Huggy Bear resigns | Page 3 |

Huggy Bear resigns

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So, Jesse can get out of his commitment and come back home?
Hoping! I don’t see why not. You can definitely break these NIL contracts...especially in light of these NIL shenanigans. Who knows if he’s even signed anything.
I doubt anyone has taken as many at risk young men from awful neighborhoods and molded them into good young men, college graduates contributing to society than Bob has. He has made a huge impact on many young people.

Really good coaches tend to be complex with some really good and really bad aspects. The most important thing for him now is to gain control over his life. Get into rehab and get some control over the addiction.

Hope it happens.
My “come to Jesus moment” regarding drunken driving happened when I was doing graduate work.

I must have been 23 and one night I was driving back from campus to my parents’ house. I had way too many drinks that night with friends at a bar on Wescott St….Lee’s I think it was called? Can’t remember. I hopped off I-690 and headed up Thompson Rd in my ‘66 Mustang. I floored it and as I passed what was then Bristol Laboratories, I looked at my speedometer and realized I was doing 110 mph.

What struck my ETOH (for you chemists out there)- addled brain was not that I could have gotten arrested or even killed. What hit me was the idea that I could kill someone else. Maybe even a whole family and their children.

I immediately slowed down and have never driven drunk since. I have driven after a beer or a glass of wine, but never again driven while feeling the effects of alcohol.

Sometimes, great life lessons happen in the midst of doing and surviving something stupid.
Honestly I like how our team is built for next year. The game is perimeter oriented and will make for a fun and exciting (as well as hopefully winning) style. I’m not sure if having the offense go through Jesse would work as well. Red seems to be modeling after those recent successful Nova teams and I’m all for it.
Come on guys he's just joking around trying to be funny...
0.21?!?! That’s an unfathomably high BAC.

Douchebag could easily have killed someone. Lock him the F$&- up. For a long time.
His liver must be on a collision course with failure and cirrhosis. What a great individual to have as the face of your program and school.
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