Hackett/Shafer Question | Syracusefan.com

Hackett/Shafer Question


Hall of Fame
Sep 18, 2011
If seems from reading this board it is one or the other? If we promote Hackett then Shafer leaves if we promote Shafer then Hackett leaves?

1- Is this what everyone else is reading/hearing?

2- What happens if they hire from the outside lets say Diaco? Do both walk? Or would they both stay on?
Was wondering the same thing and that's why Doc gets paid the big bucks to figure things like that out and the best deal for Syracuse University.
If seems from reading this board it is one or the other? If we promote Hackett then Shafer leaves if we promote Shafer then Hackett leaves?

1- Is this what everyone else is reading/hearing?

2- What happens if they hire from the outside lets say Diaco? Do both walk? Or would they both stay on?
well, no one knows for sure. But if they would leave if the other one got the job, I would have a hard time believeing that they would stay for an outsider.
At this point in the season, where is Hackett going to go if it's not with Marrone?

I think giving him a pay bump and assistant HC keeps him around. I think he likes the college scene and working with kids, and he's done a great job recruiting.
If seems from reading this board it is one or the other? If we promote Hackett then Shafer leaves if we promote Shafer then Hackett leaves?

1- Is this what everyone else is reading/hearing?

2- What happens if they hire from the outside lets say Diaco? Do both walk? Or would they both stay on?

Promote one, and pay the other very well. A couple hundred grand goes a long way to smoothing out hurt feelings.
I hope you guys are right about the extra pay thing because pride and being competitive are a big part of being a coach. Being a team player is as well but, again...I hope you're right.
If seems from reading this board it is one or the other? If we promote Hackett then Shafer leaves if we promote Shafer then Hackett leaves?

1- Is this what everyone else is reading/hearing?

2- What happens if they hire from the outside lets say Diaco? Do both walk? Or would they both stay on?

Diaco or any outside coach would want his own assistants. Have to believe with an outside hire we lose all current staff with 1 or 2 exceptions for recruiting stability, translated: they get a 1 year stay of execution then off with their heads as well(Anselmo comes to mind). Pretty safe assumption though that both OC and DC would be history.

I really believe we have 2 very good coordinators right now and our top priority should be keeping both and saving the recruiting class. When you fire a coach late Nov/early Dec they(new guy) still have a chance to re-recruit the current verbals and add 1 or 2 of their own. This late though and it's nothing but damage control for the new coach until LOI day. Much easier to do damage control with the current staff who did most of the recruiting.
Shafer as head coach
Hackett as associate head coach and OC.
Hire a younger DC.
Anselmo retires hire a ST coach.

or Hackett to QB coach in Buffalo and we find a new OC and QB recruit.
Anselmo is NYC. Internal or external hire I think we need to try to keep him for at least one year so the new coach can become familiar with those connections.
i think there is a chance you could get both to stay at least for a year since its so late in the coaching game but aftr that you would likely lose the non head coach. What about a creative move: Henderson head coach and work with dbs. keep shafer and hacket at OC and DC with increased pay/associate head coach titles
I am not sure that is correct at all. People talk crap without knowing anything about these guys. Hackett is what 33? If he stays a couple of years he might be able to write his own ticket.

Doug is a shrewd, calculating and cunning guy. He picks jobs where the threshold for success is very low and leverage the greatest. Even so, this is the NFL and he is on a very short leash and needs to get some results asap. His boy do I really want tom be here story is wearing old and NFL fans will turn on him in a heartbeat.

My guess is that DM will hire coordinators with lots of NFL experience. Since Shafer has no NFL experience he would be a weaker candidate for the Bills. Hacket has some experience so he might get the nod from Doug.

I think we will learn a lot more about Doug when he hires his staff.
Promote one, and pay the other very well. A couple hundred grand goes a long way to smoothing out hurt feelings.

I would think that you;re right. But in a year or so, the one not picked will probably be gone. But at least that would give the coach time to prepare for replacement. Right now, we want as much stability as possible.
At this point in the season, where is Hackett going to go if it's not with Marrone?

I think giving him a pay bump and assistant HC keeps him around. I think he likes the college scene and working with kids, and he's done a great job recruiting.

I'd really like to keep him as asst. HC...Where's he going if not with Marrone? -I think he could potentially go to any team in the NFL with an opening on offense. He has the name, worked in the NFL before, and developed a QB & proved himself here. Guy will have a lot of options going forward.
hackett stays to gain experience as a oc - his name recognition almost guarantees a future hc gig- he just has to get some time under his belt-

schafer pick might be more about philosophy of the program over saving a recruiting class-
gross may see it as 2 very good assistants and how best too keep both -

if all we have to do is fill 1 position -i say were in real good shape

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