It's Notre Dame Stupid: Watch the next few weeks! |

It's Notre Dame Stupid: Watch the next few weeks!


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
A perfect storm...the Catholic 7 wanting to bail a year early because of FOX $$$$. In fact, Catholic 7 is basically up to nine and looking at #10...which could be Creighton (president on Georgetown Board of Directors) or...or can I even say it Notre Dame. But, But Notre Dame is going to the ACC for everything but football in '14...right, well most likely.

The next few weeks are going to be interesting..sic: TOUGH! By the Catholic 7 leaving early, if they do in fact leave July this year, it gives an easy walk and no dollar loss to Notre Dame to exit with them as part of their new conference (even if just for a year before bouncing to ACC). Moreover, if Notre Dame leaves for ACC, there will most likely be a $$$ levy to pay to the old BE conference. What is difficult here is the end game that Notre Dame is playing. If it goes to the Catholic 7 for a year of all sports and bball, that probably would not be the best signal for the ACC insofar as Notre Dame is concerned. Why would Notre Dame do that rather than come into the ACC which, according to source, is expecting them this July if the Catholic 7 exits.

Anyalysis is here. If Notre Dame comes to the ACC this year, it builds additional confidence in strenghth and longevity of the ACC...and builds the foundation for quicker $$$ enhancement from ESPN as well as giving the ACC network (whatever it will become) more impetus moving forward. If Notre Dame goes with the Catholic 7 it may mean nothing at all or something...and it will take more time to figure that meaning out. The ACC knows this and is working to do everything it can to bring in Notre Dame basketball and other sports in Swofford and Notre Dame said previously: when Notre Dame is ready we will embrace and take them...(source) has indicated this will infact happen.

Whoever would have thought that 7 Catholic bball schools would yield so much influence on realignment decision...NO WAIT, THE BE ONLY BASKETBALL SCHOOLS RAN THE CONFERENCE FOR A LONG TIME...and they now may be running 3 conferences: Catholic 7, old BE and the ACC--no wonder the Pope stepped down...can he be a commisioner?
You call me stupid a lot. Join the club.

Seems bizarre to me that ND would have to pay anything at all if the Catholic 7 leave. How can that particular exit fee hold up in court? Especially since the Big East is giving the Catholic 7 their name.
A perfect storm...the Catholic 7 wanting to bail a year early because of FOX $$$$. In fact, Catholic 7 is basically up to nine and looking at #10...which could be Creighton (president on Georgetown Board of Directors) or...or can I even say it Notre Dame. But, But Notre Dame is going to the ACC for everything but football in '14...right, well most likely.

The next few weeks are going to be interesting..sic: TOUGH! By the Catholic 7 leaving early, if they do in fact leave July this year, it gives an easy walk and no dollar loss to Notre Dame to exit with them as part of their new conference (even if just for a year before bouncing to ACC). Moreover, if Notre Dame leaves for ACC, there will most likely be a $$$ levy to pay to the old BE conference. What is difficult here is the end game that Notre Dame is playing. If it goes to the Catholic 7 for a year of all sports and bball, that probably would not be the best signal for the ACC insofar as Notre Dame is concerned. Why would Notre Dame do that rather than come into the ACC which, according to source, is expecting them this July if the Catholic 7 exits.

Anyalysis is here. If Notre Dame comes to the ACC this year, it builds additional confidence in strenghth and longevity of the ACC...and builds the foundation for quicker $$$ enhancement from ESPN as well as giving the ACC network (whatever it will become) more impetus moving forward. If Notre Dame goes with the Catholic 7 it may mean nothing at all or something...and it will take more time to figure that meaning out. The ACC knows this and is working to do everything it can to bring in Notre Dame basketball and other sports in Swofford and Notre Dame said previously: when Notre Dame is ready we will embrace and take them...(source) has indicated this will infact happen.

Whoever would have thought that 7 Catholic bball schools would yield so much influence on realignment decision...NO WAIT, THE BE ONLY BASKETBALL SCHOOLS RAN THE CONFERENCE FOR A LONG TIME...and they now may be running 3 conferences: Catholic 7, old BE and the ACC--no wonder the Pope stepped down...can he be a commisioner?
I appreciate your post, but honestly Notre Dame is bound by the ACC exit fee of 50 million dollars so honestly all this means nothing. If Notre Dame wanted to cut a check they could have gotten out of the Big East whenever they wanted and said two weeks ago they were in staying in the Big East because they thought the Catholic 7 were staying. Now that the Big East contract was finished with ESPN and all Aresco could get for next year's TV basketball contract was a measly 10 million dollars for 18 schools the basketball onlies decided to bail a year early so they could get 3 million a year from FOX. There is nothing more to read in this than that Notre Dame doesn't want to play @Tulane, @UCF, @SMU, @Memphis next year that is all this about they are using the Catholic 7 leaving as a get out of jail free card and if they can go the ACC there ideal choice great or have to play their old Big East rivals for year nice fallback. If Aresco got a better 1 year stopgap offer from ESPN for 2013-2014 Big East basketball the Catholic 7 wouldn't have pushed to leave for next year. How Aresco thought 10 million dollars for UConn, Louisville, Memphis, Cincinnati, Georgetown, Marquette, Villanova was a fair offer its so bad its probably a breach of his fiduciary duty I could negotiate a better 1 year contract with these schools than Aresco.
A perfect storm...the Catholic 7 wanting to bail a year early because of FOX $$$$. In fact, Catholic 7 is basically up to nine and looking at #10...which could be Creighton (president on Georgetown Board of Directors) or...or can I even say it Notre Dame. But, But Notre Dame is going to the ACC for everything but football in '14...right, well most likely.

The next few weeks are going to be interesting..sic: TOUGH! By the Catholic 7 leaving early, if they do in fact leave July this year, it gives an easy walk and no dollar loss to Notre Dame to exit with them as part of their new conference (even if just for a year before bouncing to ACC). Moreover, if Notre Dame leaves for ACC, there will most likely be a $$$ levy to pay to the old BE conference. What is difficult here is the end game that Notre Dame is playing. If it goes to the Catholic 7 for a year of all sports and bball, that probably would not be the best signal for the ACC insofar as Notre Dame is concerned. Why would Notre Dame do that rather than come into the ACC which, according to source, is expecting them this July if the Catholic 7 exits.

Anyalysis is here. If Notre Dame comes to the ACC this year, it builds additional confidence in strenghth and longevity of the ACC...and builds the foundation for quicker $$$ enhancement from ESPN as well as giving the ACC network (whatever it will become) more impetus moving forward. If Notre Dame goes with the Catholic 7 it may mean nothing at all or something...and it will take more time to figure that meaning out. The ACC knows this and is working to do everything it can to bring in Notre Dame basketball and other sports in Swofford and Notre Dame said previously: when Notre Dame is ready we will embrace and take them...(source) has indicated this will infact happen.

Whoever would have thought that 7 Catholic bball schools would yield so much influence on realignment decision...NO WAIT, THE BE ONLY BASKETBALL SCHOOLS RAN THE CONFERENCE FOR A LONG TIME...and they now may be running 3 conferences: Catholic 7, old BE and the ACC--no wonder the Pope stepped down...can he be a commisioner?

This is nonsense. They're going to stay with the Catholic 7 to avoid paying an exit fee? But since they've already been voted into the ACC, wouldn't that mean that they'll have to pay a fee to leave the ACC to join the C7? I think their agreement with the ACC was a good indication that they're willing to part with $5-10 million to get out of the BE. And outside of Georgetown, there's no school in the C7 that they see as a peer. Not the case in the ACC.
C7 might be selling this to them

Notre Dame leaves for the C7 for one year. Make it a one year contract with no exit fee. C7 gets Butler, Xavier to join. Notre Dame leaves in '14 and Creighton joins.
C7 might be selling this to them

Notre Dame leaves for the C7 for one year. Make it a one year contract with no exit fee. C7 gets Butler, Xavier to join. Notre Dame leaves in '14 and Creighton joins.
That is probably what is happening because Notre Dame doesn't want to play in a watered down Big East and hurt their Olympic Sports and Basketball they use the C7 as a free one year stopgap and they don't have to pay any exit fee to artist formerly known as the Big East and they get to the ACC in 2014.
Plus Notre Dame gets 3 million for the one year from C7 or whatever fee they determine and Notre Dame doesn't get 1/18 or 1/11 of the 10 million from ESPN's 1 year stopgap in 2013-2014 for basketball.
C7 might be selling this to them

Notre Dame leaves for the C7 for one year. Make it a one year contract with no exit fee. C7 gets Butler, Xavier to join. Notre Dame leaves in '14 and Creighton joins.

Why would you do that if you were the C7? It's a great deal for ND but what's the benefit for the C7? With 9, they can go back to round robin. If they want to add a 10th (and why Creighton?!? Because they're good this year? Wasn't one of the complaints of the C7 schools that that the geography of the BE was less than ideal? Why bring in a program from Nebraska with no tv market?), why not add that 10th team now? Fox isn't giving the C7 that tv deal just for one year of ND. I'm sorry but the original post is a load of bull.
I appreciate your post, but honestly Notre Dame is bound by the ACC exit fee of 50 million dollars so honestly all this means nothing. If Notre Dame wanted to cut a check they could have gotten out of the Big East whenever they wanted and said two weeks ago they were in staying in the Big East because they thought the Catholic 7 were staying. Now that the Big East contract was finished with ESPN and all Aresco could get for next year's TV basketball contract was a measly 10 million dollars for 18 schools the basketball onlies decided to bail a year early so they could get 3 million a year from FOX. There is nothing more to read in this than that Notre Dame doesn't want to play @Tulane, @UCF, @SMU, @Memphis next year that is all this about they are using the Catholic 7 leaving as a get out of jail free card and if they can go the ACC there ideal choice great or have to play their old Big East for year nice fallback. If Aresco got a better 1 year stopgap offer from ESPN for 2013-2014 Big East basketball the Catholic 7 wouldn't have pushed to leave for next year. How Aresco thought 10 million dollars for UConn, Louisville, Memphis, Cincinnati, Georgetown, Marquette, Villanova was a fair offer its so bad its probably a breach of his fiduciary duty I could negotiate a better 1 year contract with these schools than Aresco.
Good post, my posting was to alert the board that what Notre Dame decides to do will have a very positive affect (more dollars from ESPN quicker and well as pushing the network forward) vs going with the Catholic 7 that may be negative as it gives another year until dollars from ESPN are forthcoming as well as another year of realignment BS...after all, with ND in fold earlier it gives confidence and credence that the ACC is in good shape
. Why would Notre Dame do that rather than come into the ACC which, according to source, is expecting them this July if the Catholic 7 exits.

I don't understand why your source is expecting them this July? Didn't ND announce something a month ago about staying with the BE for another year?
Good post, my posting was to alert the board that what Notre Dame decides to do will have a very positive affect (more dollars from ESPN quicker and well as pushing the network forward) vs going with the Catholic 7 that may be negative as it gives another year until dollars from ESPN are forthcoming as well as another year of realignment BS...after all, with ND in fold earlier it gives confidence and credence that the ACC is in good shape
No problem your definitely the board member with sources and brings legit information for us schmucks. I think that ND will be in the ACC next year just because they won't want to be in a 1 year stopgap, but will if they are forced to stay in the old Big East.
i think anyone who thinks nd wont be in the ACC for all sports but football this july is nuts.

why hurt your hoop and olympic sports by playing in a bullspit midmajor conf for 1 year??

got news for ya aint happenin.

as a matter of fact, the sons of bitches likely wont have to pay a dime either to accomplish that.
I don't understand why your source is expecting them this July? Didn't ND announce something a month ago about staying with the BE for another year?
Things change...C7 is now looking to leave early. ND is looking at their options obviously.

C7 would love to have ND for one year. Gives them instant cred and people likely to watch ND will likely watch C7 BB after ND joins. They are now ingrained to tune into FOX sports channels. ESPN will figure this out and try to get ND to the ACC early. As Kaiser alluded too above...I too think ND ends up in the ACC this Fall.
I can't imagine how pissed UC and UCONN are right now. the C7 makes more money than them just for basketball than they make with football and basketball. It's unreal.
I don't understand why your source is expecting them this July? Didn't ND announce something a month ago about staying with the BE for another year?
Notre Dame said if Catholic 7 stayed one more year, they would stay one more year. Now Catholic 7 is nearly out the door, if that happens ND litterally has three choices:
1. Stay in old BE--doubt this
2. Go with Catholic 7 for a year and then ACC-possible
3. Go directly to ACC-what we all want
What's so appealing about the Catholic 9? Georgetown and Marquette have been good, Villanova is staying afloat but has taken a step back the past few years, SJU/SHU/PC/Depaul all suck, and Xavier/Butler are great mid-majors. This looks like a slightly better Atlantic 10, so why would Notre Dame want in on that for a year when they can go to the ACC and play games against SU, Duke, UNC, Louisville, Pitt, NC State (ha) immediately. If ND can go join these Catholics for a year, then they can join the ACC early. I don't think an exit fee will apply considering the fraction of the current BE breaking off.
...and now Notre Dame speaks...this is getting interesting...any one believe the ACC would not take Notre Dame immediately? Don't be so fast to think the Catholic 7 break-away would not be an exit strategy for a year for Notre Dame. Also, has been "sourced" to me that at today's meeting the old and apparent new BE did not agree on their break-up...geez!
If ND leaves the BE, they have to pay the "early exit fee" (i.e. premium exit fee). If they leave and pay the early exit fee, why wouldn't they just join the ACC?
...and now Notre Dame speaks...this is getting interesting...any one believe the ACC would not take Notre Dame immediately? Don't be so fast to think the Catholic 7 break-away would not be an exit strategy for a year for Notre Dame. Also, has been "sourced" to me that at today's meeting the old and apparent new BE did not agree on their break-up...geez!

Of course they haven't agreed on the break up. That is what negotiations are. Like the article said, they are still negotiating exit fees, name and tournament location. No formal vote was taken.

Sent using my Commodore 64
If ND leaves the BE, they have to pay the "early exit fee" (i.e. premium exit fee). If they leave and pay the early exit fee, why wouldn't they just join the ACC?
They will.

But they will say all the right things right up till they get the fall ACC soccer schedules etc.

No shot in hell they stay in 1 of the 2 bmws.
Anyalysis is here. If Notre Dame comes to the ACC this year, it builds additional confidence in strenghth and longevity of the ACC...and builds the foundation for quicker $$$ enhancement from ESPN as well as giving the ACC network (whatever it will become) more impetus moving forward. If Notre Dame goes with the Catholic 7 it may mean nothing at all or something...and it will take more time to figure that meaning out.

Why do you think it will take time to figure out the meaning? I'm sure the Dude has already deciphered it. It means the ACC is going to be destroyed. Actually, everything means the ACC is going to be destroyed. That's just the way it is. Big 12 Uber Alles.
What's so appealing about the Catholic 9? Georgetown and Marquette have been good, Villanova is staying afloat but has taken a step back the past few years, SJU/SHU/PC/Depaul all suck, and Xavier/Butler are great mid-majors. This looks like a slightly better Atlantic 10, so why would Notre Dame want in on that for a year when they can go to the ACC and play games against SU, Duke, UNC, Louisville, Pitt, NC State (ha) immediately. If ND can go join these Catholics for a year, then they can join the ACC early. I don't think an exit fee will apply considering the fraction of the current BE breaking off.

Cool cities, regional relevancy, cool venues, decent tradition, pretty good programs. what's not to like?
Give it five years, it's the new Atlantic 10.

What makes you say that?

Xavier -- 7 straight NCAA tourneys, 3 sweet 16s, 2 elite 8s in the past 10 years.

Butler -- really good program, great young coach, 2 title game appearances in past 5 years.

G'town -- legit

Nova -- struggling right this moment but still a good program

SJU -- still a strong program

Marquette -- great program with sustained success.

I think that's a really good conference and they've all had plenty of success even outside the big conference spotlight.

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