I THINK ABOUT THIS EVERY DAY! I told my GF about my plans and how SU would be having some buildings with my last name on the front of them, she called me dumb, but thats cool cause if I won that money I'd find a less judgmental girl...with bigger b00bs...anywayyss...First thing is update all existing facilities and by update I mean UPDATE. Top of the line stuff, best of the best, the players lounge would be ridiculous. Second I'd demand to be Otto at all sporting events. Third I would turn Otto into angry Otto, don’t care that most other people don’t like angry Otto, when you get 500 mil you can have input, till then angry Otto all the time. Fourth, Id pay Walter Reyes to attend at least 2 games a year, why? BECAUSE I REALLLLY LIKE WALTER REYES. Lastly, I'd buy Gross a life time supply of turtle wax, he will have the shiniest head of any AD EVER. Sound ridiculous? Maybe, but so is the idea of winning the lottery and if I did win the lottery EVERYTHING would be ridiculous ALL the time.