I think we could be looking at 9 or 10 deep next year, as well | Syracusefan.com

I think we could be looking at 9 or 10 deep next year, as well


Living Legend
Aug 15, 2011
I know that this past year was the exception to how JB coaches, not the norm. I also know that we "lost" a guy in the rotation by post-season, as MCW didn't play.

But in looking at next year's squad, I think we might again be in a position to play 8, 9, or 10 guys.


Note--all three of these guys will play every game.

Jerami Grant

Note--CJ and Southerland will play a ton. Grant could play, but is likely the last guy on the depth chart off the bench.


Note--again, all three play and play extensively.

That's 9 guys. And if Noel decides to play on the hill...

We'd probably still be at 9. If Noel comes, then it wouldn't surprise me to see the coaching staff redshirt Keita, which would then give us a 9 player rotation, with 8 playing consistent minutes [with Grant playing inconsistent, MCW-like minutes next year].

Regardless, we've built quality depth--and for the first time, Boeheim is showing a willingness to use it.
Grant will likely get Rak minutes next year, and Keita will see a few more if Nerlens doesn't commit, less if he does. But yeah, hard to keep the rest off the court.
Grant will likely get Rak minutes next year, and Keita will see a few more if Nerlens doesn't commit, less if he does. But yeah, hard to keep the rest off the court.

Agreed. I can't edit the title, because after writing it I realize that it is more like we have a 9 player rotation [with Grant as the 9th], but 8 will play regularly. I think that will be the case even with Noel, with the aforementioned Keita redshirt scenario removing him from the active roster.
I certainly can see that. It would make sense for BMK to redshirt if Noel does commit. I am hoping that Grant comes in and is better than advertised and can be a contributor.
I know that this past year was the exception to how JB coaches, not the norm. I also know that we "lost" a guy in the rotation by post-season, as MCW didn't play.

But in looking at next year's squad, I think we might again be in a position to play 8, 9, or 10 guys.


Note--all three of these guys will play every game.

Jerami Grant

Note--CJ and Southerland will play a ton. Grant could play, but is likely the last guy on the depth chart off the bench.


Note--again, all three play and play extensively.

That's 9 guys. And if Noel decides to play on the hill...

We'd probably still be at 9. If Noel comes, then it wouldn't surprise me to see the coaching staff redshirt Keita, which would then give us a 9 player rotation, with 8 playing consistent minutes [with Grant playing inconsistent, MCW-like minutes next year].

Regardless, we've built quality depth--and for the first time, Boeheim is showing a willingness to use it.

Personally, I see 8 getting consistent play time. I seem to be the only one posting here that believes the Rak will return to PF and that Keita will be logging ~30 mpg at Center. Here's what I see;

5 spot-



I think Grant will be brought in slowly, logging minutes similar to MCWs this past year. And, my thoughts are based on the current team and committed recruits. I'd love to see other "big" names wearing Orange and taking minutes, forcing me to reevaluate.
You guys think Grant will get solid minutes next year? Personally I'd be shocked.

I expect Southerland to make a huge jump and Fair to continue to improve. Both of them will command major minutes. And with Rak (and possibly Noel) playing at the 4 I just can't see that much PT for Grant.
Agreed. I can't edit the title, because after writing it I realize that it is more like we have a 9 player rotation [with Grant as the 9th], but 8 will play regularly. I think that will be the case even with Noel, with the aforementioned Keita redshirt scenario removing him from the active roster.

I'm drooling at the possibility of Noel signing up and being able to redshirt Keita. Not only because Noel is, well, basically the second coming at this point, but b/c Keita could be a guy who really benefits from an extra year. I'm not sure he's ever going to be much on offense or a guy who's really built for BE banging 30+ minutes a game, but he's the type of player really good teams have -- that guy who comes off the bench or starts, doesn't need the ball in his hands, but sets the tone with hustle. Add that to the fact that he has excellent feet for a guy with his height and length, he could be an extremely valuable guy after a redshirt -- even if only for 17-19 mpg.
Christmas is going to BE MIP next year.

I think you might be right -- an explosion about to happen there. If we get Noel, we'll have a top 3 front line. And I won't feel bad for Ky... they already have a 7 footer, a 5 star forward and about half of the Micky D's kids listing them.
Posters have been giving Keita a redshirt from the time he committed to SU.

Hasn't happened; isn't likely to happen. JB has rarely redshirted a healthy player -- Cooney is a rare example when it has been done, and that was only because we had 4 guards ahead of him.

Keita played better than Rak in Boston. Rak will see at least some of his time at PF. Just can't see JB redshirting Keita after he showed he can contribute.
5 spot-
Keita - 20
Coleman - 20

Rak - 20
CJ - 30
Southerland - 20
Grant - 10

MCW - 30
Triche - 30
Cooney - 20

I see the PT playing out something like this due to experience, conditioning, foul trouble, etc. unless someone else commits or one of the guys gets placed in the doghouse. If Grant redshirts, then add 5 mins each to Rak and Southerland.
You guys think Grant will get solid minutes next year? Personally I'd be shocked.

I expect Southerland to make a huge jump and Fair to continue to improve. Both of them will command major minutes. And with Rak (and possibly Noel) playing at the 4 I just can't see that much PT for Grant.

No, I'd be shocked as well. I freely admit that I say that without knowing a thing about Grant's game, but when you consider the huge step forward Southerland took this year as well as the fact that Fair has logged close to 1600 minutes in two years on campus -- it just seems like minutes are going to be hard to come by for the third option at the 3.
Posters have been giving Keita a redshirt from the time he committed to SU.

Hasn't happened; isn't likely to happen. JB has rarely redshirted a healthy player -- Cooney is a rare example when it has been done, and that was only because we had 4 guards ahead of him.

Keita played better than Rak in Boston. Rak will see at least some of his time at PF. Just can't see JB redshirting Keita after he showed he can contribute.

I agree on JB's tendencies and don't think Keita "needs" a redshirt. I just also think he has a tendency to get his highly rated guys on the floor as well. I just think, if Noel commits, that it could be hard to find minutes between Noel/Xmas/Coleman at the 4/5 and Southerland/Fair at the 3/4. I agree on JB's tendencies but I tend to view this as a spot similar to what happened to Cooney this year -- clearly a good enough talent to get on the floor but unfortunately the 5th best option when only 3.5 were going to play.
Posters have been giving Keita a redshirt from the time he committed to SU.

Hasn't happened; isn't likely to happen. JB has rarely redshirted a healthy player -- Cooney is a rare example when it has been done, and that was only because we had 4 guards ahead of him.

Keita played better than Rak in Boston. Rak will see at least some of his time at PF. Just can't see JB redshirting Keita after he showed he can contribute.

People have been predicting redshirts for Keita because he would benefit physically from it. The problem was, he was more ready to contribute last year than our starting center was, so redshirting wasn't an option his first year.

The objective is to maximize his value as a long term strategic asset. And if Noel comes here, there won't be a need to play four bigs. So we can either squander a year of his eligibility, or we can do what we did last year with Cooney and not burn a year where a guy is 4th in the rotation.

No argument on two points you made: Ketia did play better than Rak in Boston, and redshirting is pretty rare at SU, with few exceptions.
I too would love to see BMK redshirt and come back weighing more than a buck 10
People have been predicting redshirts for Keita because he would benefit physically from it. The problem was, he was more ready to contribute last year than our starting center was, so he had to play.

The objective is to maximize his value as a long term strategic asset. And if Noel comes here, there won't be a need to play four bigs. So we can either squander a year of his eligibility, or we can do what we did last year with Cooney and not burn a year where a guy is 4th in the rotation.

No argument on two points you made: Ketia did play better than Rak in Boston, and redshirting is pretty rare at SU, with few exceptions.

I dont think he will gain much more size here if he redshirts or not, jb has said he doesnt eat enough and is a picky eater. Based on that the chances of him becoming noticeably stronger is low as things stand. Gaining muscle is 20% workout and 80% nutrition.
JB was already back to the "norm" before daylight savings time even kicked in. there are evidently two things you can truly set your clocks by.

(and the idea of the mooseman redshirting is just plain dumb imo)

I dont think he will gain much more size here if he redshirts or not, jb has said he doesnt eat enough and is a picky eater. Based on that the chances of him becoming noticeably stronger is low as things stand. Gaining muscle is 20% workout and 80% nutrition.

One thing that supports your position is how skinny BMK his. His legs and arms are like reeds--it is unbelievable when you see him in person. And after the Wisconsin game in Boston, he walked up and down the aisle right next to me several times, so I got a first hand view of how scrawny he was from 1 foot away. My dad and I actually talked about how amazing it is that he's that svelte after he walked past.

The only thing I'll say about the chances is that it is entirely up to him. If you would have told me that Hakim would come back his senior year sporting pipes and noticeably stronger, I wouldn't have believed it. But he busted his hump in the weight room and made it happen. I don't know anything about BMK's work ethic or whether he has an aversion to weight lifting. But I don't see a downside to a redshirt from a physical development standpoint. If he gains nothing physically, at least his year of eligibility is preserved. And if he comes back bigger and stronger [even within whatever limited curve he has to add size / strength / mass], even better.
You guys think Grant will get solid minutes next year? Personally I'd be shocked.

I expect Southerland to make a huge jump and Fair to continue to improve. Both of them will command major minutes. And with Rak (and possibly Noel) playing at the 4 I just can't see that much PT for Grant.
I don't see it, look at KJo, it is more rare for a guy to make a jump from Junior to Senior year, sure his numbers will go up because of increased minutes, but I doubt we see any significant improvement in his game
I'm drooling at the possibility of Noel signing up and being able to redshirt Keita. Not only because Noel is, well, basically the second coming at this point, but b/c Keita could be a guy who really benefits from an extra year. I'm not sure he's ever going to be much on offense or a guy who's really built for BE banging 30+ minutes a game, but he's the type of player really good teams have -- that guy who comes off the bench or starts, doesn't need the ball in his hands, but sets the tone with hustle. Add that to the fact that he has excellent feet for a guy with his height and length, he could be an extremely valuable guy after a redshirt -- even if only for 17-19 mpg.
If he redshirts, we won't be in the BE by the time he returns.
They need to continue to develop Keita even if Noel signs. To not do that will take the team a step back. Southerland imho is playing above his level. He does a great job but I'm think he has reached his ceiling.
5 spot-
Keita - 20
Coleman - 20

Rak - 20
CJ - 30
Southerland - 20
Grant - 10

MCW - 30
Triche - 30
Cooney - 20

I see the PT playing out something like this due to experience, conditioning, foul trouble, etc. unless someone else commits or one of the guys gets placed in the doghouse. If Grant redshirts, then add 5 mins each to Rak and Southerland.
I see it more like this
5 - Coleman 20, Rak 10, Keita 10
4 - South 25, Rak 15
3 - CJ 30, South 5, Grant 5
2/1 - MCW 30, Triche 35, Cooney 15

Can't see Cooney getting more than 15 until I hear how he's progressed before camp next year.
Posters have been giving Keita a redshirt from the time he committed to SU.

Hasn't happened; isn't likely to happen. JB has rarely redshirted a healthy player -- Cooney is a rare example when it has been done, and that was only because we had 4 guards ahead of him.

Keita played better than Rak in Boston. Rak will see at least some of his time at PF. Just can't see JB redshirting Keita after he showed he can contribute.
Wasn't Gorman redshirted like his Soph or Junior year cause we were top heavy up front and he was healthy too?
and a lotta good it did gorman...NOT. keita was our best center postseason. not even debatable.
and a lotta good it did gorman...NOT. keita was our best center postseason. not even debatable.

You're right--not debatable. But next year he might be the third best center, if Rak improves as many expect.

And if we land Noel, then Keita could very easily be the fourth big--out of four. In which case, redshirting him might not be a bad idea.

Clearly, that is based upon several assumptions [readily acknowledged]:

--Noel comes to SU
--Coleman is ready to contribute
--Rakim makes the sophomore jump

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