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I have stopped blaming the refs, it's not their fault! Start blaming the sport people. The powers that be have made too many god damn rules! They have put too much on the plate of the refs. The whole what is a catch what isn't a catch. Pass Interference is a joke totally, the whole face guarding rule is stupid. Who cares how a DB covers a WR, if he doesn't want to turn his head and have a chance at an INT that's a bad DB. But if a DB wants to face guard god bless him. Blocks in the back...give me a break, the vast majority of punts and kickoffs get a flag nowadays. At what point do you just say we need to make the game more simple.
Want to know why TV ratings are down...the games go too damn long cause every other play is a penalty. Nobody pays to watch ref's!!!
I could fix the sport with 3 simple changes..
1) Unless its totally violent and a danger to the players safety, don't call block in the back on special teams anymore.
2) Instant Replay gets vastly reduced to each coach gets 2 challenges, they can challenge anything...once those 2 are used up, that's it. No more replays. At most 4 replays a game total!! If a coach uses his 2 challenges and wins and gets them both right, you don't get extras to use. So a coach has to determine if this play is worth a challenge. You can challenge PI, holding, you can challenge any play you want, but you only get to do it twice a game so be smart about it. No more than 4 total replays a game. No more automatic replays from "the booth" either.
3) Illegal contact MUST be changed. Right now its 5 yards, change it to 15 yards and give defenders a chance to make a play. Tweak that rule alone and so many flags aren't thrown the pace of game speeds up and games become more fun to watch.
STOP! That makes too much sense. Just stop it already!:crazy: