Im watching espn and i notice |

Im watching espn and i notice


2023 Cali Award Rushing Touchdowns
Aug 20, 2011
Arizona St and Missouri are on this firday night. I was confused because posters on this board assured me that only conferences play friday night games.
I think the only people that truly mind the Friday night games are those that have kids playing, or other attachments to High School football.

I have no problem with playing a national televised game on ESPN on Friday nights.
Arizona St and Missouri are on this firday night. I was confused because posters on this board assured me that only **** conferences play friday night games.

I think every conference may have somebody play a Friday game. A Friday game in and of itself isn't a disgrace, it's the number of non-Saturday games. Us playing 3 non-Saturday games is silly and I think the lack of fans on Thursday showed it was a flop.
Live. Learn. Win.
I think every conference may have somebody play a Friday game. A Friday game in and of itself isn't a disgrace, it's the number of non-Saturday games. Us playing 3 non-Saturday games is silly and I think the lack of fans on Thursday showed it was a flop.
I like the Friday night games. i sympathize with those that have kids playing Friday night but I think we will do well. If SU gets off to a strong start the WVU game will draw a big crowd
Big 12 and Pac 12 (Oklahoma State@Iowa State, and USC@Colorado,) also scheduled games on Friday which makes it more credible. If the Big East was the only BCS conference doing it would be the talking point of how small time the Big East is. I think ESPN is pushing more and more conferences to accept non-Saturday starts. ESPN used the Big East to play on these Thursday games years ago and now that they are popular the SEC, PAC-12, BIG 12, ACC have scheduled Thursday games, if Friday is the same fine with me. I just want the Big East leadership to negotiate a favorable deal for the Big East and don't care if its with ESPN, NBC Sports/Versus, CBS, Fox/FX just generate enough money to create stability and the conference football schools should divide it up evenly so there is no jealousy.
Not sure I would say it failed. Announced 40,800 I think respectable based on the attendance & performance last year. And with the huge student section I would bet the administration would say it was a success (not that I have a clue what they think since they decided to have my grandsons games being played in the Meadowlands, and he hasn't been born yet)
I like the Friday night games. i sympathize with those that have kids playing Friday night but I think we will do well. If SU gets off to a strong start the WVU game will draw a big crowd

It also reduces the number of fans from out of town. Every move we make is anti some part of the fan base. Weeknights is anti out of towner's while the NYC games are anti locals and students as well as some out of towner's depending on where they come from. BTW, me personally don't mid Friday night at all, but it will not draw as well as Saturday afternoons or night.
Not sure I would say it failed. Announced 40,800 I think respectable based on the attendance & performance last year. And with the huge student section I would bet the administration would say it was a success (not that I have a clue what they think since they decided to have my grandsons games being played in the Meadowlands, and he hasn't been born yet)

Tickets sold. Fannies in the seats were about 34k, maybe 35k max.
I like the Friday night games. i sympathize with those that have kids playing Friday night but I think we will do well. If SU gets off to a strong start the WVU game will draw a big crowd

What will that game being on family weekend do? I know in our family, we will have one person who has only been to two college games ever, and is only going to the game to watch her daughter in the perform in the SUMB. But I'll do my best to make up for her by bringing my LSU passion to the Orange, especially if I have a couple of Dome Foams before the game!

I hope several more SU games make it onto ESPN3 before then, so I have a chance to learn some of the players names.
Personally, I'll be there anyway, and you are exactly right what is good for one will hurt others. I was just pointing out to be a failure I would think it would have had to have lower sales & not get student turnout, but since they were similar numbers with good students turnout. I think 7:00 on a thusday would be better than 8, if you concede you loose the out of towners. The biggest issue I have with this one was we were Thursday Night and not on TV, that just didn't make any sense to me, but neither does 20 more years in NJ (by the way I was on board for the first batch of games there, but this last batch just tells me they have no faith the program will get better, but that's just me
Tickets sold. Fannies in the seats were about 34k, maybe 35k max.
By the way do you have the numbers from last year? I would be curious so that we could see what the fanbase does this year compared to last
By the way do you have the numbers from last year? I would be curious so that we could see what the fanbase does this year compared to last

Easy to get tix sold from each game last year. It's on the su website, but I don't know where to get actually fannies in the seats.
Friday night is better than Thursday night = SU v WVU and SU v USF bigger crowds than SU v WF (and being conference games help too)
you cant say it was a fail unless you know what it would have been on a sat.. I know way more people who went on thurs who would not have gone on say between camping , vacation, HS football game and the fair concert..

I dont think 35K fannies is saying it was a fail either.. there were way more people than most games the last two years and much of that was the student turnout..
you cant say it was a fail unless you know what it would have been on a sat.. I know way more people who went on thurs who would not have gone on say between camping , vacation, HS football game and the fair concert..

I dont think 35K fannies is saying it was a fail either.. there were way more people than most games the last two years and much of that was the student turnout..

An 8pm Thursday game will never outdraw a Saturday game. Doesn't matter that the fair was going on, it was going on Saturday night too. Very few out of towner's, even many on this board, didn't make it because it was Thursday and I know a lot of people that said they couldn't make it a midnight thing with work the next day. The number of students was great, but just as many would have been there Saturday at 8pm also because they gave the frosh freebies.
I can't speak for the fanbase, but I will never make a thursday or Friday game. Had it been Saturday, I would've made the 4 hour trip with a small group. We would've made an overnight (or even a weekend) out of it.
Tickets sold. Fannies in the seats were about 34k, maybe 35k max.

I don't even think it was tickets sold.

I think it was the number Gross wanted to announce because he didn't want to announce less than 40k. I guess he could always defend it with some number that he "gave away".
I live an hour away and work an hour from home, and I mades it. FWIW. Last years attendance

Maine 37,758 7 PM
Colgate 38,068 3:30 PM
Pitt 40,168 12 PM (for 1st place)
Lvill 40,735 12 PM (for win 6)
UConn 41,165 7 PM
BC 42,191 12 PM

Can't really compare opening days opponents not close. UConn was after clinching. I personally think the University blew an opportunity to build the excitement. I remember year 1 they had a counter on SU Athletics showing ticket sales and a bunch of TV commercials. They really didnt promote like they should have and coming off the bowl win, Golden opportunity lost. They should have milked every bit out of that
Arizona St and Missouri are on this firday night. I was confused because posters on this board assured me that only **** conferences play friday night games.

is that a conference game?

does that represent 50% of all conference teams playing that night??


who cares if its a conference game. Its two BCS teams. :blah:
by far the wake crowd was the loudest then any game last year no matter the number of people in the seats. even when 10,000 non believers left it felt that it was even louder and mayeb because we were actually doing well, but still thought it was a great crowd. When we are 5-1 vs wvu on friday night there will be 46,000 people it
Arizona St and Missouri are on this firday night. I was confused because posters on this board assured me that only **** conferences play friday night games.

If Syracuse had any intelligence they would fight hand over fist to get their games on friday night.
retro if you want to talk real fan come up to section 327 and watch and learn my friend. bleed for this team...i'm all about 6-0, but if we do have a slip up 5-1 is a must going into that game.

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