You have disagreeing in a reasonable manor down very well.
No doubt there were a lot of moving parts with Wright. We were scrambling to close out the 17 class and early on we were trying to get Wright for the 17 class. I'd also agree that he wasn't totally open to doing that at SU. We would have had Tucker but Duke stepped in. We wound up taking Dolezaj. I will say this, if you gave the staff the choice today Dolezaj or Wright they would take Dolezaj.
Its possible that had we stayed hard on Wright that Hop still may have stepped in and gotten a commitment from him. That said people are making it sound like JB and Hop were butting heads over Wright for the last couple months and Hop won out. That is simply not what happened. This branch of thought started with Naz (who we didn't offer) and has ballooned with Wright.