I feel bad for Rutgers fans | Syracusefan.com

I feel bad for Rutgers fans


Night Biking Enthusiast
Aug 15, 2011
It seems they already realize they're going to lose and have started threads about fruits and other stuff - weird. Some weirdo named graystork, whatever that is, has started a thread about our promotion for the game.

Sounds like a defeated fanbase already. It's so sad to see. They seem to realize this is one of the last times they'll be able to play against a real college football program.


It's been a rough couple for Rutgers fans:
  • The realignment chips start to fall and they realize they are not #1 on any conference 'Get' list
  • If WV, TCU, Cincy, and Ville go to B12 - they will be left with UCONN and USF holding the conference Football bag... a kiss of death
  • Then the entire program and fanbase gets publicly humiliated by Francesa on WFAN
  • They sell their own Rutger's doormats:

The only way it gets worse is a resounding defeat to the orange this saturday...

I feel sorry for a lot of them too (especially RutgersAl)

At least Al is the consummate optimist - unlike blind vitriol spewers like Greydork...
So because there is a promotional giveaway for kids, which in turn, turns into fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club, that is something to laugh at? Laugh at the students all you want, but something for kids that benefits the Boys & Girls club? That is sad
Only fan I feel bad for is RutgersAl the rest of the majority of RU fans behave like they are the King S#it of the Big East. When they haven't accomplished anything significant in the history of the Big East conference. I mean to never finish above 3rd in a 8 team league is a joke considering they are the saviors of the Big East and BC, SU, UMD are in cahoots too keep RU out of the ACC so their program can go down in the tubes. I feel no sympathy for that fanbase and hope they enjoy MAC football. I know Schiano will because his teams will play an easier schedule. I mean Ohio is a tougher game than any of our Big East games, or North Carolina is the best team we are going to see all year. The sooner we don't have to put up with that fanbase the better (except RutgersAl who is nothing but a likable guy.)
Not just never better than third in the BE. But never better than Third in a BE even after the conference lost Miami, BC and VT...brings in a team that has only played football (at ALL) for 7 or 8 years, and a team that was a mediocre D1aa team until making the jump up to D1A, and a couple of teams that were mostly mediocre in D1A. And STILL Buttgers couldn't finish higher than Third. Even in their BEST year.
I feel bad for Rutgers fans, too. They have to root for Rutgers.
It seems they already realize they're going to lose and have started threads about fruits and other stuff - weird. Some weirdo named graystork, whatever that is, has started a thread about our promotion for the game.

Sounds like a defeated fanbase already. It's so sad to see. They seem to realize this is one of the last times they'll be able to play against a real college football program.



I feel bad for them to. Win or Lose Cuse still heads to the ACC and Rutgers will still be left holding their .
Graystork is a DBAG. Actually they all are on that board.
Only fan I feel bad for is RutgersAl the rest of the majority of RU fans behave like they are the King S#it of the Big East. When they haven't accomplished anything significant in the history of the Big East conference. I mean to never finish above 3rd in a 8 team league is a joke considering they are the saviors of the Big East and BC, SU, UMD are in cahoots too keep RU out of the ACC so their program can go down in the tubes. I feel no sympathy for that fanbase and hope they enjoy MAC football. I know Schiano will because his teams will play an easier schedule. I mean Ohio is a tougher game than any of our Big East games, or North Carolina is the best team we are going to see all year. The sooner we don't have to put up with that fanbase the better (except RutgersAl who is nothing but a
likable guy.)

You know, I have to give Al a lot of credit. The man is a fan. he is loyal, resilient, persistent and has a never say die attitude towards his team. And, by all accounts he is a good guy. And he can drive you nuts with all of his rhetoric. But, that is ok ...he is a fan. For that you gotta love him.

Can we adopt him? Can we convince him to be a SU ghost poster for us to rile ACC fans? We can give him a name like Charlie Cuse or something else.

AL, Come on down baby, we need you! Cross over from the Darkside!
It'd be funny if it weren't so sad. Actually, it's funny too.

Seriously, what a bunch of losers.

And either way, we win in the long run. Though I'm sure they'll still enjoy a nice rivalry with Buffalo.

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