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How long have you been on board?

I've been reading various iterations of the board since the Winfred Walton recruitment for basketball, back in the AOL days, and I was a young high school kid in Vermont.

Winfred Walton! I was friends with Tod Burgan, and he was rooming with Walton. I remember he was pretty bummed when that didn't work out. I am pretty sure he went to Fresno to play under Tark, but never quite lived up to the hype.
Started watching SU football intermittently the year the Dome opened, when I was 13. Was at the first game. Little Joe! Got into it a little more each year. High point was the year we opened with (eventual national champs) Tennessee and (previous year's champs) Michigan. I had gone back to the Cuse for a hiking vacation and was driving through Vermont the day after the Michigan game on a big high. Listening to sports radio on the AM dial and Bo Schembechler came on to talk about the state of Michigan football, and he sang our praises - as much as he was capable. I thought, that's it, we've arrived. Low point was either getting blown out by a MAC team at home under GRob, or the Temple loss under P when we could have won the Big East just by beating freaking Temple. In one case, I thought that's it, we are done. In the other, I thought this is never going to get any better, we will find a way to stop ourselves from reaching the true pinnacle every year. Different flavors of hopelessness.

I started watching hoops a year or two before football and attended many great games. Pearl's halfcourt shot. Thompson getting ejected. I don't really follow hoops any more. Lost interest in the sport for several reasons.
My Grandfather would come by our house in Eastwood before he went to basketball or football games. I was too young to go - but idolized the man.

When I was in elementary school we were given basketball cards of the DC44, Owens, etc team. They reeled me in. At Henninger, our teachers would sneak NCAA games on - making them awesome and providing an early feel for community centered around SU sports.

Went through some tough times my freshman year at Oswego (how many bars in that town?) and flunked out. Went to OCC and started going to games regularly. Decided to transfer to Syracuse VPA. Went to a bunch of games. Had Kueth D. in one of my classes. Graduated.

In 2002 I started dating a girl from Geneseo. Our first date was Mizzou v Syracuse where we got to see Gerry and Melo. We also got to see Gerry splash a 3 to win vs ND. I was in her dorm room for the NC game. We got married 2 years later. Syracuse sports are forever linked with the true love of my life. As it should be.

I don't get to as many games as I like - but my boys are starting to get older (3 and 6). We'll be getting seasons once they are older.
You have to admit, his senior year was a huge let down. They all rested on their laurels when it came to off-season preparation coming into Graves' senior year. What did they finish, 6-4-1?

that might have been the year we started 3 freshman linebackers.
I grew up about an hour from Syracuse, I remember the Dome opening - I was 6 at the time, I remember Pearl's half court shot...pretty much grew up loving all things Cuse. I had family in Baldwinsville and I always got so excited driving on 690 and seeing the to finally go to a couple of hoops games in middle school thanks to my uncle (RIP). My first football game was freshman year on the hill against Texas in 1992, was in the student section where the railing collapsed and we all piled on Graves. Safe to say I've been bleeding orange since the day I was born.
I have vague recollections of Syracuse football when I was a child in the early 80s. The first game I can remember clearly is Nebraska 1984. I was 8 at the time. That is when Syracuse football and basketball obsession began. I have my dad to thank for that.
Syracuse fan since about the Kentucky 94 hoops game (when I decided to go to Syracuse). Before that a die hard BC fan. It was weird, once I stepped foot into the Dome for the Oklahoma game in 94, my allegiances to BC ended and I became a rabid Syracuse fan. I still follow BC b/c i'm from Boston but i was hooked on SU since 94

High Point football----Clemson Gator Bowl/at Michigan. Both times I honestly thought the team was en route to being a national champion contender. It was that high. A sneaky runner up was the win at ND. I was there and it was as enjoyable a game to witness.

Low Point---At BC last year. End to a terrible season. i saw the engine going backward and hopefully not offline. The GROB era was a sloowww car crash.
I grew up in western NYS and was a Browns fan, so Jim Brown was my hero as a kid. His Syracuse connection kinda hooked me then, but my freshman year in 67-68 hooked me for good.
My father graduated in 1948 but was not a sports fan. For me it was 1972 when I first visited the school and saw Roger Praetorious. I said to myself "how cool is that name". I later met him at Manley when I was on the track team and he was trying out for the Jets.

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