Is Villari Cuse’s Tebow? | Page 3 |

Is Villari Cuse’s Tebow?

Definitely need to see a handful of Villari passes to be successful moving forward. In no way does he have a strong arm but he should be able to hit some surprise passes here and there. Probably not who we want in at QB on a 3rd and 15 though. Hopefully we have added some wrinkles to give some options in calling plays. Great kid to root for.

The hurdle was nice
It would be extremely helpful if SU can hit an early pass or two.
Dan was moved because he was a great athlete that the coaches wanted to get on the field. He was behind Shrader and Lamson. It's that simple. I think he probably can throw about as well as Shrader can when Shrader is healthy. He isn't going to beat you through the air but if we can continue to force teams to sell out against the run, he is going to get a ton of one-on-one match ups and if he can take advantage of them, we will beat GT. Same script as last game. Run the ball down their throats, play field position, win the turnover battle and leave it up to our D.
Win the toss, take the ball run 7 or 8 minutes off the clock and score a TD.
Then when Georgia Tech gets the ball all out blitz on 1st and 2nd down. Get the ball back and repeat the first series, get up 14 -0 and they panic.
Win the toss, take the ball run 7 or 8 minutes off the clock and score a TD.
Then when Georgia Tech gets the ball all out blitz on 1st and 2nd down. Get the ball back and repeat the first series, get up 14 -0 and they panic. Always, always defer.
This board can be amazing. Comparisons do not necessarily mean equivalencies. This is a pet peeve of mine and whenever anyone mentions two people in the same sentence, people assume the poster is equating them.

The thread title is not “Is Villari the next Tebow?” or “Is Villari as good as Tebow?” It is “Is Villari Cuse’s Tebow?”

While I don’t quite think he is, I can understand seeing some similarities. Of course he isn’t Tebow. Of course he isn’t Taysom Hill. But there can be some common attributes without a person being another’s equal.
As someone who works in sports ministry, I think it's important to acknowledge no matter how kind of goofy or stagey Tebow appears at times with his faith, I have never heard of ANY behind the scenes rumblings of him living in a sketchy or contradictory life. His character & integrity when it comes to living out his faith is significant. Unfortunately it's much more rare than you'd hope in the sports world. I'm not a huge fan of him when it comes to sports, but I genuinely respect & appreciate his integrity.

P.S. I view Kirk Cousins in a very similar way
Dont forget Dion
GT has a terrible run D, they have a good offense so our D needs to show out. They have gotten burned at times, overall have been pretty solid considering how horrible the offense has been but the D hasn’t been 2021-2022 good. I am concerned that Tech knows they have to have this game or else play the APR 5-7 bowl route game. Babers knows he has Wake in his pocket for Bowl eligibility so I hope he has kept up the fire this week that he finally showed last week
The only thing Dino has ever had in his pocket is lint
If he was an average passer don’t you think we would’ve kept him at QB? If he was an average passer I think it’s very likely he would’ve won the backup job behind GS considering what we’ve seen from CDRW since he arrived.
He hasn't practiced throwing in awhile I imagine. I bet he throws 7-10 times on Saturday.
Tebow wishes he could.

Tebow Line looks up to Mendoza.

I went to a SMets - RailRiders game a few years ago.

Tebow got picked off 1st base TWICE.

He hasn't practiced throwing in awhile I imagine. I bet he throws 7-10 times on Saturday.
He was practicing throwing when he got moved to TE. And I’d bet that aswell, I think we’re going to need it to pull out a W.
He was practicing throwing when he got moved to TE. And I’d bet that aswell, I think we’re going to need it to pull out a W.
Was he practicing all the throws?
I imagine he wasn't
I assume he'll have more plays added to his wristband.
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Tebow wishes he could.

Tebow Line looks up to Mendoza.
Tebow's minor league time was interesting in that obviously he was a novelty and project. He hit .223 over 4 years and actually hit .273 at AA Binghamton. Over those 4 years he hit 18 home runs. What the Mets were hoping for with him was that after not playing baseball for quite a while that maybe he could develop into a hitter with homerun power. Didn't work out but he certainly did much better than many thought he would. I watch many Syracuse Mets games where there are quite a few guys in the lineup not hitting much better average wise. When Tebow did hit the ball he did tend to hit the ball hard. One of my friends sons is in the Yankee organization, has good power but is not happy with the hitting philosophy, they want guys to hit homeruns, they aren't as concerned with the batting average and is one of the reasons in my opinion the Yankees have not fared to well of late. To many guys trying to hit homeruns and not getting enough hits.

One of their top prospects expressed his concern when they wanted him to try hitting the ball up more to get more homeruns. He was worried that he would start striking out more and is average would suffer. This is more to highlight what the Mets thinking with Tebow was for baseball. Tremendous athlete with good strength. Unfortunately for Tebow it didn't work out but for those that think it was a waste of time it was not, many players who didn't take time off for football didn't play as well as Tim, but also his name didn't hurt. While his average at Syracuse wasn't great he did hit 4 homeruns, but his time was cut short by a hand injury, he had been hitting the ball better just before he got hurt. He got off to a slow start against AAA pitching but said he was starting to see the ball better before he got hurt. I coached little league with a guy that made it to AA and said that Tebow did much better than he expected given his lack of experience.

Tebow is as nice as he seems and is a super person, nothing fake about him.

As far a Villari goes, obviously as a QB he isn't Tebow, but he doesn't need to be, I thought the play where he over threw Allen was a nice designed play that I would like to see more of, also watching some of his high school film I thought when he did throw he was fairly accurate, when watching HS QB's what happens a lot of times is that the WR's make plays on underthrown or not great thrown balls, I thought he hit the receiver for the most part where the ball should have been. Lets hope with a little work he could make a few throws a game that get caught and keep defenses honest.
Villari transferred in from Michigan before the spring semester 2022. Dan played in the spring game in 2022. If I recall Villari led one team and Lamson led the other. Lamson played well and threw for a couple of touchdowns. If my memory serves me correctly, Villari struggled and threw a couple of interceptions.

Following that spring game, I recall the pecking order at QB appeared to be Shrader, Lamson, Morgan, Villari and MacPhail. Thus, Villari was moved to "TE" or "football player".

In one of the few practices that were held following the spring game Lamson sustained a serious injury. It was following Lamson's injury that we went to the portal and plucked Del Rio Wilson.

Villari played TE/football player all of 2022. I believe he was injured and did not participate in the spring" game in 2023. I understand his injury may have also limited his involvement in fall camp.

Villari can "throw", but "passing" and "throwing" are different. I don't think we are going to ask Villari to sit in the pocket and drop dimes after reading the defense high to low and left to right while four receivers are running routes and he's navigating a pass rush. But his ability to throw will be a welcomed addition to what we did against Pitt.
Great Post, We don’t want him to be Dan Marino, Just accurate enough to cripple a bad Ga Tech Defense that will be working all week to stop this new running attack.
The name Tebow will be dust in the wind ( apologies to Kansas) when Villari’s career runs it’s star struck destiny!!!
Tebow was a top 25 overall recruit, nationally. Top dual threat QB.

Tebow also had one of the most successful college careers of all time.

BTW, I hate Tebow.

But comparing Villari to Tebow ain't it.

Here's a difference:


I remember wondering if Dungey was so different from Tebo, if he could have accomplished what Tim did if he had all that Florida talent around him and what Tebo's career would have been if he'd been at SU. The consensus was that Dungey would have been a better Dungey in Florida and that Tebo would have been a worse Tebo in Syracuse.
Villari should take the snap option right, and hit a short pass. Keep GT honest. (Jeez, that sounds like the freeze option!)
Villari should take the snap option right, and hit a short pass. Keep GT honest. (Jeez, that sounds like the freeze option!)
Not sure the freeze option would have the necessary timing perfected in this little time. I do agree that more passing is important to keep GT honest.
if we throw on our schedule there will be plays to make in the passing game.. if we are faced with a ton of 3rd and 10s then thats a different story. the more 3rd and 5s or less we get the better.
I think Dan completed all the passes he threw yesterday. Next week against Wake I'm looking for more downfield throws. I really like this concept of having the backup QB in the game at WR. If Davis can pass the ball it sets up a play where Villari is in the wildcat and Davis is split wide which forces the defense in a run stop position. If they then shift it should create one on one coverage which could lead to some big plays.

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