I wish I could find the auburn pub write up for my last high school football game ever.
Back in 2004, a potentially great season got derailed because of injuries for us at Port Byron. We missed out on sectionals and got placed against Marcellus in our inter-sectional game - that last game of my career. Port Byron had a roster of 28 people, while Marcellus had a roster in the 60s. A back and forth contest the entire game saw Marcellus pull out a win in the last minute of the game. I was playing Noseguard and Left Tackle at the time. this was when I was still around 330 lbs. I had around 18 tackles playing the 0 and 1 technique. I can still remember plays from that game. I enjoyed Marcellus's coach. He was fiery but very complimentary and seemed to love the game. Sadly, after that 2005 class graduated at PB, they've lost a lot of athletes. Very sad.