Jim Boeheim's Thoughts on the Penn State Scandal | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Jim Boeheim's Thoughts on the Penn State Scandal

JB seems more upset about people being outraged about child abuse than the actual child abuse.

That's twisted.

I thought Marrone was pitch perfect on this, which is to say he made a boiler plate statement and then moved on.
"One thing I haven't heard anybody say is how are we going to help these kids? I haven't heard one of these brilliant talk show experts say is what are we going to do to help these kids."

Just lost a ton of respect for Boeheim... Hey Jim... Paterno and the rest of the Penn State administration could have STOPPED this in 1998, 2002 or anytime in between... That would have truly "helped these kids"!!!

Get a clue!
"He's won alot of games"
"He's helped raise alot of money for that school"
That's the kind of thinking that allowed this to happen and got them in this whole mess.It's disturbing to see that JB thinks the same way.You want money to help these victims?Take it from the people that allowed these crimes to happen.Don't ask outsiders to foot the bill.If after PSU is forced to pay for what they allowed to take place,outsiders want to kick in,so much the better.
When discussing the Baylor murder coverup by David Bliss, on TV with K and that paragon of virtue, Kelvin Sampson, JB criticized the assistant coach for secretly taping Bliss!!! JB also has some value issues.

Agree 100%
Can't even comment on JB's perspective. I will say this the support for the victim's is a good idea. The bringing them to a game though...I would imagine at this point they would really value their privacy and not want any added attention. But I like the thought process we have going here.
JB's comment on helping victims is right, but he's missing the point on a number of things - or simply preferring to lash out at the media unjustifiably...

It's not the reporter's fault... period. JB hates the media, we know that. He's way off the mark there. The reporters are NOT responsible for PSU's PR around this debacle.

What PSU should be doing (and likely is unless the BOT are completely in left field) is hire a crisis communications PR firm and develop and implement a communication strategy and plan that includes positive developments to address victim's needs.

i.e. What if PSU worked with Sandusky's front charity, cleaned out the management, re-prioritized the organization as a support charity focused on helping victims of child sexual abuse, set-up an annual fund and grant matching campaign whereby they match donations annually to the organization and keep the program and school highly involved and supportive of the charity?

That's something positive the reporters could report on and something that solidifies some real good for the school and community born from the ashes of the very bad.

Also, guess what, that might take a couple week's to pull together with the right PR firm and planning. JB knows that, but chooses to blame the media instead - because that what he always does. He thinks the media is out to get coaches.

JB: It's the reporter's job to make this happen? No it's not.

I, for one, hope that some positive like this does come from this debacle. The only way PSU can bounce back from this is if they own it and show and ongoing committment to helping victims and to ensure something so heinous never happens again.
Yeah I agreed with some of what he said, like setting up a fund for the victims, and not enough paying attention to helping them. But some of the stuff about Paterno and his coaching legacy not being affected, etc I thought was off base. But remember, he's a coach so his natural instinct is to defend coaches. Right or wrong.
Sounds like a bit of an apologist in the 2nd paragraph. "This doesn't have any effect on what he did for 46 years."

Sorry, Coach. But it does.
JB, he covered up child rape for a huge chunk of those 46 years!
You guys get way too worked up about anything JB says that isnt exactly what you'd say. He never said it wouldnt tarnish his image he said it doesnt change the good things JoePa has done for PSU. And it doesnt, the stadium is still there, the library is still there, etc. etc. JB talked about helping the victims, didnt disagree with the BoT firing him, said JoePa should have done moreJB doesnt live in anonymous internet message board world, he's not going to come out and call him a scumbag and say take him to the gallows and hang his ass.

Is what happened FUBAR? Of course, its insane and its wrong and I hope everyone involved burns in hell, but you know JB has an opinion on everything and we all know he hates the media. Can you blame him? Did you watch ESPN yesterday? Its over the top. Just like 24 hour news outlets, the horse has been beaten into glue. Let the investigation continue and pick it up when more is known. Instead we get day long phone interviews w OJ Mcduffie and Ki-jana Carter.
Is what happened FUBAR? Of course, its insane and its wrong and I hope everyone involved burns in hell, but you know JB has an opinion on everything and we all know he hates the media. Can you blame him? Did you watch ESPN yesterday? Its over the top. Just like 24 hour news outlets, the horse has been beaten into glue. Let the investigation continue and pick it up when more is known. Instead we get day long phone interviews w OJ Mcduffie and Ki-jana Carter.

The only reason half of what is happening has happened is because the media has decided to turn the bright lights on the situation. Is all of the reporting that is being done productive, or of value? No. But, in terms of the overall situation the media attention is going to force action on the situation where people have been turning a blind eye for a very, very long time. This story was broken by the local State College paper in March of this year, but everyone ignored it. So, if we have to endure phone interview with OJ Mcduffie and Ki-Jana Carter to make sure that there continues to be pressure on the people in charge forcing them to continue to to do what's right, rather than try to get this back on the back burner where it can be ignored, than so be it. No one is being forced to watch those interviews.


I hope Mike Hopkins, when coach, has a better set of values than JB.

Is it really all that surprising?

One seemingly 'untouchable' coach who lives in his own world not entirely based in reality pissed that reality came crashing down on one of his seemingly 'untouchable' bretheren?
The only reason half of what is happening has happened is because the media has decided to turn the bright lights on the situation. Is all of the reporting that is being done productive, or of value? No. But, in terms of the overall situation the media attention is going to force action on the situation where people have been turning a blind eye for a very, very long time. This story was broken by the local State College paper in March of this year, but everyone ignored it. So, if we have to endure phone interview with OJ Mcduffie and Ki-Jana Carter to make sure that there continues to be pressure on the people in charge forcing them to continue to to do what's right, rather than try to get this back on the back burner where it can be ignored, than so be it. No one is being forced to watch those interviews.

Outstanding point.
i have no issue with what boeheim said...he said they should have fired him in person rather than over the phone, what the heck is wrong with saying that ?
You cannot defend Joe Paterno JB!!!! Pay attention read there is no defense I could care less if he was a good coach, the only thing that should be remembered about Paterno is that he knowingly allowed someone to use his Penn State connections to gain the trust of little boys and rape them.
Is it really all that surprising?

One seemingly 'untouchable' coach who lives in his own world not entirely based in reality pissed that reality came crashing down on one of his seemingly 'untouchable' bretheren?

Yes it is. The nature of the crime makes it so. Being either willfully ignorant or complicit in a hush up regarding chronic and systemic child rape makes it so.

This isn't paying players or even having a bunch of criminals on a team. This is so much worse.
i have no issue with what boeheim said...he said they should have fired him in person rather than over the phone, what the heck is wrong with saying that ?

"Paterno fired by phone. Perfect. The board did the MINIMUM required, just as JoePa did in 2002. Sweet irony."
i have no issue with what boeheim said...he said they should have fired him in person rather than over the phone, what the heck is wrong with saying that ?

There were hundreds of people surrounding Joe Pa's house. Just imagine what would've happened if a PSU official went in there and fired him in person. And if Joe Pa went somewhere else for the meeting, people would've followed him.
I love JB, but he's wrong about Paterno's legacy. If I'm Penn State I give his money back and rip his name off the library. Seriously, enabling a child molester for 13+ years does negate your good works. He wasn't negligent, he didn't have an error in judgment, he didn't have an accident that could have happened to anyone. He willfully offered aid and comfort to a man he knew was a child molester by allowing him complete access to his football facilities. That is Joe Paterno's legacy. His 409 wins mean nothing outside of his cult in State College.

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