th Wyoming contract via the buyout clause. To be sure, there probably is a buyout clause in the MetLife deal but Dr. Gross and company have deemed it better to play in MetLife than buyout the game. Let's not forget that Syracuse is still being well compensated and that ND would have no trouble replacing us: translation, both MetLife and ND are interested in Syracuse, Syracuse is still a reasonably strong NATIONAL name brand, in spite of the recent downturn.

Also, once the MetLife deal is done, Syracuse gets ND in the Dome every six years. This is temporary and benefecial on many levels. Plus, we get FSU, Clemson and Louisville every other year in the Dome. We will not be moving to a Shianoesque schedule anytime soon.
In other words, while ND will be visiting all the other ACC schools at one point or another, we're stuck because of our previous agreement with Met Life.

Doesn't say that at all, to me. If anything, the reverse would be the more likely implication. After going to South Bend twice in the next 6-year cycle, the following 6 year cycle would be 1 game at South Bend and 1 game at the Dome.

Really? This is ND you're talking about, the institution's fabric is at the zenith of hypocracy. For obvious reasons, these two games, at this precise location, is purely in the best interest of ND and the proximal factor of its retention. Period!

My surprise was more that there would be no games for us in South Bend in this first six year cycle, while believing that the next six year cycle would be what would be expected 1 at South Bend and 1 at either the Dome or MetLife. There seems to be some backtracking now that perhaps in the next six year cycle, we will play at South Bend twice.

If this turns out to be true, then it isn't much of a shock.

So since we are honoring contracts I guess we are headed to Wyoming soon?

Please tell me you are not comparing a road game at Wyoming with two marquee match-ups with ND at MetLife stadium?!?

Hey Kaiser, I thought this was supposedly the smarter board?

Unfortunately, here is part of a response from an email Dr. Gross responded to a source clearly states both games will be at Sun Life Stadium and the reason why:

From: Daryl J Gross []
Sent: 19 April 2013 16:17
Subject: Re: Question about the SU-ND games

When we signed the agreement we could not get ND to play at the Dome ... Instead of not playing them at all we decided and contracted with MetLife
We will honor our contract. Thanks for the note!

Note that I consider this positive as part of the ACC. It demonstrates that Notre Dame was not interested in coming to the Dome--seating only 50,000...but it also shows Notre Dame believes 'Cuse strong enough from a fan and NYC basis to play 2 of 3 years against. In so far as being part of the ACC, Syracuse is going to approximately triple its dollars generated from TV rights, provides a better conference to play in...and I am pleased we are in the ACC.

Its not a positive if it hurts SU in the long run. Instead of ND in NJ find another good team that will come to the Dome. Better chance to win the Dome and energizes the fan base.

Sent using my Commodore 64
Not to mention these contracts were made before we got an ACC invite and we were desperately looking to add revenue anyway possible. I hope in the future we do not settle for anything but a 1 -1 or 1-1-1.

It seems in reading this thread, that people completely forgot about this.

I never expected that deal to change. But next go around when we get ND on the schedule, I would hope we get a Dome appearance as an ACC member. ND recently traveled to Wake Forest, so they can't claim they don't go to small-ish stadiums unless they are in big cities (like BC).

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