I can't think that Shafer and Marrone are happy here now | Syracusefan.com

I can't think that Shafer and Marrone are happy here now


All American
Aug 26, 2011
I mean by the team's play not the location oSyracuse University. This game really showed how far away we are from being very good and not just able to squeeze out a a "W" Now maybe this team will get into things early against the Snooks. Its my hope. OK and Thank you again Mr Scott. Another clutch INT in OT
yeah. They are furious with the win. marrone is thinking of retiring. Cali, we have guys hurt. Important guys. That is football but at our stage in rebuilding, we don't have the depth to overcome that. Down the road, we will.
yeah. They are furious with the win. marrone is thinking of retiring.
I know I just changed my signature to "We're not good enough to have a bad win", but that may just be better.
I mean by the team's play not the location oSyracuse University. This game really showed how far away we are from being very good and not just able to squeeze out a a "W" Now maybe this team will get into things early against the Snooks. Its my hope. OK and Thank you again Mr Scott. Another clutch INT in OT
They know what they have. I'll not say anything more than that. But let's just say that they know exactly how hard (with a potential setback from last year) this season is going to be.


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I mean by the team's play not the location oSyracuse University. This game really showed how far away we are from being very good and not just able to squeeze out a a "W" Now maybe this team will get into things early against the Snooks. Its my hope. OK and Thank you again Mr Scott. Another clutch INT in OT
Cali, you act like Toledo is on the level of the little sisters of the poor. Toledo almost beat Ohio State. They are a very good MAC team that will be in a decent bowl game at the end of the year. They have an All American WR. Half our secondary didn't play. This is a good win for us. A very good win.

Btw, I thought you hated Kevyn Scott?
Cali, you act like Toledo is on the level of the little sisters of the poor. Toledo almost beat Ohio State. They are a very good MAC team that will be in a decent bowl game at the end of the year. They have an All American WR. Half our secondary didn't play. This is a good win for us. A very good win.

Btw, I thought you hated Kevyn Scott?
Look I know Toledo is a very good team BUT we played as poor as we could and still come out with a win. I will say this . Not having Shamarko and Jones on the field hurt bad. The area in the middle was vulnerable all day with Phil Thomas doing his best to cover the zone with Wilkes. Page is going to be playing on sunday for damn sure but there wasn't a whole lot of pressure on the Rocket QBs I'm going to watch the game again without the emotion of the first time around. I want to be more objective in the viewing instead of cheering and or cursing. I do hope that next Saturday we come out fast and furious. I liked Prince's age today and I think he can do even better now that he has had some touches. It was good to see West out there as well. Page is a great YAC player. Bailey is the only kid out there that we can say that about. Nassib's TD to Lemon was remarkable in that he was under pressure and put it perfectly in the zone for Alec. I don't think we have seen a big time game from these players yet. It could get much better at the right time. We need to get our full team healed and back on the field.;)
They know what they have. I'll not say anything more than that. But let's just say that they know exactly how hard (with a potential setback from last year) this season is going to be.


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OK Its not a great team yet. That I can see but there is enough talent and they can play better then they are showing right now or at least today. Players that stood out Bailey Gulley Nassib and Scott of course even though he missed a few tackles in the game like everyone else on the D Bromley played well for a young player. Injuries are our biggest problem. Get our kids back out there and I'm not going to worry about the knighties. I like Lemon and his grit.

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