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Hop Presser

It's not like schools of Washington's calibre are just knocking on assistant coaches doors all the time. UW probably could've easily picked a name out of our post JB coaching candidates thread and paid up. Hopkins got the type of opportunity that he couldn't pass up at this stage in his life. They have money, history, surrounding talent and culture at UW. They gave him the opportunity to create his own great legacy, which is more appealing than preserving JB's legacy. I find it very understandable.

Understandable but Syracuse offers the same thing. He would have been given every chance to make his own legacy here. Again at the end of the day it's not about Boeheim. It's about Syracuse. Syracuse won before Boeheim. They've won with him. And they will continue to win after him. This university gave Mike Hopkins everything he asked for. He was a year away from taking over for his alma mater and the school that gave him a chance to be begin with. He had a chance to usher Syracuse into a new day. No one expected Hopkins to take over and be exactly like Boeheim. Most were ready for the opposite, ready to see a change in philosophy and culture. Hop was here for a long time. I expected a little more loyalty and investment towards the program that's provided him with everything. These are tough days on the hill. The program has been through a lot over the last few years and is teetering. I guess my view of Hopkins is some one who would want to do everything in his power to get his school and his program back to where it belongs. I thought Hop was a dig deeper in to the trenches type. Maybe using the sanctions and outside noise to fuel the fire to work even harder to bring Syracuse back. There is so much work to be done and I thought Hop would be the guy to take it head on and embrace the challenge. Instead he leaves us a year before he's set to take over and right before one of our biggest summers in a decade for recruiting. This was his time to start making HIS LEGACY at Syracuse.
Husky Fan here, I think most out here are excited for the hire once they found out more details on who Mike was. Many were upset that they weren't going to see MPJ play, but now realize that we need a program back here. LOVED his press conference, it was great. He has similar thoughts with our football coach here. Talking about Fit, Values, Work ethic. It was great. I've been lurking for a few days just to see the reaction of the fans here, and what I see is that he beloved in the basketball community.
Mike Hopkins in my view is like family; a favorite son that has done well and people want him to do even better. One reason of many that he will be missed by Syracuse faithful is he was a calm, very competent person that you look to when Mr. Boeheim was off speaking his mind. He will do good for Washington and you should look back when his tenure is over and be thankful that he had been at the University of Washington.
You are assuming the new AD told Hop - you're definitely our guy.

A couple of my disjointed thoughts.

JB mentioned a number of times in his presser but I haven't seen it discussed here , how he disagreed with SU admin's decision to publicize the timing of his retirement etc. He repeatedly said his issue wasn't with the retirement agreement itself nor the contractual timing of it but in making the terms public thus ignoring the recruiting repercussions Etc. JB said making the dates public knowledge did actually have an effect on recruiting thus also what he'd hoped to be a smoother transition I imagine.I bet just like Roy, Coach K etc there won't be another publicized succession nor dated retirement agreement like the unprecedented one SU did.

Have to wonder what Mike thought of the way the issue was handled considering their decision was crucial in setting the table for him. Doesn't sound like warning of the effects of publicizing JB's retirement date was taken into account. Would Mike have gotten a 6 year vote of confidence contract like Washington gave him or a salary like JB's much like Washington offered? I have absolutely no insider knowledge but if he felt the weight, challenge and responsibility of following JB's legacy yet sensed a lack of total commitment, enthusiasm, support despite 22 years here, I can see why one might look around and decide to create one's own legacy particularly with the terms he got. I mean we had enough threads with plenty of doubters right here on this board.

That said, I will miss Mike's quirky sense of humor, smile and boundless enthusiasm. Just some ramblings from the cobwebs of my mind.
Husky Fan here, I think most out here are excited for the hire once they found out more details on who Mike was. Many were upset that they weren't going to see MPJ play, but now realize that we need a program back here. LOVED his press conference, it was great. He has similar thoughts with our football coach here. Talking about Fit, Values, Work ethic. It was great. I've been lurking for a few days just to see the reaction of the fans here, and what I see is that he beloved in the basketball community.
Mike was a floor-burn, hustle, play-way-over-his-apparent-ability type of guy when he was here. Do yourself a favor and look up on Youtube some games from 89-93 (focusing on the latter years). You'll see the type of player he was. That's the type of coach you are getting. Enjoy the ride. I have no doubt he will succeed.
am I dreaming or drunk...didnt I see Syracuse v Washington at the Garden about 10 years ago?

You are probably both drunk and dreaming (of another Super Bowl Ring and another NCAA championship)...

But you are correct...
We played them in the Dome too. In fact maybe more than once years ago unless I'm hallucinating again.

You are hallucinating..but it's ok...I do it also...all the time...

Last time was DC, Billy and Anderson in One Shining Moment after wiping the floor with UNLV...
Honestly as a SYRACUSE fan first, I feel a little betrayed. The university bent over backwards for him. Like Boeheim said no other school in the country has a succession plan in place. We put Hop on a pedestal. Contrary to what the Boeheim haters believe, he was ready to take over after this year. Deal in place. "I don't work like that". Really? I have no problem with him taking another job but it would have been nice if this went on 2 or 3 years ago. He put Syracuse in a really tough spot. Yeah we still get Boeheim for a few more years but that's not how this was suppose to go down. It was time for Hopkins to take over and lead us into the future. He bailed. Brings up wojo and Chris Collins and talks about envy. What if they were set to take over Duke in a year. Do they up and leave? Absolutely not.
I'll always root for Hop but I feel cheated after seeing how this played out. Tough for me to believe Washington is a better gig than Syracuse but looks like it is in Hops eyes.

Selfish..you, not him.

Great opportunity to rebuild a program, gets to set his family up for life, gets to go back to his roots on the West Coast...

Could not be happier for the guy.
Understandable but Syracuse offers the same thing. He would have been given every chance to make his own legacy here. Again at the end of the day it's not about Boeheim. It's about Syracuse. Syracuse won before Boeheim. They've won with him. And they will continue to win after him. This university gave Mike Hopkins everything he asked for. He was a year away from taking over for his alma mater and the school that gave him a chance to be begin with. He had a chance to usher Syracuse into a new day. No one expected Hopkins to take over and be exactly like Boeheim. Most were ready for the opposite, ready to see a change in philosophy and culture. Hop was here for a long time. I expected a little more loyalty and investment towards the program that's provided him with everything. These are tough days on the hill. The program has been through a lot over the last few years and is teetering. I guess my view of Hopkins is some one who would want to do everything in his power to get his school and his program back to where it belongs. I thought Hop was a dig deeper in to the trenches type. Maybe using the sanctions and outside noise to fuel the fire to work even harder to bring Syracuse back. There is so much work to be done and I thought Hop would be the guy to take it head on and embrace the challenge. Instead he leaves us a year before he's set to take over and right before one of our biggest summers in a decade for recruiting. This was his time to start making HIS LEGACY at Syracuse.

Hey, if he saw it differently more power to him. If he caught a bunch of crap from the 4-5 stretch and could see the writing on the wall about what was in store for him here, I can't blame him. And frankly that's why we may be better off completely wiping the slate clean and bringing in an outsider when Boeheim is gone. No matter what, it would've had the feel of Hopkins trying to maintain what a legend did.

UNC tried the continuity thing when Smith retired. Guthridge won big with Dean's guys at first, but they slipped each year he was there, recruiting went to hell, and they didn't start winning again until they brought Roy Williams in. He happened to be an alum, but he was an established high level coach who had already been doing his own thing.
I don't know why everyone is crying in their Orange beer because we 'lost out' on Hop. We've still got the guy that built OUR program and brought it to national prominence. Right now that's what Hop wants to do, but so does every coach who doesn't have a program like that. And guess what? They are all personable and enthusiastic and optimistic.

That's all well & good but WE are the ones with the proven guy. How do you think UConn fans feel about Kevin Ollie these days? Easier to win, not so easy to sustain. Our guy wins AND sustains.

I wish Hop all the best. And if he does well and SU is looking for a coach in 5 years or so maybe he becomes our Roy Williams to Boeheim's Dean Smith. If not, our nationally prominent, consistently winning program will get another great coach.

So be happy for Hop and enjoy Syracuse basketball's present AND future.
Selfish..you, not him.

Great opportunity to rebuild a program, gets to set his family up for life, gets to go back to his roots on the West Coast...

Could not be happier for the guy.

I get it. Of course I'm selfish. I care about Syracuse basketball as a whole and that's a lot bigger then one guy. Syracuse gave Mike Hopkins everything he wanted. He had his own deal and buyout in place in case we didn't follow through on the deal. What about his end of the bargain? No other program in the country has given an assistant what cuse gave Hop. I get that they gave him an unbelievable deal at UW but this is Syracuse and there is a lot of work to be done right now. Hard times on the program and the guy entrusted to move us into the future of cuse hoops bailed on us. I am selfish but I'm also loyal and Hop wasn't very loyal to the school that was overly loyal to him.
Of course I'm selfish. I am selfish but I'm also loyal and Hop wasn't very loyal to the school that was overly loyal to him.

He stayed here for freaking forever - the only one who has been here longer is JB.

He's that loyal to JB that he left, so JB wouldn't be forced to step down to honor the plan in place, and get to continue coaching, which he clearly is not ready to give up on.
It's a shame you don't get that. Maybe one day you will.
He stayed here for freaking forever - the only one who has been here longer is JB.

He's that loyal to JB that he left, so JB wouldn't be forced to step down to honor the plan in place, and get to continue coaching, which he clearly is not ready to give up on.
It's a shame you don't get that. Maybe one day you will.
I believe that and don't feel it is mutually exclusive from the thought Hop did not enjoy the full support of the new administration (which is the only logical thing which explains his recent lack of recruiting effort).
He stayed here for freaking forever - the only one who has been here longer is JB.

He's that loyal to JB that he left, so JB wouldn't be forced to step down to honor the plan in place, and get to continue coaching, which he clearly is not ready to give up on.
It's a shame you don't get that. Maybe one day you will.

You truly believe he did this so Boeheim wouldn't have to retire? Stop. Please. Mike was ready to leave a couple years ago for USC. He's been close to taking a bunch of other jobs throughout the last 10 years. Syracuse put a plan in place to stop all that. To make him realize that they don't want anyone but him. That's loyalty. No other program in the country is doing that for an assistant right now. Yet Hop still entertaining offers from anyone willing to throw one out there.
I get it. Of course I'm selfish. I care about Syracuse basketball as a whole and that's a lot bigger then one guy. Syracuse gave Mike Hopkins everything he wanted. He had his own deal and buyout in place in case we didn't follow through on the deal. What about his end of the bargain? No other program in the country has given an assistant what cuse gave Hop. I get that they gave him an unbelievable deal at UW but this is Syracuse and there is a lot of work to be done right now. Hard times on the program and the guy entrusted to move us into the future of cuse hoops bailed on us. I am selfish but I'm also loyal and Hop wasn't very loyal to the school that was overly loyal to him.

You're asking all the right questions and coming up with all the wrong answers.
Honestly as a SYRACUSE fan first, I feel a little betrayed. The university bent over backwards for him. Like Boeheim said no other school in the country has a succession plan in place. We put Hop on a pedestal. Contrary to what the Boeheim haters believe, he was ready to take over after this year. Deal in place. "I don't work like that". Really? I have no problem with him taking another job but it would have been nice if this went on 2 or 3 years ago. He put Syracuse in a really tough spot. Yeah we still get Boeheim for a few more years but that's not how this was suppose to go down. It was time for Hopkins to take over and lead us into the future. He bailed. Brings up wojo and Chris Collins and talks about envy. What if they were set to take over Duke in a year. Do they up and leave? Absolutely not.
I'll always root for Hop but I feel cheated after seeing how this played out. Tough for me to believe Washington is a better gig than Syracuse but looks like it is in Hops eyes.
Bent over backwards for him? Seriously? You think the university put the succession plan in place to benefit him? They did it because it was what they thought was the best way to transition smoothly when JB retired and to curb negative recruiting in the mean time. It's the university's job to do what is best for them and the coaches job to do what's best for him. They played their cards and he has played his. In a few years we'll see how it works out for everyone.

As for me, I'll be rooting for Washington against everyone but us. Hop was a class act while he was here and did nothing but work his butt off the whole time. I can't understand anyone having sour grapes toward him.
I'll tell you what, this hire by UW is one of the biggest moments in Syracuse history. You catalog all those make or break moments in the program's history: Dave Bing, Boeheim being hired, moving to the Carrier Dome, joining the Big East, Pearl, Wallace, Carmelo, joining the ACC. This goes on that list. For better or worse this was a crossroads that will determine a path we are on from here forward.

Listening to the press conference, I can't help but feel this episode has been a major blunder. Hopkins may or may not be able to deliver the on court results, but I don't think there is going to be anybody else we can likely get who would be more "wheelhouse" for us. Yes in the short term, we have the HOF coach and they have the unproven guy, but everything I hear from Hop tells me he is exactly the answer to all the questions/concerns we have about the long term future for Syracuse. Whether he succeeds or fails, this week will be looked at as one of the most important in the history of the SU program.

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