Doesnt the injury have to pre date back to his Frosh season?
He's not looking to get a 6th year of eligibility.
He would only have to have the NCAA reclassify 2012 as a redshirt year (which would give him a 5th year), and he'll have eligibility in 2013, 2014, and 2015. He played as a true frosh in 2011.
Same thing that Taj and Lavar were granted.
14.2.4 Hardship Waiver.
A student-athlete may be granted an additional year of competition by the conference or the Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement for reasons of “hardship.” Hardship is defined as an incapacity resulting from an injury or illness that has occurred under all of the following conditions:
(a) The incapacitating injury or illness occurs in one of the four seasons of intercollegiate competition at any two-year
or four-year collegiate institution
(b) The injury or illness occurs prior to the first competition of the second half of the playing season that concludes
with the NCAA championship in that sport (see Bylaw and results in incapacity to compete for the remainder of that playing season;
(c) In team sports, the injury or illness occurs when the student-athlete has not participated in more than three
contests or dates of competition (whichever is applicable to that sport) or 30 percent (whichever number is
greater) of the institution’s scheduled or completed contests or dates of competition in his or her sport. 30% of a 12 game FB season is 3.6 games, rounded up to 4.