Interesting Quote - ESPN.Com 10:39 p.m. |

Interesting Quote - ESPN.Com 10:39 p.m.



Multiple sources told's Andy Katz that Pittsburgh and Syracuse's applications to the ACC happened fast, within the last 48 hours.

One source who was briefed on the situation told Katz, "There is panic. There is panic about what league (Syracuse) was going to be in."
Panic by the ACC with the B1G knocking on the door or panic by Syracuse?
I take it as the ACC was in panic that they approve Syracuse before B1G stepped in.
That is very interesting and very reassuring. I think SU is in very good hands with the dwarf and the good doctor.
Ummm, why would the ACC panic? It seems obvious that, if true, Gross got wind of some pending moves and was worried that SU was about to get left in a Big C-USA.
ACC being proactive rather than reactive. Same thing can be said for Syracuse.
IF that is true - did we provide Pitt with some coattails?
Ummm, why would the ACC panic? It seems obvious that, if true, Gross got wind of some pending moves and was worried that SU was about to get left in a Big C-USA.

Under your scenario, what incentive does the ACC have in accepting? It seems more and more this move was initiated by the ACC reaching out to SU and Pitt.
Why would gross panic and then bring pitt? Sounds like Syracuse was wanted by both
The ACC might panic because many rumors have VT and FSU going to the SEC. FSU less likely because Florida wouldn't like that. WV or Missouri to SEC rumors as well. And with A&M joining that would give them 16.
Why would gross panic and then bring pitt? Sounds like Syracuse was wanted by both
That's the way I took the quote. The ACC wanted SU and decided to go after them now before another conference offered. In the last 48 hours the applications were filed, a vote was taken, and the ACC scheduled a press conference for tomorrow morning.
Multiple sources told's Andy Katz that Pittsburgh and Syracuse's applications to the ACC happened fast, within the last 48 hours.

One source who was briefed on the situation told Katz, "There is panic. There is panic about what league (Syracuse) was going to be in."
This may have been put in motion when the SEC showed serious interest in WVU.
Multiple sources told's Andy Katz that Pittsburgh and Syracuse's applications to the ACC happened fast, within the last 48 hours.

One source who was briefed on the situation told Katz, "There is panic. There is panic about what league (Syracuse) was going to be in."

Since as we know, nobody "applies" unless invited to (it's not a job app), any panic would have been on the ACC side. It's not like SU said "oh no we're going to be left out" and ran to the ACC and said "let us in". We were having convos with the ACC and B10, I think you can figure it out (even if rutgers dolts can't).
I'm curious to hear the first JB quote once this goes official
time is of the essence, yes, but this move was calculated, on more than one level...

and the ACC needed to expand...

it was written into that contract with ESPN that they would re-negotiate if the ACC expanded...

in fact, it would not surprise me to learn that ESPN encouraged the ACC to do this because it was in ESPN's best interest...

there is more going on than what we're seeing on TV or on the net...
The ACC might panic because many rumors have VT and FSU going to the SEC. FSU less likely because Florida wouldn't like that. WV or Missouri to SEC rumors as well. And with A&M joining that would give them 16.

Not after the ACC approved the $20 million buyout.
Keep in mind that they said that 10 schools have applied for ACC membership. We are just putting our cards on the table, like everybody else. It doesn't mean that anything is clinched.
Keep in mind that they said that 10 schools have applied for ACC membership. We are just putting our cards on the table, like everybody else. It doesn't mean that anything is clinched.

Nobody said that. 10 schools contacted the ACC. Only 2 applied.
Yeah, makes sense, i'll recant my revious post. Although I think "panic" is probably a poor word to use.
Multiple sources told's Andy Katz that Pittsburgh and Syracuse's applications to the ACC happened fast, within the last 48 hours.

One source who was briefed on the situation told Katz, "There is panic. There is panic about what league (Syracuse) was going to be in."

it's obviouse the panic is the acc. syracuse didn't say take us or else. the acc is worried they are going to lose 2 teams and that big 10 might offer us and likely pitt so they are being proactive. they weren't proactive in the last couple of days though. stuff like this is being worked out way in advance. we just better hope the i's and t's are dotted and crossed so nothing crazy happens like last time.
i read that as panic by, say, uconn or another be school
I read it as panic by the Big East, as in "oh no, if Syracuse leaves a bunch of us may be screwed!" However, your other takes are interesting. I really don't see the ACC being in a panic though. After raising their buyout, nobody in the conference seems terribly worried that anybody is going anywhere. It now seems more likely that the SEC #14 will be either WVU or Mizzou, not Florida St or Clemson (great news for us). I suppose I could buy an argument that some S.U. higher-ups may have been concerned that we'd get left out in the super-conference shuffle, but "panic" is a pretty strong word. "Concerned" perhaps.

"Proactive" is the best word.
This happened way to quick for us to be courting the ACC. The ACC was courting us and once we decided to go, Swofford knew it would be approved.

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