Interesting Response to NCAA Penalties By Freeh Member |

Interesting Response to NCAA Penalties By Freeh Member

Sounds like someone from Penn State who was included in the Freeh group to provide "insider" help.

News flash for this genius - if PSU gets heavy sanction from the Feds for Clery violations, well, that wasn't related to academics, right? I mean, what does crime reporting have to do with research and scholarship? All those poor professors and students who will be harmed by taking money away! Guess the Feds shouldn't do anything either.
Sounds like a PedSt fan that should feel lucky a full investigation wasn't done that would have likely resulted in a 10 year death penalty. The Freeh Report was limited in is scope and time spent on it.

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Again, ita all about football. Other than the fine, the only thing impacted is football competitivness.

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Sounds like a PedSt fan that should feel lucky a full investigation wasn't done that would have likely resulted in a 10 year death penalty. The Freeh Report was limited in is scope and time spent on it.

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In a sense, by agreeing to the penalties and limiting further investigation by the NCAA, PSU continues covering up the full extent of what happened and who was involved.

IF the Freeh Report was suppose to only be used to help change Penn State, how does this member of the Freeh group expect that change to come about without severe NCAA sanctions (and I would add in addition DoE fines for the Clery Act violations)? After all, it was the FOOTBALL culture that led to the cover-up.

What do they want to happen, the PSU BOT members sit around and pledge, "We will never, ever let this happen again?"

The same BOT members who initially wanted JoePa's statue to remain and only acquiesce when they realized that they would spend more time and money in efforts to "protect" it than it was worth?

what was interesting about that is that the person didn't have the courage to use his name. Typical Penn State coward.

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