Hurricane Irene |

Hurricane Irene


Dion Waiters
Aug 15, 2011
The weathermen are so dramatic around here all week that has people in an uproar scrambling for supplies at stores. every walmart and price chopper are jammed packed inside , every parking spot filled up from people who think its the end of the world. Gas stations are packed more than usual also. And come to find out now were only getting 25-35 mph winds around here and a lot of rain.
I just listened to that whole song an actually started singing goodnight irene towards the end lol.
my brother lives in manhatten and sisters in conn, and they are saying everything is super-hyped out. it is funny to hear their opinions. they are celebrating with hurricanes of their own. haha
Man with the largest ears.

Guy with large ears is Fred Hellerman. That video is from 1950 (61 years ago) by the Weavers. Left to right are Ronnie Gilbert, Pete Seeger (still performing in his 90's), Lee Hayes (died 30 years ago) and Fred Hellerman. "Goodnight Irene" marked the beginning of the so-called "folk revival."
Raining in the cuse ...... so windy here, my patio furniture umbrella almost blew over!
70 miles south of Syracuse, steady rain with blustery winds, 25MPH gusts. If the winds do not increase too much the forecast day long rain will be good for our parched soils and low water table.
All the best to our friends that have borne or will bear the fury of this hurricane.
Raining in the cuse ...... so windy here, my patio furniture umbrella almost blew over!

When it flies by at over 100 miles an hour and goes through your neighbors garage like a spear through butter you realize it had no business being out there in the first place.
bunch of rain and an occasional gust of wind that has happened plenty times before, to bad the weather peeps freaked out half the capitol area.
The weathermen are so dramatic around here all week that has people in an uproar scrambling for supplies at stores. every walmart and price chopper are jammed packed inside , every parking spot filled up from people who think its the end of the world. Gas stations are packed more than usual also. And come to find out now were only getting 25-35 mph winds around here and a lot of rain.

Here in the Delaware Valley it appears that the impact from the flooding will be much greater than the direct hit of the Hurricane. I'm not sure we even experienced winds that would qualify as Hurricane force. With last night's rainfall, we set an alltime record for rainfall in the month of August at 19.02", previous record was only 12.20".

I know I personally spent more time and effort in getting ready for this "Hurricane" than I will in cleaning up after it. Not sure that that would have changed if I hadn't spent any time preparing. Fortunately for me, I am not in any of the creek and river flood zones around here, those folks are going to get hit pretty hard.
Weathered the storm fairly well down here in NJ from late last night into this morning. Then, with a big creek and a crack, an enormous limb came down across our back yard fence. It only took out about a 20 foot section of wire mesh fence, so could be worse. The limb and possible take down of the huge oak likely to be a lot more expensive. Still windy, so hoping that's it. Phark.
Have to admit, I was a little embarrassed for the East Coast that they freaked out like they did for a Cat 1 (maybe Cat 2 for a short time) hurricane. But I figured, the different type of trees, underground transportation, tunnels etc that maybe there was some caution warranted. There were some fatalities but probably no more than from a normal weekend of boating across the entire eastern seaboard. Tropical weather is a strange thing. Tropical Storm Allison was among the worst I have experienced in 20 years of living in Texas and Florida. 35+ inches of rain in Houston in 24 hours. Baylor College of Medicine alone lost almost 100,000 research animals in that flooding.
Here in MA, haven't had power for the last 6 hours, trees are down all over my town, lot of downed powerlines. Not as bad as was predicted, but still damaging.
bunch of rain and an occasional gust of wind that has happened plenty times before, to bad the weather peeps freaked out half the capitol area.
You obviously didn't talk to the half that lost power and had floods in their basement. We are lucky that the capital district didn't get the brunt of it but still thousands of local residents were adversely affected. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
When it flies by at over 100 miles an hour and goes through your neighbors garage like a spear through butter you realize it had no business being out there in the first place.

Another reason my neighbors love me.

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