Some really good stuff in this interview. It’s well worth the time to listen to.
He wants everyone taking a class in Maymester: an intense two-week session covering a semester's worth of material for 3 units. I admire the ambition, but there aren't many courses offered during this intense two-week session. This year there are 37 courses available: 13 grad courses and 24 undergrad courses. The trick is to always make each class you take be meaningful and count towards graduation. This becomes more challenging the closer you get to graduation because you need fewer courses.
I've also heard HCFB also wants every player to take 2 courses during each of the two six-week sessions over the summer. That's a heavy load for any student. Even the players who can handle such a heavy academic load will run into the problem of finding meaningful classes every summer.
I love that HCFB talks about guiding players to earn a degree in three years. It is certainly possible if players are taking advantage of the summer sessions.
The last day of finals for the spring semester is May 7th.
- May 13th -24th, Maymester.
- Summer 6-week session #1, May 20th - June 28th. Overlaps one week with Maymester classes.
- Summer 6-week session #2, July 1st - August 9th. Will this overlap with the first week of fall camp?
There doesn't appear to be much time off for the young men on this team; one week after finals until Maymester and the 4th of July weekend. The culture is changing. Get on board or get out of the way.
I think by now everyone on this board has heard of DART, but have you heard about
Commitment, Care and Trust
- Are you committed to what we are trying to do?
- Do you care?
- Can we trust you?
I understand HCFB also wants to move practices to the afternoon in the fall. This could be an interesting transition cause practices are currently in the mornings and classes are in the afternoons. Moving practices to the afternoon would mean classes would be concentrated in the morning which will be interesting again because of class availability.
"Syracuse 60". I had not heard of this before this interview. Through alumni and community resources the goal will be to secure employment for players within 60 days of graduation. That would be incredible!
I love his energy and his ambition.