I led what I saw from Waiters | Syracusefan.com

I led what I saw from Waiters


All American
Aug 26, 2011
A bit less weight and aggressively moving around. Granted it was a scrimmage but his tude seemed better. He might be ready to show off his ability tis year which "could" be huge for us We all know that last year he managed to get his uniform on and waddle onto the court and that was pretty much a game for him. That apparently is changing. Fir looks excited as well as Sourrland. Hard to get a handle on the others . So far so good I'll wait and read the comments of you the gurus on basketball. Post on gentlemen. I'm all eyes !
I'm most interested in what Melo, Keita and Christmas bring to the table because we need them to come through for us in the big man roles. We are set in the other positions. That said, there are two players- CJ Fair and Dion Waiters, who could "blow-up" and really elevate this team to another level, even from positions where we are stacked.
I agree with both of you. Dion looked much better and I expect a lot more from him but Fab, Baye and Rak improving and playing well to replace Rick is more important to the team.
I haven't heard or seen enough of Mr Christmas to know if he is going impact this season or not. I know from old stuff on him it appears he needs time in the weight rooms. Whats left of his time in the Big East will require some muscle upgrade Perhaps the same for MCW. There seems to be a very heady kind of hope for this season and Jimmy has done or said nothing to put a pause on that. eery unusual for him. He usually cries the blues before every season. "Winter is coming" Winter here is sunny for the most part with some very needed rain. Sometimes it goes down to the terrible 50s in temperature but the ld Californians tough it out and I laugh in their faces when they complain. On rare occasions we even get some white stuff which is covered by the news organizations like the coming of the Apocolypse. But you have maple trees and seasons to enjoy so its almost even.
I hope Dion has matured some since last season, and brings a better attitude and willingness to play defense. That BS with JB didn't sit well with me at all.
I hope Dion has matured some since last season, and brings a better attitude and willingness to play defense. That BS with JB didn't sit well with me at all.

I give all the kids a pass as freshman as far as that stuff goes. (maybe because its hard to even remember what I was doing at the age of 18/19 glad I'm still alive) If they continue to cause problems throught their career thats another story, but heck freshman are freshman until they are sophmores, l0l.
I hope Dion has matured some since last season, and brings a better attitude and willingness to play defense. That BS with JB didn't sit well with me at all.
I totally agree and there will be no seconincident. Jimmy took a ton of heat for not kicking out of the program. One more such outburst and Dion is history like Edlin. fast sand dirty. If he plays the way we know he can there won't be a "need" to express himself in that manner.:rolleyes:
Kids yell back at JB all time. Its nothing new reguradless of fr,soph,jr,senior they do it.
I am sure JB who is grumpy due to high expectations is use to it.

Bottom line though If your gonna make expectations you got to listen to them to as well otherwise its not a team(that includes in practice).

Thing is about Dion we needed him last year this year and the next we don't. We could manage without him no matter how high his ceiling is(and its high). No matter how High Dion is Syracuse is to. Carmelo, Bing, Coleman(could have been amoung the best ever) played here.
I led it too. Fir and Sourrland do look excited. I am excited. : )

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