Just talked to a close friend and fellow Orangeman huge fan | Syracusefan.com

Just talked to a close friend and fellow Orangeman huge fan


All American
Aug 26, 2011
Talk about pessimism wow. We are already in the final 2 minutes of that game and behind by 3 tds. I believe the words"no way" were uttered on our chances along with a win automatically goes into the historic category. I don't think this game is THAT unwinnable. It will take a big game from the team as a whole and in our third game of the year NOW would be a good time for them to put one together for four quarters. Hell I'm ready if they are.Why not. ? We were a good road team last year Hollywood is full of dreams. Go Orange and get it done guys.:)
Truthfully I am glad the west coast swing is coming after getting a couple games under our belts instead of having it right off the bat like last season when we went to UW in week 1.
Truthfully I am glad the west coast swing is coming after getting a couple games under our belts instead of having it right off the bat like last season when we went to UW in week 1.
I totally agree going to Washington early was a bad scheduling bit by Dr. Gross? We are now sort of due for a quality game from the team and a bit of luck like TOs going our way in big game and penalties on the bad guys at the wrong time for the bad guys. We don't need a wooden horse to get into the Coluseum or Trojan land. We is being invited in so lets kick some ass while we are here.:cool:
Truthfully I am glad the west coast swing is coming after getting a couple games under our belts instead of having it right off the bat like last season when we went to UW in week 1.

except it was week 2... still though, agree with your point. Our biggest thing was that we got tight after getting out to the lead. Would that have changed with one more game under our belts, probably not, however you never really know because a lot of guys were playing major roles for only the second game ever at the collegiate level.
except it was week 2... still though, agree with your point. Our biggest thing was that we got tight after getting out to the lead. Would that have changed with one more game under our belts, probably not, however you never really know because a lot of guys were playing major roles for only the second game ever at the collegiate level.
We didn't get tight. Other things were going on in that stadium and it had nothing to do with players and coaches.
We didn't get tight. Other things were going on in that stadium and it had nothing to do with players and coaches.

i must have missed that... or i'm just tired and trying to read too deeply into your post or somethin.
except it was week 2... still though, agree with your point. Our biggest thing was that we got tight after getting out to the lead. Would that have changed with one more game under our belts, probably not, however you never really know because a lot of guys were playing major roles for only the second game ever at the collegiate level.

Yeah forgot about that damn Akron game ... IMHO the further we are into the season before a trip like that ... the better.
things that belong on a pay board happened in that stadium and I can't elaborate further.
things that belong on a pay board happened in that stadium and I can't elaborate further.

hmmm, well keep it on the backburner til we get the pay board then... must have totally missed it the first go-around on TOS!
hmmm, well keep it on the backburner til we get the pay board then... must have totally missed it the first go-around on TOS!
Honestly it's probably not that important but it's not something I feel should get spread around. I never posted it the first time around, but it may have been posted by others.
We didn't get tight. Other things were going on in that stadium and it had nothing to do with players and coaches.

Meh, we got outclassed that game by 2 WRs that we couldn't cover or tackle, and a hot QB. While there may have been other influences, this was the bottom line.
Meh, we got outclassed that game by 2 WRs that we couldn't cover or tackle, and a hot QB. While there may have been other influences, this was the bottom line.

Apparently NC State couldn't cover them either ...
I don't follow.

I thought you were referring to the Givens/Campanaro duo playing pitch and catch with Tanner Price ... they lit up NC State as well ... the fact is Wake revamped their offensive and defensive approach. They caught the coaches off guard because they behaved completely against the grain of expectation for Marrone and company. I wouldn't read too much into that game or the RI game ... the USC game will be a much better indicator of how good this team really is because our coaches actually have some film to look at for this season ... its not like USC will scrap their identity two weeks into a season ... if they had a whole summer sure they could do that ... but they won't now. Bottom line is that its hard for coaches that we feel are better than opposing coaches to get themselves some separation if they don't have the ability to plan. We made good adjustments against Wake and against RI we made them when we needed to ... now the rubber meets the road.

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