Ha ha - Outcoached by P & D! | Syracusefan.com

Ha ha - Outcoached by P & D!


All American
Sep 2, 2011
  • SU Team shows up unready to play... again (-1 SU coaching staff)
  • SU Team is absolutely horrendous again on special teams and kickoffs (-1 SU... I'd blame the special teams coach, but oh yeah, we don't have one... funny how that is working out...)
  • SU Defense on their heels all second half against the worst offense in the league (-1 coaches and players)
  • Receivers dropping balls that hit them in both hands (-1 SU players)
  • SU tackling reminicent of Gump-Era (-1 SU players)
SU Tally: -5
  • UCONN turning the ball over like it's a religion (-1 P&D and dumb QB)
  • UCONN secondary making Lemon and Provo look like NFL prospects in the second half (-1 UCONN players)
  • UCONN coaches and players finally figuring out how to shutdown our bootleg pass and end-o-round plays (+1 P and coaches)
UCONN Tally: -2

This was Rutgers game v.2.0... an aberration of football and a pathetic game win or lose.

But it's even more pathetic we lost.

We are a wildly inconsistent team... and that points to poor coaching, unfortunately.

Th first half was absolutely unwatchable.

I've been a big Marrone and Shafer supporter, but am starting to lose a little faith, to be honest...
  • SU Team shows up unready to play... again (-1 SU coaching staff)
  • SU Team is absolutely horrendous again on special teams and kickoffs (-1 SU... I'd blame the special teams coach, but oh yeah, we don't have one... funny how that is working out...)
  • SU Defense on their heels all second half against the worst offense in the league (-1 coaches and players)
  • Receivers dropping balls that hit them in both hands (-1 SU players)
  • SU tackling reminicent of Gump-Era (-1 SU players)
SU Tally: -5

  • UCONN turning the ball over like it's a religion (-1 P&D and dumb QB)
  • UCONN secondary making Lemon and Provo look like NFL prospects in the second half (-1 UCONN players)
  • UCONN coaches and players finally figuring out how to shutdown our bootleg pass and end-o-round plays (+1 P and coaches)
UCONN Tally: -2

This was Rutgers game v.2.0... an aberration of football and a pathetic game win or lose.

But it's even more pathetic we lost.

We are a wildly inconsistent team... and that points to poor coaching, unfortunately.

Th first half was absolutely unwatchable.

I've been a big Marrone and Shafer supporter, but am starting to lose a little faith, to be honest...
Actually, I think we very consistent. Consistently not playing well and not playing with discipline and not tackling. The anomaly was the WVU game. Other than that, we've been pretty consistent. Just not the type of consistency you would want.

This will ALL be erased when Syracuse gets better players, which they WILL...
This will ALL be erased when Syracuse gets better players, which they WILL...

havent yet-what makes you think they all of a sudden start?
Increased revenue will improve facilities, which will gather better recruits. It's a proven formula.
So bringing facilities up to PAR with better programs will suddenly convince kids to come to SU? Perhaps a couple mid-tier on-the-fence kids, but the facility argument is overrated when it comes to seriously upgrading recruiting. The best kids are going to go to the best programs - and SU is nowhere near the top half of that list right now. This is not basketball (or even lacrosse).
Syracuse was in the top 20 & often top 10, from the late 80's until the late 90's. They can do it again if they are committed to making it happen. They have the tradition AND leadership willing to do it.

Don't underestimate tradition, because it does play a big role. Syracuse has more than enough of this to be a top 20 program.
Increased revenue will improve facilities, which will gather better recruits. It's a proven formula.

Increased revenues and improved facilities won't teach fundamental tackling or how to gap-position for a kick-off return.
Increased revenue will improve facilities, which will gather better recruits. It's a proven formula.

Better recruits would mean better results if we were playing the same competition. We're not. We're trading Rutgers, Uconn, Lville, USF, WVU and Cincy for Florida State, Miami, Clemson, VT, UNC, and GT. Some of their cupcakes are as bad as the bottom of our league but the middle to top of the ACC is better than the Big East's middle to top.
Better recruits would mean better results if we were playing the same competition. We're not. We're trading Rutgers, Uconn, Lville, USF, WVU and Cincy for Florida State, Miami, Clemson, VT, UNC, and GT. Some of their cupcakes are as bad as the bottom of our league but the middle to top of the ACC is better than the Big East's middle to top.

Big East Conf All
Cincinnati (23) 3-0 7-1

Louisville 3-1 5-4

Rutgers 3-2 6-3

West Virginia 2-2 6-3

Pittsburgh 2-2 4-5

Connecticut 2-2 4-5

Syracuse 1-3 5-4

South Florida 0-4 4-4

Just in case anyone needs a reminder of who the "bottom of our league" teams are you refer to. 7th out of 8 teams in a horrible conference this year. All in all I think Marrone will get a full 6 years before his job is in jeopardy. He can only hope that we have 2 more seasons in the Big East.
This will ALL be erased when Syracuse gets better players, which they WILL...

Will the other teams get better talent too? Or just SU?
Big East Conf All
Cincinnati (23) 3-0 7-1

Louisville 3-1 5-4

Rutgers 3-2 6-3

West Virginia 2-2 6-3

Pittsburgh 2-2 4-5

Connecticut 2-2 4-5

Syracuse 1-3 5-4

South Florida 0-4 4-4

Just in case anyone needs a reminder of who the "bottom of our league" teams are you refer to. 7th out of 8 teams in a horrible conference this year. All in all I think Marrone will get a full 6 years before his job is in jeopardy. He can only hope that we have 2 more seasons in the Big East.

Exactly my point.

Anyone who thinks the light switch is just gonna flip on when we go to the ACC because more money, better facilities, and hopefully better players = more wins in a tougher league when we are 7th out of 8th of our garbage league is smoking some serious drugs. Football is going to be a struggle in the ACC.
Big East Conf All

Just in case anyone needs a reminder of who the "bottom of our league" teams are you refer to. 7th out of 8 teams in a horrible conference this year. All in all I think Marrone will get a full 6 years before his job is in jeopardy. He can only hope that we have 2 more seasons in the Big East.

Who exactly is the eighth team that isn't horrible? Cincitucky lost to Tennessee 45-23.
Who exactly is the eighth team that isn't horrible? Cincitucky lost to Tennessee 45-23.
I don't understand your question. I said Syracuse is in 7th place out of 8 teams in a horrible conference. Not sure the relavance of your question or post.
Will the other teams get better talent too? Or just SU?

Syracuse will get the better talent because they have a better coach than most, will get more money than the Big East leftovers, has a better tradition, & is more popular with the masses than a majority of teams in college football today. There are maybe 3 or 4 teams in the ACC who are more popular than Syracuse... That's it...
Syracuse will get the better talent because they have a better coach than most, will get more money than the Big East leftovers, has a better tradition, & is more popular with the masses than a majority of teams in college football today. There are maybe 3 or 4 teams in the ACC who are more popular than Syracuse... That's it...

By "maybe 4 teams more popular than Syracuse, do you mean in Syracuse, the five hour radius around Syracuse, on the east coast, or nationally?

I would guess than in 1 out of 4 cases, you are probably right. Besides that, tossup.
Syracuse will get the better talent because they have a better coach than most, will get more money than the Big East leftovers, has a better tradition, & is more popular with the masses than a majority of teams in college football today. There are maybe 3 or 4 teams in the ACC who are more popular than Syracuse... That's it...

Sure in the future we might get better talent than teams in the Big East currently get but I don't see what the point of that is since we will be playing in the ACC where they already get better talent and have been for years. Also, I tend to look at stadium size and attendance as a barometer of popularity and in that regard we will be the 11th out of 14th in stadium size and 11th out of 14th in attendance. I guess you could also look at merchandise sold just for football but I don't have those kinds of figures available and I doubt it would help your point. You could also look at Nielsen ratings for SU football games but the viewers are not just tuning in to watch SU play but their opponent as well which will skew the stats.

While I like Marrone and some of the coaches he has surrounded himself with, I will not blindly say he is a better coach than most without having facts to back it up.
Given his record vs. BCS schools I cannot say he is a better coach than most, and while time may change that opinion right now you cannot make that presumption and declare it to be the true.
Sure in the future we might get better talent than teams in the Big East currently get but I don't see what the point of that is since we will be playing in the ACC where they already get better talent and have been for years. Also, I tend to look at stadium size and attendance as a barometer of popularity and in that regard we will be the 11th out of 14th in stadium size and 11th out of 14th in attendance. I guess you could also look at merchandise sold just for football but I don't have those kinds of figures available and I doubt it would help your point. You could also look at Nielsen ratings for SU football games but the viewers are not just tuning in to watch SU play but their opponent as well which will skew the stats.

While I like Marrone and some of the coaches he has surrounded himself with, I will not blindly say he is a better coach than most without having facts to back it up.
Given his record vs. BCS schools I cannot say he is a better coach than most, and while time may change that opinion right now you cannot make that presumption and declare it to be the true.

Marrone is proven better simply because he can win more with less. Coach Schiano wins less with more, & it's apparent by the star recruits he brings in with very little to show...

Coach Doug is working with slightly above FCS level talent, & he has them going to Bowls while competing against BCS Conference talent.

I am not convinced this team is capable of being better than mediocre with the skill set they bring, so Marrone has them operating at full strength. Many coaches can't accomplish this.

Right now, it's tough to gauge the popularity of Syracuse Football due to the recent downturn last decade. Once the program is running at full tilt, the fans & casual football viewers will pay attention to the ORANGE once again, & they will be much more popular than most ACC programs. This was true in the 90's, & it will be true very soon again...
  • SU Team shows up unready to play... again (-1 SU coaching staff)
  • SU Team is absolutely horrendous again on special teams and kickoffs (-1 SU... I'd blame the special teams coach, but oh yeah, we don't have one... funny how that is working out...)
  • SU Defense on their heels all second half against the worst offense in the league (-1 coaches and players)
  • Receivers dropping balls that hit them in both hands (-1 SU players)
  • SU tackling reminicent of Gump-Era (-1 SU players)
SU Tally: -5

  • UCONN turning the ball over like it's a religion (-1 P&D and dumb QB)
  • UCONN secondary making Lemon and Provo look like NFL prospects in the second half (-1 UCONN players)
  • UCONN coaches and players finally figuring out how to shutdown our bootleg pass and end-o-round plays (+1 P and coaches)
UCONN Tally: -2

This was Rutgers game v.2.0... an aberration of football and a pathetic game win or lose.

But it's even more pathetic we lost.

We are a wildly inconsistent team... and that points to poor coaching, unfortunately.

Th first half was absolutely unwatchable.

I've been a big Marrone and Shafer supporter, but am starting to lose a little faith, to be honest...

Yep, gotta hand it to you. That tricky play in the second half where either the QB or the TB had the ball was pure coaching genius. We never could have anticipated that. And it had nothing to do with our defensive players bumping into the ball carrier and bouncing off.

I do agree with you about special teams. This needs to be corrected with the hire of a coach, no excuses.

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