Is it important to you guys to start in the ACC asap? |

Is it important to you guys to start in the ACC asap?


Walk On
Sep 19, 2011
I've read that you have to stay 27 months after your intentions are made known to leave the Big East. Assuming Cuse and Pitt are bound to it, I don't think it is neccessarily a bad thing. The Big East will have TCU coming in next year and a possibilty others to take the 2 defectors spots. Could be interesting from a football perspective and it will allow the 2 schools to recruit, build up their football teams and hit the grown running when they join the ACC in 2014.
I think we'd rather get to the ACC asap. As Boeheim said yesterday, the Big East needs to move on, and the only reason for them to hold us captive is to get an eighth team so they don't lose their BCS status. Once they do that, I think they'll probably let us go. If not, there's some serious sour grapes going on.
Football games in the big east this year are going to be bad enough for Syracuse and Pitt. Next year it might be an outright calamity. I think once people see what happens on the road this season, they'll have a hard time letting it continue. Could be that bad.
I want out ASAP -- I think we'll be playing ACC football and bball next year at this time
I'd like to consider the Wake game as our ACC opener and overhaul the remaining 2011 schedule.
1 more BET and we should go.

June 2012...lets DO IT.

See Ya...


its the smart move for everyone kids...and it will get done.
At this rate it's still 3 full BE football and basketball seasons... ugh.

Let the negotiations commence. The sooner that the BE finds some "replacements" and moves on, the better for everyone. Just imagine how embarrassing it would be to have most of the next 3 championships in each sport be won by a departing member.
I just want to ing go and be done with it. The sooner we can start in the ACC, the better. We gain nothing by sitting around for 27 months.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the entire switch happen next year.

Tranghese's interviews where he almost cries on camera and Marinatto's harsh statements about holding us to the 27-month proviso are simply a smoke-and-mirrors good cop/bad cop routine...

Something they can do and say while the providence mafia figures out what hell they are going to do and how they will re-structure and fill in the gaps.

Once that happens, they will want us out as fast as they can get the gap fillers in... and I'm guessing that will be sooner than later.

They have HUGE stability and lack of confidence in leadership issues right now and acting quickly and swiftly with realignment is the only way they can keep the conference afloat.

That said, I do question whether Marinatto and crew actually have the skills necessary to plug the hole and right the sinking ship... Nothing we've seen in the last 10 years would indicate they can...
I really don't think the rest of the big east is foolish enough to let it's basketball teams play ours for 2 years. The problem with the fans and their antics could be a big issue. Probably after the Big East tounament they will come out and say they've reached a compromise.
I've read that you have to stay 27 months after your intentions are made known to leave the Big East. Assuming Cuse and Pitt are bound to it, I don't think it is neccessarily a bad thing. The Big East will have TCU coming in next year and a possibilty others to take the 2 defectors spots. Could be interesting from a football perspective and it will allow the 2 schools to recruit, build up their football teams and hit the grown running when they join the ACC in 2014.

Yes, I want to be in the ACC as soon as possible. We are undefeated in the ACC.
Every game played during the interim, the announcers will say "Syracuse, on their way to the ACC..." or "Pitt, on their way to the ACC..." The BE does not want that ongoing jab in their collective sides.

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