Proud poppa to his son:
I'll try to keep this simple, so if I forget and get long winded forgive me in advance. YOU made this happen bud, you and you alone with Gods help and grace made YOUR dream come true!!! When I saw Doc (9th grade coach) back when you first started talking to Syracuse, you know what he said?? YOU are the Mifflin miracle!! YOU bud!!! To think of where you were with football and sports in general as a freshman, to now, it's gotta be Gods grace, and YOUR desire!!! I told you for years it was in YOU, just needed to bring it out!!! Mom and I provided the tools, winningfactor, Brandon, supplements, etc, YOU did all the work!! Then to find your way to California, with zero school help, (thank God for Rick Mueller!!) Got yourself in a apartment, found yourself roommates, cooked, cleaned, went to school and football. Carried what 23 credits this semester??!! And you still have at least a 3.0 gpa?!?!?! That's all YOU buddy!! There's so much more I could say about this entire journey (hate that word overused way too much today!!), you've been on. But it's really not over yet now is it?? Your going to start a entirely new chapter Jan 9th at Syracuse. One thing I will say!! I don't know if a dad can be any prouder of his son, you left for California a young man looking for his way in the world. When Mom and I pick you up at the airport tomorrow night, I'm sure I will be picking up a man, who can and will find his spot in this world and continue to do the right things in life! Proud of you Trey!!!