Is the day of the super conference soon to be here? |

Is the day of the super conference soon to be here?

Does expansion to 16 begin this summer?

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Jan 24, 2012
With all the recent years and constant anxiety over expansion, with Syracuse in the middle of all that, and with the BCS System about ready to implode, talks and rumors are again running amuke over some big name schools making big time jumps. Rather that get into all of this by school, I thought it would better to get your views on conferences that may make a move.

SEC: Now with 14 teams, the powerhouse of CFB, in recruiting and on the Grid Iron. They have to but ask a host of schools to join, and they would. Recent additions of Missouri and Texas A&M add alot to their ressume, as well as their viewing and recruiting areas.
Status: Very Stable

B1G: Formally the Big 10, now with 12 teams. Publically have come out and said not interested in expanding any longer. Reality: Would immediatly expand if ND was in the equasion. Otherwise I am not sure they would make a move unless they had too, but either way, they could bring in quality teams without too uch problems, but what they want just doesn't seem to be interested in a date.
Status: Very Stable

PAC 12: Formally the PAC 10, now has 12 teams, has stated they are done with expansion. This one is subject to concern if the nation is heading to superconferences, especially should the Big 12 be one of these conferences. Where does the Pac 12 go to, Boise? BYU? This of course is subjective that the Big 12 stays intact.
Status: (Very) Stable [becomes questionable somewhat if they had to go to 16]

ACC: Now has 14 teams and will soon add Syracuse and Pitt for 2013, that much is pretty clear that it will happen in 2013. Recent rumors have FSU and maybe Clemson looking to greener pastures in the Big 12? Maybe. The ACC and ND would love to be joined at the hip except for the fact that ND would only wish to join in all sports, besides football of course. Does the ACC sit tight at 14 and who to they poach if they got to 16 if ND won't join? Rutgers and UConn? Hardly stability here if FSU and Clemson should bolt. Still work to be done.
Status: Stable (would become unstable if any teams bolt)

Big 12: A conference that refused to change its name although they have had 9, 10 or 11 teams at any given point over the last 2 seasons. Conference is led by a Dictatorship led by Borat of Texas. Hence, the achilles heal of this non-equal sharring conference. They have history and some very good teams, but will they survive as a conference. A ton of work needs to be done and I just don't see it happening unless they poach an FSU, Clemson, ND and pick up say a BYU. Could you imagine a conference with Texas, ND, and BYU at the table? How much can Oklahoma and Kansas take? Talk about no voice, it may not even get invited to the meetings!
Staus: Unstable (with only 10 teams this could very easily turn into abanden the ALAMO and fend for your self!)

Big WEast: Formally was in the East (Ok I made up the Bi WEast, couldn't resist), now they stretch coast to coast, have 22 teams affiliated in various degrees to the conference, and have Grimmer Wormtongue (Father John) corrupting the sole of the Big East King, only this time their was no Gandolf to save the king from his demise, so he died. This conference is doomed to a mid major classification, as any school in their right mind would leave this conference immediatly should any of the above mentioned conferences above come calling. Come on SEC, Lousiville and Cinci are waiting and teams like Vandy and MSU needs teams to beat up on!
Status: Unstable is an understatement, on life support with the family readty to pull the plug at anytime. Don't ask for Father John to give last rites, he'll be long gone by that time!
I don't see major changes, but think a couple of schools at the mid-major to lower BCS level may make a move or two. I think next year will be more active as it is too early to tell what the BCS changes will be to consider major moves.
ACC has 12 now, 14 when SU & Pitt arrive, barring other movement.

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