Considering there are rumors that ESPN contacted Davis first, that would be interesting to find out.
I have been curious about that from the beginning of this. Who actually contacted who?
Also, if these are lies, which I think yes, money may not be the motive at all. To me, I see revenge as a more likely posibility. Remember, Bernie was the world to this guy. Then Bernie cuts him off when Davies stiffs Bernie for 5000 and who knows whatever bizzare behaviour. Sounds like more of lover's revenge syndrome. Trying to punish Bernie for not being the father figure anymore.
I am trying to be open minded about the this, but there are just certain things on accusers side that don't make any sense.
It is hard to put yourself in the mindset of an abused person but I cant imagine being an adult, 27 years old, and still tolerating this. It is not like he was locked up in a basement for all these years. He went to college, several, went overseas, played on numerous teams, then he comes back for more abuse. Makes no sense.
I keep hearing that the only people who probably know the real truth are Bernie, Davies, and Lang. I don't buy that either. I think Bernie's wife knows exactly what is/was going on. Your husband is in the basement molesting a child 100s of times and you don't know it. Right! When I am downstairs, my wife knows everytime i changed the station, what I watched, and when I dozed off. Wives know everything.
I hope this comes to a close soon for the sake of the innocent who I think is Bernie.