I hope his parents are making plans to move him. It is quite clear he isn't wanted here. What a shame.He is going to be a stud for somebody.
I hope his parents are making plans to move him. It is quite clear he isn't wanted here. What a shame.He is going to be a stud for somebody.
Babers isn't going to undermine his philosophy and system to accommodate a marginally better talent.
That's new to us, because we haven't had a consistent offensive philosophy and have attempted to mold the philosophy and system to the talent at hand.
I like the Babers way.
it is obvious to everyone JF is the back that gives us a chance to get a running game going. He runs hungry and doesnt drop down on first contact. He is obviously in the dog house and Dino thinks its more important to set the example with him than to use him. Would he be the difference of us winning against NC st FSU and Pitt? We dont know but I doubt is with our line. Dino knows his team and knows what's more important in the long run.People have accused me of being a parent of JF, which I am NOT. But I am a long time follower of the kid. Hint..LI equals Long Island ball. Jordan has always played on a higher level than his peers. I watched one of his high school games where the announcer said Jordan had been on Cuse board since he was in 8th grade. Wow. I have watched him play and he doesn't struggle pass blocking, he played WR while his his older brothers played RB over him in school. He didn't have a problem catching balls from Dungey last year. Now he is on the honor roll?? so grades are not a factor. Yes he may of came into camp heavy and he should of been penalized for it but this is just ridiculous now. He should be allowed to play. The kids gave his verbal in eleventh grade and honored it even as other school tried to make a run at him, such as Wake Forest, Temple, Boston College, North Western, West Virginia, Rutgers, stony Brook,to just name a few. Once he gave his verbal he refused to answer or speak to any other coaches that came to his school to see him. He told his high school Coach he is honoring his commitment. Well now he may need to change his mind. If his parents, family or friends frequent this board. What do you think? Sad to see this happen to such a talented player. As you watch it's hard to believe this is NOT personal. Only time will tell. I wish everyone the best no matter how it turns out.
I understand what you are saying. I also know someone one the team as well and a whole lot of players can't understand why he IS NOT playing. Which leads them to think it is personal.it is obvious to everyone JF is the back that gives us a chance to get a running game going. He runs hungry and doesnt drop down on first contact. He is obviously in the dog house and Dino thinks its more important to set the example with him than to use him. Would he be the difference of us winning against NC st FSU and Pitt? We dont know but I doubt is with our line. Dino knows his team and knows what's more important in the long run.
Now, you can have as much passion for him as you like but you dont know what is actually happening behind the scenes. Every kid that gets recruited and commits is taking a risk. These situations are on every teams. My HS team has a kid that is a very good athlete and has a better skill set than our other runners but he has deficiencies in his game that others outside the team dont know about. If I was a outside observer, I would think the coaches have no clue what they are doing, lol. I have a player on the SU team that Im very close with. I know exactly why he is not playing while it maybe a mystery to others. I am not upset because these coaches know what they are doing for the most part and I have no D1 college experience. I can't begin to know what its like to make decisions like that specially at the highest level. Their jobs are on the line. They dont care which teams he didnt sign with or coaches he stop talking to.
and you can be right about that, I just hope it all works out. I was bragging about JF during his jr. in HS. I thought he was vastly under rated and last year proved it. I am just as puzzled as anyone else but I do understand these type of things happen on every team. Can't just blame one side. Both are at fault. I hope the two parties figure it out. If they can't than JF have to consider a fresh start somewhere else. I would be rooting for him where ever he's at and a truly believe Dino will find some guys to get the production.I understand what you are saying. I also know someone one the team as well and a whole lot of players can't understand why he IS NOT playing. Which leads them to think it is personal.
Sometimes fans make mistakes too.
How many of you though Ashton Broyld would win multiple Heismans?
Early in the season the coaches made the judgement that it would be better if Brisley Estime didn't return kicks so he could concentrate his efforts on being a wide receiver. They game the job to Riley. over the course the season, they realize they were mistaken and gave Brisley back the punt return job and then put him on kick-offs.
It's possible for coaches to decide that they were wrong about a player and that they need his talents out there. I hope they do the same with Fredericks.
Neither one of them hit the hold very fast or hard. Watch on every run play or RPO, as soon as the RB gets the ball the DL crashes and nearly stops them at the LOS or before. This happens about 90% of the time.Puzzled, too. Does anyone else think it may be because JF hits the hole maybe a split second slower than Strick or Moe? With a young line not able to hold blocks, this could be a possibility...to me, at least. Just thinking out loud...
Except I think they knew Estime was the best kick returner they had, they just didn't want to risk injury with him there. Not sure it's a comparable situation to Fredericks.